Desinfektionsmittel Hand

Vorbeugendes alkoholisches, farbstofffreies Desinfektionsmittel zum Einreiben der Haut und Hände.
Haut- und Händedesinfektion für den alltäglichen Gebrauch, mit erfrischender Wirkung für die Haut.
Das Händedesinfektionsmittel gemäß Hauptgruppe 1, Produktart 1 der Biozid-Richtlinie 98/8/EGRegistriert bei der Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin (BAuA N-87027)
Schnelle Desinfektion in nur wenigen Sekunden
Hautverträglichkeit dermatologisch bestätigt.

Desinfektionsmittel Hand

Hautfreundliches Toilettenpapier

1. Material: Hergestellt aus hochwertigem Zellstoff, weich und stark
2, keine Papierreste: Eine spezielle Oberflächenbehandlung hinterlässt keine Fasern. Es wird kein fluoreszierender Farbstoff verwendet. Nicht hautreizend, kein Duft oder Pigment.
3, Vier-Schicht-Dicke Design, nasses Wasser ist nicht leicht zu brechen, bequem zu bedienen
4, Praktisch im Gebrauch: Das Rollenpapier kann in einen Standard-Papierhandtuchspender gelegt werden, um die Hygiene und die Benutzerfreundlichkeit zu verbessern. Sie müssen sich also keine Sorgen machen, dass das Produkt nicht zum Tissue-Halter passt.
5 、 Breite Anwendung: Das Rollenpapier ist für den Alltag geeignet und ideal für Toiletten, Küchen, Werkstätten oder Restaurants.

Hautfreundliches Toilettenpapier


Praktisch im Gebrauch: Das Rollenpapier kann in einen Standard-Papierhandtuchspender gelegt werden, um die Hygiene und die Benutzerfreundlichkeit zu verbessern. Sie müssen sich also keine Sorgen machen, dass das Produkt nicht zum Tissue-Halter passt.
Leicht abbaubar: Das Toilleten Papier kann sicher in Klärgrubensystemen verwendet werden. Das umweltfreundliche Recyclingpapier ist waschbar und sicher für Standardkanal- und Klärgrubensysteme.
Breite Anwendung: Das Toilettenpapier ist für den Alltag geeignet und ideal für Toiletten, Küchen, Werkstätten oder Restaurants.
Weiches Design: Das Rollenpapier ist weich und angenehm zu handhaben. Durch die spezielle Oberflächenbehandlung bleiben keine Fasern zurück. Und das Papier weist keine Hautreizungen, kein Aroma oder Pigment auf.
Premium-Material: Das Rollenpapier besteht aus hochwertigem einheimischem Zellstoff, der weich und fest ist.




Hier sind die Dinge, die Sie wissen möchten.

Ultra hohe Qualität und langlebig
UANGER unterstützt unsere Kunden dabei, ihre Lebensqualität zu verbessern.
Als deutscher Händler legen wir viel Wert auf gute Qualität und Service

Produktname: Toilettenpapier
Material: Klopapier aus Zellstoff
Anlass: Zuhause, Café, Geschäft, Restaurant usw.
Schicht: 3 Schichten
1 Rolle hat ungefähr 170 Blätter. 180M

6/8/10 Rolle Toilettenpapier

1. Bitte erlauben Sie leichte Messabweichungen in den Daten.
2.Die tatsächliche Farbe kann aufgrund der Monitorfarbeinstellungen leicht vom Online-Bild abweichen.

UANGER Ziel ist es, kontinuierlich eine Reihe von Qualitätsprodukten anzubieten.
Wir legen großen Wert auf die Werte Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit.
Kurz gesagt, wir möchten, dass unsere Kunden jedes Mal die gleiche großartige Produkterfahrung haben und darauf vertrauen, dass sie diese Verpflichtung erfüllen.


Octagon Records

Octagon Records is back. Founded in Bamberg Germany in 1992 and now available again with new videos and new songs. With the Best of Octagon album ( Remasterd 2020 ) all songs are now available as streams and download.

Octagon Records Germany


Jede Hofkarte (Dame, Bube und König) stehen symbolisch für eine historische Persönlichkeit. Wer hätte gedacht, dass der Herzbube der französischen Spielkarten La Hire symbolisiert und deswegen oft „Lahire“ genannt wird. Doch wer war La Hire? Warum wurde er auf den Spielkarten verewigt?

La Hire ist der Beiname eines französischen Nationalhelden, der 1390 als Étienne de Vignolles in Frankreich-Vignolles geboren wurde. Der Beiname „La Hire“ entstand durch seine tapferen Taten und seinem großen Herzen. Er war der treuste und berühmte Kompagnon der berüchtigten Jeanne d’Arc.

Jeanne d’Arc ist eine französische Nationalheldin und Heilige der Katholischen Kirche. Geboren wurde sie um die 1412 in Domrémy, Frankreich. In Deutschland sollte das Mädchen aus Frankreich als „Johanna, die Jungfrau von Orléans“ Geschichte machen. Jeanne d’Arc lebte nur bis zu ihrem 19ten Lebensjahr, sollte aber die Geschichte und das Schicksal Frankreichs für immer ändern und prägen.

Frankreich war von den Jahren 1337 bis 1453 mit England in einem langen und verheerenden Krieg gefallen. Dieser lange englisch-französische Konflikt sollt als Hundertjähriger Krieg in die Geschichte eingehen. Auslöser war der Tod des französischen Königs Karl IV im Jahre 1328. Da es keinen direkten Nachkommen gab, bewarben sich sowohl der Cousin des Königs Philipp VI als auch der englische König Edward III, dessen Mutter die Schwester des verstorbenen Königs war, für die Krone. Da aber Philipp VI gekrönt wurde, sollt sich der englische König die Krone Frankreichs mit Gewalt aneignen.

