L Arginine

Arginine is a semi-essential amino acid that the body cannot make naturally. It is found in nuts, seeds, chocolate and raisins.

Arginine is used by the body in the execution of many important physiological processes including hormone secretion, output of growth hormone, removal of toxins from the body and enhancement of the immune system. It is also a precursor of nitric oxide which vasodiolates vessels in the body. For this reason arginine is often used to treat conditions such as angina, high blood pressure, cardiac disease, sexual dysfunction and infertility. Recent research has also highlighted arginine’s ability to scavenge free radicals, remove bad cholesterol, enhance fat metabolism and regulate salt levels.

There are several reasons why arginine appeals to bodybuilders:

1. It prevents the retention of water under the skin thus minimizing bloating and helping to create a ripped appearance.

2. It helps the body to retain nitrogen that is essential to the muscle building process.

3. Its vasodilating abilities support muscle growth.

4. It enhances protein synthesis.

5. It helps to boost the immune system allowing harder training and minimizing the minor illnesses that come from overtraining.

With any amino acid supplement overdosing can lead to weakness and nausea so care should be taken in applying small doses and increasing them gradually until an optimum level is reached. Bear in mind that many protein powders and other supplements are fortified with amino acids so check the labels carefully. The manufacturer’s instructions should be followed in all instances.

Know Your Bodybuilding Supplement

BCAA stands for branched chain amino acids and is increasingly being recognized as an important supplement in the field of sports nutrition. In short the term refers to three essential amino acids – leucine, isoleucine and valine.

Amino acids are widely known as the building blocks of protein. When protein food is eaten it gets digested into individual amino acids and short chains of amino acids that are sufficiently small to be absorbed into the bloodstream. They are then used by the body to build and repair tissues amongst other things.

Amino acids are split between those classed as essential and those labelled non-essential. This simply means that essential amino acids cannot be made by the body, whereas non-essential amino acids can. There are nine essential amino acids and each must be obtained from the diet. The nine essential amino acids are histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan and valine.

Non-essential amino acids are just as important as the essential variety and the term simply means they can be made by the body from vitamins and other amino acids. The non-essential amino acids are alanine, arginine, asparagine, aspartic acid, cysteine, cystine, glutamic acid, glutamine, glycine, proline, serine and tyrosine.

The BCAA’s are especially important to athletes because they are metabolized in the muscle rather than the liver. This means that they can be used either to build new proteins or be burned as fuel to create energy. Supplementing with BCAA’s has been shown to result in measurable gains in both muscle strength and size. Taken before a workout BCAA’s can improve performance and delay the onset of fatigue. They also operate as anabolic agents allowing the body to burn fat and not muscle.

As a supplement that has no reported side effects, branched chain amino acids offer many benefits to the serious bodybuilder.

Know about Health Supplements

People are usually of the impression that the body receives sufficient minerals and vitamins through their diet. However, this is not always true. It is sometimes very important to use health supplements to compensate on the deficit of vitamins and minerals.

Health supplements can be purchased from the general pharmacy stores or from the many online stores available in the World Wide Web. All you have to do is to choose the health supplement that best suits your vitamin and mineral needs. It is not only the athletes who need health supplements; people suffering from ailments need health supplements to develop a natural immunity and resistance to the ailment. The pregnant woman, lactating woman and senior citizens also need health supplements. The pregnant and lactating women need health supplements to provide themselves and their child with sufficient nutrients. Senior citizens generally reduce their food consumption with age; because of this the nutrients to the body tends to decrease. Health supplements help to compensate this deficiency.

Health supplements are generally considered to be safe. However, it is always advisable to take health supplements that are approved by the Food and Drug Administration. This helps you to make sure that the health supplements are safe and do not have any side effects. There are some health supplements that are not advised for teens as they are hazardous to them as they have steroids that cause damage to the body. When taking health supplements, watch out for any warning signals or possible side effects such as headache, rashes, stomach discomfort, and dizziness. This is because some health supplement may constitute ingredients that may prove to be allergic to some people.

It is important to take health supplements in their stipulated dosage. Taking too much of vitamins and minerals is not advisable. Always consult your physician before starting on any health supplements as there are some health supplements that may affect any medication that you are taking. Some people use energy bars as health supplements. However, though this is good for athletes who burn lots of calories, they can turn out to be additional calories to the average person!