In Mitten des Krieges wuchsen Jeanne d’Arc und Étienne de Vignolles auf. Sie kannten das Leiden ihres Volkes und die Schlachten,die sich die Franzosen gegebeb haben, um ihr Land und König zu schützen. Doch 1428 eroberten die Engländer Nordfrankreich und begannen mit der Belagerung von Orléans. Orléans bildete den Schlüssel zu Südfrankreich und war somit ein wichtiger symbolischer Standpunkt des Widerstands. Als die meisten Franzosen ihre Hoffnung verloren, tauchte plötzlich Jeanne d’Arc auf, ein junges zärtliches Mädchen, die von geistlichen Visionen und den Sieg von Frankreich predigte. Jeanne d’Arc war überzeugt, von der Heiligen Katharina, dem Erzengel Michael und der Heilige Margareta aufgesucht worden sein, um deren Nachricht ans Volk zu bringen. Sie fühlte sich beauftragt, Frankreich zum Sieg zu führen, um das französische Volk endlich von den Engländern zu befreien. Jeanne d’Arc überzeugte sowohl König, Soldaten und Geistigen, als auch das Volk und führte so einen Sieg gegen die Belagerung von Orléans.

Jeanne d’Arc wurde von einem mutigen Freund begleitet, Étienne de Vignolles. Schon 1418 kämpfte Étienne de Vignolles für sein Land in früheren Schlachten. Doch 1429 folgte er Jeanne d’Arc in ihrem Weg der Befreiung Frankreichs. Deren erste und stärkste gemeinsame Schlacht war die, gegen die Belagerung von Orléans, die sie Seite an Seite mutig gewannen.

Jeanne d’Arc wurde 1430 durch Verrat von den Burgundern gefangen genommen und an die mit ihnen verbündeten Engländer verkauft werden. Étienne de Vignolles versuchte 1431 , Jeanne d’Arc aus Rouen zu befreien, scheiterte aber und geriet in englische Gefangenschaft. Nach seiner Flucht im folgenden Jahr, kämpfte er weiter gegen die Engländer und sollte mehrere Siege erreichen. 1443 begleitete Étienne de Vignolles König Karl VII. nach Montauban, dies sollte seine letzte Schlacht werden, den er verstarb kurz darauf an den erhaltenen Verwundungen.

Seither wurde Étienne de Vignolles „La Hire“ genannt. La Hire heißt auf burgundischen Dialekt das Knurren eines Hundes und charakterisiert ihn aufs genausten. Étienne de Vignolles war ein tapferer aber emotionaler Held und trotz seines rauhes Wesens, war er sentimental an Jeanne d’Arc gebunden. Heute wird jeder online poker Spieler oder Rummy Spieler beim halten der Herzbubem an die Heldentat von Étienne de Vignolles „La Hire“ erinnert!

Bangkok der erste Eindruck

Schon seit der Schulzeit war ich von Thailand und dessen Kultur fasziniert. Mein Traum war es schon immer mit Rucksack einfach mal einen Flug zu bestellen und ein Monat oder gegebenenfalls durch Thailand zu reisen.

Nach meinem Abi, nahm ich mir also ein Ticket mit einem Freund und in nur wenigen Tage befand ich mich in einem Flugzeug Richtung Thailand, oder besser gesagt Richtung Bangkok!

Bangkok sollte nicht mein Reiseziel sein, sondern meine Startpunkt meiner Thailand Reise. Allgemein wird Bangkok nur selten als Touristenstadt angesehen, sondern als Reise Mittelpunkt, von wo man in allen Ecken von Thailand oder gar Asien gute Transport Verbindung hat.

Nach einem Flug durch die halbe Welt, sind wir im Flughafen in Bangkok um 3 Uhr morgens angekommen, müde von der langen Reise, aufgeregt auf unser Abenteuer. Bevor man noch zu seinen Koffer kommt, begegnet man zum ersten Mal einen Thailänder an der Pass Kontrolle. Die Beamten sind sehr streng und sprechen ein schwer zu erkennendes English. Aber sobald man einen gültigen Passport mit Visa vorzeigen kann, gibt es keinerlei Probleme. Noch an der Passkontrolle wird man von Vorne und vom Profil von einer Mini Camera fotografiert und man nimmt Fingerabdrücke ab, alles in modernster Fassung! Schnell kommt man jedoch mit Taschen und Rucksack zum Taxi, (der auch nicht wirklich English sprechen kann aber immer wieder „okay“ ausruft) und versucht in die Straßen Viertel “ Khao San Strasse “ zu kommen.

Die Fahrt dauerte lange, eine Stunde im Auto, und die Sonne stieg langsam auf. Durch die Provinzen von Bangkok sieht man noch in der Morgendämmerung um 4 Uhr morgens die ersten Schüler in Uniform und Rucksack durch die Strassen laufen. Auch waren schon Märkte offen und es wurde Gemüse und Früchten gekauft. Irgendwie schien Bangkok nicht mehr zu schlafen, trotz der Uhrzeit.

Angekommen in der Khao San Strasse, befanden wir uns plötzlich in Mitten von Bangkok, im Touristen Viertel, wo es angeblich nur von Hostels und billigeren Hotels wimmele. Doch als wir um kurz nach 5 ankamen, waren die Strassen leer, kein Menschenseele auf den Straßen. Doch Die Strassen machten keinen friedlichen Eindruck, sondern eher ein beengten Eindruck. Ein Gebäude klebte an dessen Nebengebäude, Jedes Fenster auf jeden Stock war mit bunten Zeichen und Schildern versehen. Die Strasse war zwar Menschenleer, doch trotzdem voll von Farben und Information. In diesem ganzen Chaos konnte man nicht mal wieder erkennen, wo sich ein Supermarkt befindet, wo sich ein Hostel befindet und in welcher Strasse man sich überhaupt befindet. Die Stille war dazu erschreckend. Wir entschieden uns schnell ein Hostel ausfindig zu machen und unser Schlaf nachzuholen. In unser Zimmer, mit Fenster auf Khao San, legten wir uns schlafen.

Doch schon nach eine Stunde wurden wir von einer Welle von Musik, Lärm, Geräuschen und Rufe geweckt. Schockiert standen wir vor dem Fenster und sahen eine Strasse, die nur von Menschen wimmelte. Khao San war überfüllt von Touristen, Thailänder, Geschäftsmänner, Kinder und Mönche. Der Lärm, der zu unserem Zimmer stieg, war ein Gemisch aus allen möglichen Sprachen, Thailändischer Musik, Gebete und mehr. Auf Khao San befand sich nun von Schritt zu Schritt ein Verkaufsstand nach dem anderen. Gerüche von gebratenem Essen, von Früchte und anderem stiegen in unsere Nase.

Mein erster Eindruck von Bangkok, war schockierend von der Menge von Farben, Menschen, Information, Gerüche, Smoke in der Luft, Autos etc. Ich stand unter einem richtigen Kultur Schock. Bangkok ist eine überfüllte lebendige Stadt, die mit nichts in Europa vergleichbar ist. Auf der anderen Seite fasziniert Bangkok einen jeden Menschen. Diese über 6 Millionen Einwohner Stadt ist voller Leben, Moderne und Kultur. Asien scheint wie ein Zauber auf uns Europäer, die neue Gerüchte, die neue Geschmäcke, die neue Gesichtern… Bangkok ist eine neue Welt und das in aller Größe!

Truth About B Complex Vitamins

The B group of vitamins may be one of the most commonly misunderstood of the vitamins, simply because these are several distinct vitamins lumped together. The fact that the vitamins in this group are known by both letter and number becomes confusing to many people. It’s just often more difficult to remember numbers, meaning you may remember that it’s one of the “B vitamins,” but not remember which number is associated with that particular one. It may help to find out that each of the B vitamins also has a name.

• B1 is also thiamin
• B2 is also riboflavin
• B3 is also niacin
• B5 is also pantothenic acid
• B6 is also pyridoxine
• B7 is also biotin
• B9 is also folic acid
• B12 is also cobalamin

You should note that there are four additional substances in the B complex group, though they are not known as vitamins because they are not necessary for normal body function. They are choline, lipoic acid, PABA and inositol. When you purchase B complex vitamins, these four will not be included, and at least one or two of the recognized B vitamins may also be omitted. B5 and B7 are so widely available in food that most people simply get enough of these vitamins, even if they aren’t eating a healthy diet.

Arguably one of the most commonly recognized uses of the B vitamins is an energy booster. Some health care professionals tout the advantages of taking B12 in large doses to combat tiredness, but most seem to agree that starting a regimen of B vitamins is only advisable in severe cases.

More recently, research suggests that some Vitamin B deficiencies may aggravate certain health issues or health risks, and that an increase of those vitamins will help relieve symptoms or lessen the risk. Notably, Alzheimer’s is one of those diseases and sufferers of this disease sometimes show improvement from added Vitamin B on a daily basis. Vitamin B2 has also been used to help some migraine patients.

The correlation between certain health issues and vitamin deficiencies is certain, though finding the right treatment may be tricky. One of the most common problems with using vitamins from the B complex group to treat health issues is the fact that many diseases and health issues have overlapping symptoms. Treating those symptoms may ultimately cause more problems than it cures. Talk to your health care professional before taking extraordinary steps toward a vitamin regimen, including those that include complex B vitamins.

Supplement Industrys Best Kept Secret

People that take dietary supplements know and understand that it is virtually impossible to obtain the amounts of nutrients needed for optimal health from food alone. They know that the most needed dietary supplement to take is a multivitamin so that their body can receive a variety of much needed vitamins and minerals. What they don’t know is the differences between multivitamins and which ones have the highest potency, balances of nutrients, and the best absorption. Many cheap, low quality grocery-store brands (and many brands available through supplement stores) fail at obtaining high quality ingredients for absorption and potency. With most of these brands, there is a high probability that the vitamin simply passes through your system undigested, or with a low percentage of the nutrients absorbed.

First let’s get one thing straight: If you are taking supplements in pill form, then you definitely have not found the most beneficial supplement on the market. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not against pill form supplements, it’s just that I know that your body will not get all of the nutrients contained in that supplement. Even If you were to buy the highest quality vitamin on the market, the fact remains that your body has to break down that pill to liquid form before it can be digested properly. When your body breaks the pill down, the pill loses its potency and if the pill is of low quality, your body might not break it down at all (in other words the pill goes right through your system without being digested). Even If your body is able to break down the pill you are still only going to receive 10%-20% of the nutrients. That means for every $100 you are spending on nutrients, you are literally flushing about 90% of it down the toilet. Why take your system through the extra step of breaking down a pill when you can purchase a vitamin that is already in liquid form that will bypass the digestive process and go directly into the bloodstream and into the cells within a matter of minutes? I have tried several dietary supplements in liquid form and the Himalayan Goji Juice endorsed by Dr. Earl Mendell is the only all natural liquid vitamin that I can drink without having to chew some gum to get the nasty taste out of my mouth. This Goji Juice has a delicious taste and comes from goji berries with the highest nutrient density.

Himalayan Goji Juice is the only liquid supplement on earth that contains all the nutrients you need to increase your energy and strength naturally while treating high blood pressure, cancer, diabetes, heart disease kidney disease, and a long list of other health problems. This juice contains four active polysaccharides (phytonutrient compounds) unique to the goji berry that come together to control many of of the body’s most important biochemical defense systems, and are of great importance to the smooth functioning of every cell in your entire body. The juice also contains 19 amino acids (including all of the essential ones); More protein than whole wheat; 21 trace minerals including germanium (an anti-cancer trace mineral rarely found in foods); Vitamin C at higher levels than even those found oranges; Vitamin E (rarely found in fruits, only in grains and seeds); B-complex vitamins, necessary for converting food into energy; Essential fatty acids (EFA’s), which are required for the body’s production of hormones and for the smooth functioning of the brain and nervous system; Beta-Sitosterol, an anti-inflammatory agent (Beta-Sitosterol also lowers cholesterol and has been used to treat sexual impotence and prostate enlargement); and a complete spectrum of antioxidant carotenoids, including beta-carotene (a better source then even carrots) and zeaxanthin (protects the eyes). Goji berries are the richest source of carotenoids of all known foods.

If you are looking for an all natural easily absorbable nutrient-dense supplement, then you should do yourself a favor and look into Himalayan Goji Juice.

Proprietary Blend

Recently I wrote an article entitled „Terms, Terms, Terms, An Inside look to buying supplements“ which can be found on the Gurus and Guests section of my private forum. The article covered many of the misleading marketing terms buyers have to deal with in an attempt to make informed decisions on the supplements they spend their hard earned money on. Some of the more potentially misleading commonly used marketing terms I covered were:

„Clinically proven“
„Doctor recommended“
„All natural“
„Scientifically formulated“
„Research proven“
„Used for thousands of years“

Readers interested in understanding why the above terms can be so misleading, can read my write-up on each of those terms.

In a nut shell, I went onto cover each of these common marketing terms that are used to sell supplements to unwitting consumers and explained each in detail as to what I view as their common misuse within the market place.

However, one term I didn’t cover, was „proprietary blend? which in many cases is the most potentially misleading term of them all, though not a term always seen in ads per se, but at the side of the bottle.

Thus, why I felt it was a separate topic to be covered at a later date as it does not fit under the classic definition of a commonly used marketing term found in ads. I also decided to cover this term in a separate article as it requires much more space dedicated to it then the other terms needed for reasons that will be apparent shortly.

Proprietary blends are not inherently a negative for the consumer, though they are inherently confusing for the buyer in most cases.

A supplement that lists a „proprietary blend“ on the bottle can be there for one of two reasons:

(a) to prevent the competition from knowing exactly what ratios and amounts of each ingredient present in the formula to prevent the competition from copying their formula exactly (commonly referred to as a „knock off“) or

(b) to hide the fact that the formula contains very little of the active ingredients listed on the bottle in an attempt to fool consumers.

Sadly, the latter use is far more common then the former. They see a long list of seemingly impressive ingredients listed in the „proprietary blend“ none of which there is amounts that will have any effects. This is commonly referred to as „label decoration“ by industry insiders. The former use of the term is a legitimate way for a company of a quality formula from having the competition copy or „knock off“ their formula and the latter use of the term is to scam people.

So how does the consumer tell the difference?

They can’t, or at least they can’t without some research and knowledge, which the scam artists know few people have the time and energy to dedicate in finding the answers. Although there are a few tips the consumer can use to decide if a product with a „proprietary blend“ is worth trying, no one, not even me, can figure out exactly how much of each ingredient is in the blend or in what ratio of each is contained within the formula, hence why the honest and not-so-honest companies employ „proprietary blends“ so often.

Thus, we have something of a conundrum here and conflict between a company making a quality formula attempting to protect that formula from other companies vs. the company simply looking to baffle buyers with BS.

There are at least some basic tips or food for thought here regarding this problem. A formula that contains say 10 ingredients in a „proprietary blend“ is by no means defacto superior then one with three ingredients in it. It’s the dose that matters. Clearly, it’s better to have higher amounts of ingredients that will have some effects vs. a long list of ingredients in doses too low to have any effects.

Sometimes it helps to look at both — what’s in the blend and how much of the blend actually exists. As an example, if say the blend is 300mg total and contains ten ingredients, that’s only 30mg per ingredient, assuming (and you know what they say about assuming!) that each is found in equal amounts. Clearly, for most compounds out there, 30mg wont do jack sh*&.

On the other hand, if say the blend is 3000mg (3 grams) and contains three or four ingredients, there is at least a better chance that the formula contains enough of each (and remember, we can’t tell how much of each is in there as that information is „proprietary“) to have some effects you are looking for such as an increase in strength, or a decrease in bodyfat, etc.

Unfortunately, the above examples are so vague as to be close to worthless as it’s easy enough to formulate a 3000mg blend where all the ingredients are worthless to begin with or a 300mg blend that contains compounds that only require small doses to have an effect and or can be toxic at higher doses.

For example, the mineral zinc tends to be no more then 30mg in most formulas and no more is needed nor recommended. Much of this comes down to the consumer knowing what the various ingredients are and how they work (to decide if they are even worth using in the first place) then deciding if the said blend appears to at least contain a dose that would have the desired effects, which just brings us back to my prior comment: most people have neither the time or inclination to research all that info just to decide if they want to use a product and thus the many „proprietary blends“ on the market that are no more than a long list of under-dosed ingredients.

Wish I could be of more help giving specific advice to readers of this here article as to what makes a good blend and what constitutes a poorly made blend, but the above advice is the best I can do under the circumstances. Although a „proprietary blend“ is not by default a negative to the consumer, it is by all means the poster child for the well-known Latin term Caveat emptor which translates into English as „let the buyer beware“.

Role of Antioxidants in Good Health

Everyone has heard about the importance of a balanced diet for maintaining good health. Similarly, everyone knows that they should be getting exercise – or at the very least adding more activity into their days. Getting a good night’s sleep is essential – without it, you’ll find that your immune system starts to slack off a bit and you put yourself at a greater risk for catching a cold or coming down with the flu.

We all know what we should be doing, but let’s be honest: very few of us eat a balanced diet all of the time. Many of us make the choice to take the elevator rather than the stairs and we try to find a parking place that’s as close as possible to our destination rather than taking the opportunity to walk a little further. We also tend to let stress, work, social gatherings and more interfere with the amount of sleep that we’re able to get each night.

When we don’t go the extra mile to take care of ourselves, and when our immune systems start to falter because of it, we may not feel it right away. Soon, sluggishness starts creeping in. This sluggishness not only slows us down, it also ages us prematurely.

Fortunately, there’s something that we can do in order to maintain our young living. We can maintain our youth simply by adding antioxidants to our diet.

What are antioxidants? The simplest answer is that antioxidants are the vitamins and minerals found in foods that serve to fight off disease. The more complex answer is that antioxidants like Vitamin C, Vitamin E, selenium, Vitamin A that are found in fruits and vegetables. By making an effort to add antioxidants to our diet, we can keep our young living going; we can keep ourselves healthier longer.

Antioxidants are, in effect, sponges that soak up the free radicals in our systems. By fighting the free radicals in our bodies – free radicals that are the result of less healthy foods that we eat, alcohol that we drink and smoke that we’re exposed to (whether we smoke cigarettes ourselves or are exposed to second hand smoke from friends, family members who smoke, neighbors in our apartment buildings or co-workers at the office) – by adding more fruits and vegetables to our diet and by adding young living essential oils, we are better able to maintain our good health and reduce the risk of developing some cancers and even heart disease and stroke.

Young living oils take the essential oils from lemons and oranges and combine them with Ningxia wolfberries, juices from blueberries and pomegranate, along with other nutrient sources. Those who add antioxidants in this way will find that they:

* have increased energy; that they have regained a sense of young living that doesn’t come from caffeine or other stimulants that effect you for a short while and then wear off leaving you to crash even harder, feeling more tired than you had before, and,

* help you to protect your body from the effects of a weakened immune system that comes from a lack of adequate self care.

However, increased energy and a sense of better health aren’t the only reasons why young living oils are beneficial to your body. The other reason is that the antioxidants serve to help your body to work more effectively. From boosting your immune function to helping your liver to better filter out toxins, from improving your cardiovascular function to maintaining the health of your eyes, you’ll find that antioxidants along with you living oils just help you to feel better.

While you may not always be able to make the time to eat balanced meals, you may not always be able to make time for a run or for time at the gym, you’ll find that increasing the antioxidants in your body with young living oils doesn’t take much time but still offers many of the same benefits. You’ll also find that, because the energy rush young living essential oils is all natural and without stimulants, not only won’t you crash out but also your sleep cycle is less likely to be disrupted.

Are these essential oils the magic bullet to good health? Not necessarily, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t the key to young living.

Right Way To Use Weight Loss Supplements

In our modern world, technology is not the only thing people are crazy about; they are also obsessed with their image. Presently, the criteria for judging beauty are a tall frame and a lanky stature.

Unfortunately, this found an ally in the media, who religiously enforces the rule for people to stay thin. You simply have to conform to this rule to be considered beautiful.

The result of this state of affair is the countless weight loss supplements that crowd the shelves of most stores. Everyone wants to be thin, and with the various diet plans at our disposal, there is really no reason why we can’t be.

Of all the stores that stock these special medications, one stands out. It is called GNC, and it is known as the epitome of vitamins, muscle builders, and weight loss supplements.

This is because whatever product you are searching for to help you build muscle or one to aid you in dropping some pounds, you will surely find it at GNC.

However, this is not the only source of getting slimming products, there is another option- a far broader one in terms of resource, and it is known as the internet.

The internet is cluttered with a wide spectrum of weight loss supplements and vitamins. You will not only get several methods about starting a new diet and fitness regime, you will also find countless information to help you get started correctly.

But the decision of settling for a particular brand of weight loss supplements is not an easy one to make, not with the dozens of advertisement we see on television every day.

When confronted with such a situation, your first thought should be your objective. You should ask yourself what you are trying to accomplish.

Are you simply searching for quality weight loss supplements to shed off some extra pounds?
Or are you also trying to firm up your figure?

At this junction, it will be a smart move to consult with a specialist who can help you out with professional tips on how to get started.

It is important to purchase the correct weight loss supplements. Most of the so called „miracle pills“ can have adverse side effects. Some offer lame cures that simply pull all of the water off your body, creating an illusion that you’ve lost weight. This is not a healthy way to do it.

The right way to burn off real fat and get into good shape is with a balanced diet and exercise, combined with weight loss supplements.

So jump online today and sort through the plethora of weight loss supplements. You want to lose weight, then you need to ensure you are doing it the healthy way.

Supplements for Energy

In today’s polluted society is very taxing on the body. While the body benefits exceptionally from fruit and vegetables, to cope with all the chemicals around us the body needs specific supplements.

Most supplements turn into very expensive urine. This is a very important point. Carbon dioxide, exhaust fumes, putrid invisible gases and boron (a chemical that leaks into buildings from bricks) poison our bodies on a daily basis. We need extra support to counter this.

Want to know how to counteract all the wastes the body has to take in? Chlorophyll is the substance that causes the green coloration in plants and vegetables. It is similar to hemoglobin in the blood except for one molecule. Green vegetables, especially leafy greens, shoot the highest energetic nutrients into the body.

There is one supplement that has high concentrated source of chlorophyll. This supplement also contains Vitamins A, C, E, K and B including B12 and B17 (these two are particularly significant because it’s been suggested that it’s not easy to get vitamin B12 on a vegetarian diet. B17 is significant because of the latest research that suggests possible benefits it provides on specific types of cancers). It also contains every single known mineral, in organic form (on Day 2 we talked about the importance of getting organic minerals). That’s every single known mineral needed by the body. Some of these are extremely hard to get. It also has every known trace mineral. A true phenomenon. It considered a wonder food. It is tasteless in a glass of fruit juice. It’s much better than its name suggests. This is Wheatgrass. Don’t be mistaken, this is far different from wheat – the most important point is that Wheatgrass does not contain gluten.

Have you ever seen or come across the latest craze for Omega 3 Fats? They are also known as Omega 3 Essential Fatty Acids. If you haven’t seen it yet, you will very soon. Many scientists are linking them with everything your body needs, everything from weight loss to skin shine. One challenge is that the body can’t store Omega 3 Fatty Acids. Omega 3 is made from a substance called ALA (alpha-lipoic acid). ALA can be stored by the body. Linseed is packed full of ALA, or basically the building blocks of essential good fats. These fats are good fats, as opposed to the excess weight which comes from bad fats. Scientists are now finding that good fats will push out bad fats from the body. Linseed is not green; however it’s very powerful, so we’ve included it here.

Remember you get most of your nutrients from fruits and vegetables.

Polysaccharide Supplement

Polysaccharides are the first biopolymers that have formed on our planet. They are in fact complex carbohydrates composed of many monosaccharides bound together and with complex branches of molecules. There are a few types of polysaccharides. Among these the most common are:

– Glycogen, which is the same substance as the animal glucose and a different form of the normal glucose.
– Cellulose, which is at the base of the components of plants and from which paper is made.

But what is the role of the polysaccharides in human health?

Well researchers have not long ago discoverd that a vitamin-like medicine can be made from polysaccharides, and the polysaccharide substances found in it are better supplements that any other mineral, amino acid or vitamin available on the market. This supplement is made entirely out of plants and seaweed, that means it is 100% natural. The main source for the polysaccharide extracton is the well-known aloe vera plant, which has limitless uses in modern medicine.

Our body needs a certain amount of polysaccharides in order to perform its regular function flawlessly and the modern-day diets are not supplying it with the necessary amount. This ‚dose‘ that the body needs makes the immune system function without problems by assuring that the cells from the body can ‚communicate‘ certain nutritional information between each other. The glycoproteins included in the polysaccharides are what makes this communication possible.

The discovery that cells use glycoproteins to communicate was very important and helped us make a step further in the war waged against diseases. The research in this domain has not completed yet and time can reveal further important information about polysaccharides. It is believed that they are the next fronteer in the research on the immune system.

So this 100% natural product made of polysaccharides has no side effects and it has been proved to be safe. Its price is not to elevated and it can generally be afforded by anyone. The effects will start to make themselves noticed in around 5 months since the first dose is taken. These effects should be a general improvement in the health condition. They do not interact negatively withother drugs or supplements taken and they are ok to use by sugar sensitive people.

Niacin Rush

Your face turns flush and your skin starts to itch. Your heart begins to beat faster. The itching may be felt all across your face and extend down your arms to your fingertips.

What is going on? If you’re like me you forgot what you learned in school and had to call ask-a-nurse to be reminded.

You may have taken a little too much niacin, or vitamin B-3. It’s ok, you’ll be fine, it will probably wear off in about half an hour.

But it can really make you scared if you don’t know what is going on.

What happened? I took a niacin supplement plus brewer’s yeast which itself contains lots of niacin. That was nine years ago but I still remember it like yesterday.

Niacin, also known as nicotinic acid is very necessary for your body. Niacin is needed at the cellular level. It is an important nutrient in cellular processes that create the ultimate energy currency of your body – ATP or Adenosine Triphosphate.

A deficiency in niacin can lead to pellagra, which has a number of manifestations. An inflamed tongue and irritated gastric track and colon as well as depression and hard rough skin are just some of the symptoms of this deficiency disease.

Anxiety and hallucinations are also possible symptoms of pellagra. Wide spread pellagra is no longer seen in the United States, though individual cases can still occur.

Dermatitis, dementia and diarrhea are considered the 3 Ds or the classic symptoms of pellagra.

Diets rich in meats, eggs and milk provide adequate amounts of niacin to the body. Alcoholics and diabetics are at greater risk for being deficient in niacin.

Niacin is a vitamin, it is necessary to the body for cellular processes.

Oral supplementation can reverse the less severe cases of deficiency. In severe cases there may be permanent consequences.

So the next time your face flushes and you get an itching burning sensation down to your fingertips, take a moment to reflect before you panic. Did you have too much niacin?

This article is for information purposes only. If you have or think you have a health condition, consult your physician for proper diagnoses and treatment.

The Next Vitamins

Vitamins A, C, E and quasi-vitamins Coenzyme Q10 and alpha lipoic acid are powerful antioxidants that neutralize the damage caused by free radicals and oxidation. Our body’s cells are undergoing a continuous cycle of oxidation (losing an electron) and reduction (gaining an electron). Oxygen and other atoms or molecules that are unstable because they lack an electron are called free radicals. These free radicals don’t like to exist in an unstable state and will steal another electron from where ever they can and can damage the cell that they oxidize. Free radicals are created as part of the body’s normal metabolic process and if there are insufficient antioxidants available to donate electrons and neutralize the free radicals then cell damage will result. When we are young, the body generates some of the antioxidants it needs and it acquires the remainder from the food we eat. As we get older, the body generates fewer antioxidants and the free radicals outnumber the antioxidants. This means the body is unable to repair the free radical damage and it ages and becomes subject to age-related degenerative diseases like cancer, diabetes, heart disease, strokes, Alzheimer’s disease, and macular degeneration. Additional free radicals are created when we expose our body to the sun’s ultraviolet radiation, cigarette smoke, exhaust fumes and other air and water pollutants. Approximately 10 million people in North America have cancer and about 600,000 people will die from it this year. Until recently, we thought the key to slowing the aging process and associated diseases was to ensure the body had an excess supply of antioxidants by eating lots of fruits and vegetables and supplementing our healthy diet with multi-vitamins.

For years we assumed it was the vitamins in fruits and vegetables that provided us with a defense against aging and age-related diseases. We also wanted to ensure we had an adequate supply of vitamins so we took low dose once-a-day-type multivitamins for insurance. However long term studies have shown that low dose multivitamins had no impact on the survival of healthy people. Recently scientists have theorized that the health benefits due to eating fruits and vegetables may be from other nutrients such as phytochemicals or the combination of phytochemicals and vitamins. Phytochemicals or phytonutrients are simply “plant chemicals” that exist in fruits, vegetables and other plants like whole grain and tea. Scientists have already discovered thousands of phytochemicals and think that as well as being powerful antioxidants these phytonutrients provide our body with an entire range of health benefits. A few examples of foods, the phytochemicals they contain, and their health benefits are discussed below.

Blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, cranberries and other berries contain the phytonutrients anthocyanidin and ellagic acid which are antioxidants that can suppress cancer and protect against heart disease. Berries are also rich in soluble fiber which should lower our cholesterol. Citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, limes etc. contain flavanones such as limonoids which help stimulate the body’s enzymes to detoxify carcinogens. These citrus fruits also contain carotenoids which are powerful cancer fighting antioxidants and flavonoids which are antioxidants that may inhibit blood clotting.

Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, brussel sprouts, kale, cabbage, cauliflower etc. contain indoles which act to make estrogen less potent and which may reduce the risk of breast cancer. These vegetables also contain isothiocynates such as sulphoraphane which may neutralize cancer-causing chemicals and interfere with tumor growth. Orange and yellow fruits and vegetables like apricots, papaya, sweet potatoes, carrots, sweet peppers, etc. and leafy greens such as spinach contain carotenoids such as beta carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin that are powerful antioxidants that should suppress cancer, strengthen the immune system and reduce the risk of atherosclerosis. These colorful foods are also rich in Vitamin C, other vitamins, minerals and fiber and should reduce the risk of macular degeneration.

Non-traditional healthy foods such as tea, wine and soy have also been found to be high in phytonutrients. Both green tea and black tea contain flavonols which combat cancers and catechins which may protect arteries from the buildup of plaque. Red wine contains resveratrol which may prevent internal cell and skin cell damage, inhibit tumor growth and lower blood cholesterol. Other phytochemicals in red wine are flavonols like quercetin and catechins, anthocyanidins and ellagic acid which were discussed earlier. Soy products contain isoflavonoids, lignans, saponins and protease inhibitors which can all provide cancer protection.

Products to combat aging and degenerative diseases are being developed. Both Pfizer and Merck are testing drugs to stimulate the older body to make more growth hormone and develop more lean muscle mass. Controlled studies on seniors are showing a lot of promise. Phytonutrient supplements like lycopene and beta carotene have been available for some time. The next supplements based on groups of phytonutrients that target specific conditions are already being marketed. How effective they will be remains to be seen. For now we should concentrate on obtaining our phytonutrients from our healthy diet and monitor developments in the pharmaceutical and nutritional supplement industries.

Ky ani Sun The Antioxidant

November 17th, 2005 marked the beginning of a great future for many. The first bottles of Ky-ani Sunrise and Ky-ani Sunset were shipped and as of yet, more than 300 people have joined on to Ky-ani Sun to become distributors of these unique products.

So what differentiates Ky-ani Sun products from the rest of the field of health supplements? One word: blueberries. Not just your ordinary, every day blueberries, but the Alaska wild blueberries or otherwise known as the „Super Blueberry.“ In the bestselling book, „Fourteen Foods That Will Change Your Life – Superfoods RX,“ Dr. Steven Pratt identifies blueberries as one of the three major „Superfoods“ that will change your life and your health. Why? Because blueberries contain more disease-fighting antioxidants than any other fruit. Dr. Pratt goes on to say that wild blueberries usually contain more antioxidants than cultivated varieties. The Alaska wild blueberry sits at the top of the blueberry kingdom. Because of Alaska’s harsh freeze/thaw climate and having to protect itself from the 24-hour-a-day summer sun, the Alaska wild blueberry has up to 10 times more antioxidants than cultivated blueberries. Ky-ani Sunrise also contains, with the Alaskan wild blueberries, pomegranate, wolfberry, Noni, Aloe Vera, and other berry juices.

Brunswick Laboratories, a nationally-respected testing facility, compared the antioxidant content of Ky-ani Sunrise against two popular nutritional supplement drinks. The result? Ky-ani Sunrise’s ORAC (antioxidant level) rating is twice as high as the next nearest competitor! You can see this study and more on the website.

Along with Ky-ani Sunrise, which an ounce is taken per day in the mornings, Ky-ani Sun offers a product for the end of your day. Ky-ani Sunset is an Omega-3 powerhouse. Sunset combines Alaska wild salmon fish oil with tocotrienols (pure Vitamin E). Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids are the two polyunsaturated fatty acids that are good for you. But Omega-6 (which are common in most foods we eat) and Omega-3 fatty acids are only beneficial as long as they’re consumed in balanced amounts. Omega-3 fatty acids can help maintain healthy cholesterol levels, maintain a healthy circulatory system and maintain a healthy respiratory system as well as play a role in supporting breast and colon health. Taking the soft gels daily will be like the equivalent of two servings of salmon per week. Dr. Steven Pratt says, „I tell my patients that blueberries are one of the three major SuperFoods, along with spinach and salmon. If you learn nothing else from SuperFoods Rx, remember to eat blueberries and spinach most days and salmon…these three foods alone will change your life and health.“

Although Ky-ani Sun doesn’t plan on releasing a spinach product any time soon, two out of the three isn’t bad at all.

The officers and directors are seasoned business experts and entrepreneurs with a wide range of successful business experience and associations. It is the goal of these individuals to create a network marketing company that will become the standard against which all other companies are judged in this important emerging industry.

Ky-ani Sun engaged several world-renowned experts, scientists, and consultants during the formation and development of this exciting business venture. Extensive investments in both finished inventory and raw goods have ensured the continued availability of the Ky-ani Sun products for the marketplace.

Becoming a Ky-ani Sun distributor is a fun, affordable way to help you realize the financial freedom that many dream about. You can secure your position today and start your own Ky-ani Sun business. Most people spend their health trying to gain wealth and then later in life spend all their wealth trying to regain their health. Start gaining your health and wealth today with Ky-ani Sun.

To learn more about Ky-ani Sun, visit or contact Eric Elggren at

What is human growth hormone

Well, what is HGH really?

HGH is the acronym for Human Growth Hormone. It was discovered roughly a half century ago, but it wasn’t until sometime in the 1970s that researchers and scientists actually figured out the job of HGH in the human body. For those in-between years, HGH remained an enigma compound? Even though it had been isolated in the human body, it remained a mystery substance.

First of all…

HGH is a protein compound, produced exclusively in one portion of the pituitary gland. Even after researchers knew the basics that it’s a protein and where the human body produced it there was argument over the part it played in the body. When researchers figured out that HGH had an significant role in regular growth, the race was on to figure out what the role was and how it could be used to assist those who faced issues with growth.

In simpler terms…

It’s not a huge step between learning the role of HGH and using it as a treatment for kids who weren’t growing at a conventional rate. Increasing the quota of HGH for those children who otherwise may not have grown sufficiently to do the things normal adults do drive a car, for example became a way to positively effect the lives of those youngsters. But the early days of those treatments were restricted by researchers capacity to successfully duplicate the HGH compound.


At first, HGH was first exclusively accessible by collecting the HGH compound from the pituitary glands of cadavers. Post extraction, the natural human growth hormone had to be processed and injection was the only way to introduce further HGH into a person who required it. This type of human growth hormone supplement treatment was costly, time exhausting and limited. Only medical professionals could determine who should receive HGH therapy, and the known benefits were limited.

One of the first things discovered about HGH is that it’s in the body of youthful children in abundance. As individuals got older, the HGH in their body decreased. While that sounds like a customary move in the course of aging, people soon thought to question whether increasing the amount of HGH in the body would be supportive also to older people.

Old as the hills?

HGH isn’t the only compound in the body that decreases as we age. You’ve probably heard of some of the other significant proteins that are plentiful in young people but less abundant as we age. Estrogen, progesterone and testosterone are amongst those compounds that are sometimes supplemented to help older people feel younger and healthier. The HGH protein compound is similarly beneficial as a dietary supplement.

But why would HGH be beneficial to an adult? After all, most adults are attempting to part with weight, not grow, right? Actually, HGH has been discovered to help other adult issues as well. Anti aging is one of the benefits of HGH in adults. It can also drive more energy and enhance stamina.

Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today..

HGH supplements and HGH products are now available as HGH dietary supplements, so that you can take an HGH releaser as part of your daily supplement regimen.

Benefits of Green Tea Extract

The Benefits of Green Tea Extract: Anti-Aging, Anti-Cancer, Weight Control

One of the great advancements in nutrition in the twenty-first century is the scientific confirmation of the many benefits of green tea extract. Here are just a few. Green tea:

  • Lowers cholesterol
  • Slows arthritis
  • Prevents the growth of cancer cells
  • Assists weight loss

What accounts for the health benefits of green tea extract? Over 1,800 scientific studies have found that the active constituents in green tea are powerful antioxidants. These are called polyphenols (catechins) and flavonols. Epigallocatechin gallate (you can just call it EGCG) is the most powerful of these antioxidants.
Milligram for milligram, EGCG has 25 to 100 times the antioxidant power of vitamins C and E. A cup of green tea has more antioxidants than a serving of broccoli, spinach, carrots or strawberries.

These abundant antioxidants power the benefits of green tea extract. They keep DNA intact and they stabilize the membranes of cells. These effects of green tea make it a powerful support in many health conditions. Let’s look at the benefits of green tea supplements in more detail.

Green tea has been shown to lower „bad“ LDL cholesterol and serum triglyceride levels.

Who would have imagined that simple green tea could be as potent as Lipitor or Zocor or Crestin with none of their side effects? Scientific studies show that middle-aged men and women in Japan who drink 2 or more cups of green tea a day almost always have normal cholesterol. Scientists have also recently reported that if you drink green tea after you eat a fatty food, less cholesterol will go into you bloodstream.

And if you have high cholesterol when you begin taking green tea supplements, your body will convert less of it into a form that clogs your arteries.

Green tea protects your joints against osteoarthritis.

This is one of the least known but most beneficial effects of green tea extract. Green tea prevents inflammation. When there is less inflammation, there is less wear and tear on your joints.

Green tea prevents the growth of cancer cells.

The EGCG in green tea prevents cancer cells from growing by binding to a specific enzyme. This health benefit of green tea is especially important in cancers of the prostate, breast, and lung.

Researchers studied two groups of men who a pre-cancerous condition of the prostate. One consumed the equivalent of 12 to 15 cups of green tea a day. One did not. One year later, 30% of the men who did not consume green tea supplements developed prostate cancer. Only 3% of the men who took green tea supplements developed cancer.

Another of the benefits of green tea extract is support for women who have breast cancer. Green tea provides chemicals that bind estrogen. This hormone is not then free to stimulate breast cancer cells.

Women who consume the greatest amount of green tea before menopause have the least severe forms of breast cancer when the disease occurs. Women who drink green tea are less likely to have recurrences of breast cancer after treatment. And most important of all, women who consume green tea are 50% less likely to develop breast cancer at all.

Another of the benefits of green tea extract is protection against lung cancer.
The Japanese have both the highest rate of smoking and the lowest rate of lung cancer in the developed world. Japanese smokers who consume a lot of green tea seem to be protected against lung cancer.

And green tea can even help you lose weight. In a clinical trial, men eating a high-fat diet were given enough green tea provide the caffeine in a single cup of coffee. Although this amount of caffeine has no effect on weight loss, when the caffeine comes from green tea, it is highly significant.

The green tea supplement boosted the number of calories burned by 4.5%. While this is just 135 calories a day, the study showed that taking green supplements could help the average man on a high-fat diet lose 18 lbs (8 kg) in a year’s time. It could help the average woman on a high-fat diet lose 11 pounds (5 kg). This is without eating less or exercising more.

How Can I Take Green Tea?

The benefits of green tea extract are greatest if you take green tea supplements rather than drink green tea. A study in the December 2004 edition of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition confirmed that green supplements get more antioxidants into your bloodstream that drinking green tea. Two capsules of green tea extract a day can provide all the benefits of 20 cups of green tea-all you need to support even difficult health conditions.

Green tea is safe and effective. Take 1 to 3 capsules of green extract every day. It is better to take green tea supplements in the morning or afternoon rather than at night. In the unlikely event of stomach upset, take with food.

Vegetarian Diet

It’s something we read or hear about all the time: people, in general, do not eat healthy. The average diet contains too much saturated fat and simple carbohydrates, elements that can lead to heart disease, obesity and other serious conditions. While not all people who follow a vegetarian diet do so for health reasons, such a diet is beneficial to the health.

There are three main types of vegetarians. Lacto vegetarians do not consume any meat, but instead live on fruits, vegetables and dairy. The lacto-ovo vegetarian diet is similar to the lacto vegetarian, with the exception that individuals who follow this diet consume eggs. As the name implies, fruitarians follow a diet restricted to fruits, but they may also eat nuts and seeds. Considered the most strict vegetarian diet, vegans do not eat meat, eggs, or dairy.

The only negative aspect of the vegetarian lifestyle is the high probability of vitamin deficiency. Depending on the type of vegetarian diet followed, an individual may not obtain the proper nutrients their body needs to function properly. One vitamin that is absent in most vegetarian diets is B-12. Vitamin B-12, which exists in meat, dairy, eggs, and poultry and is essential in the development of red blood cells and a healthy central nervous system. The common symptoms of B-12 deficiency include dementia, fatigue, hallucinations, balance problems, and vision disturbances.

People who have followed a vegetarian diet most of their life are more at risk of B-12 deficiency. Since B-12 can be reabsorbed, people who become a vegetarian later in life will typically do not display any symptoms of deficiency for as many as five years. It is a good idea to prevent deficiency from occurring because it is relatively difficult to reverse the effects of vitamin B-12 deficiency.

Vitamin B-12 deficiency can also result in increased levels of homocysteine in the body. Homocysteine is an antioxidant that when in high levels can have a toxic effect on the body. This is an important issue because as many as 20% of the people diagnosed with heart disease have elevated levels of homocysteine in their blood.

The recommended dosage of vitamin B-12 is 10 micrograms. If you follow a vegetarian lifestyle, it is recommended that you have your blood checked to check for deficiency. If your doctor detects that you have a B-12 deficiency, they will provide additional information about the amount of B-12 you should take.

Why not check out our nutrition guide at

and also what supplement we personally use for our nutrition needs at