Nowadays, people have become more health conscious and are aware of the benefits of health supplements. Along with health supplements, it is important to have as varied and balanced diet as possible. Remember, health supplements are meant only to act as additional nutrients to the body, and not as the only food to the body!

Joint Pain Relief

Sports-related activities, as well as falls and other trauma, can injure the cartilage within a joint and, if it is not provided sufficient time to heal, chronic pain and persistent disability can follow. These activities and incidents may increase the risk of osteoarthritis, especially if there’s impact involved or there’s the risk of injury to ligaments. Additionally, damage to the bone surface can start a biological process that results in joint degeneration. This, in turn, often leads to rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis.

Arthritis is often a chronic disease meaning it can affect the person afflicted over a long period of time. It cannot be cured, but it can be treated through a variety of methods and products. Learning how to manage your joint pain over the long term is an important factor in controlling the disease and maintaining a good quality of life. This is a brief overview of some of the methods that arthritis sufferers can use to alleviate many of the symptoms associated with arthritis, especially joint pain. Products, both prescription and over-the-counter, for of relieving arthritic joint pain are described in Joint Pain Products.

Heat and cold

Heat and/or cold therapy is not recommended to alleviate symptoms associated with all types of arthritis and as such, the decision whether to use it or not should be discussed with your doctor or physical therapist. If your care provider determines that the use of heat and/or cold is appropriate for use on your arthritis pain, it must be determined which kind of temperature treatment should be used. Moist heat, such as a warm bath or shower, or dry heat, such as a heating pad, placed on affected joint for about 15 minutes may relieve the pain. An ice pack or bag of frozen vegetables wrapped in a towel and placed on the sore area for about 15 minutes may help to reduce swelling and stop the pain. If you have poor circulation, do not use cold packs.

Joint protection

In order to relieve the stress of everyday activity on an afflicted joint, which can exacerbate the condition and may lead to additional injury, a splint or brace can be used to allow joints to rest and keep them from being used. As with many other treatments, a medical care provider such as a physician or physical therapist can make recommendations and possibly provide you with the brace.


Massage is associated with temporarily relieving joint pain, one of the major symptoms associated with arthritis, rather than treating the underlying cause of a loss of cartilage. A massage therapist will typically lightly stroke and/or knead the muscles around the joint, which increases blood flow to the stressed area. It is important to realize that arthritic joints are very sensitive, so the massage therapist must be familiar with the disease and problems associated with the affected joints.


Low-impact exercises such as stretching exercises, swimming, walking, low-impact aerobics, and range-of-motion exercises may reduce joint pain and stiffness while increasing joint mobility. A physical therapist or gym trainer can help plan an exercise program that will give you the most benefit with the least stress on the arthritis-stressed joints.

Weight Reduction

In addition to alleviating some symptoms, the weight loss associated with an exercise program is beneficial in relieving the extra stress that extra pounds put on weight-bearing joints such as the hips and knees. Studies have shown that overweight women who lost approximately 10 pounds substantially reduced the development of osteoarthritis in their knees. In addition, these studies suggested that if osteoarthritis has already affected one joint such as the knee or hip, weight reduction would reduce the chance of it occurring in the other knee or hip. A physical therapist or gym trainer can help plan an exercise program that will give you the most benefit with the least stress on the arthritis-stressed joints.

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)

Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation uses a small device that is placed near the joint afflicted with arthritis and directs mild electric pulses to nerve endings in and around the arthritic joint. It is theorized that TENS blocks the pain messages sent to the brain from the nerves and modifies the body’s perception of pain. Although TENS relieves some joint pain associated with arthritis, it doesn’t offset the joint inflammation that is associated with arthritis.


In some extreme cases of persons with arthritis, surgery may be necessary. The surgeon may perform an operation to remove the synovium, realign the joint, or in extreme cases, replace the damaged joint with an artificial one. Total joint replacement provides not only dramatic pain relief but also significant improvement in joint motion and mobility for many people with arthritis.

Information About Germanium Supplments

Dietary supplements containing germanium started becoming popular in the 1970s in Japan. From there it spread to other countries, where it became known as an elixir against certain diseases. Germanium is found in the Earth’s crust. Plants and the human body also show traces of germanium. This element is available in plenty of plant foods such as vegetables, leguminous seeds, wheat and bran; while it is almost nonexistent in animal foods. Germanium is considered to be the prime reason why nutritional practitioners recommend taking garlic, ginseng, mushroom, and comfrey. Some organic complexes of germanium have shown the capacity to curtail the growth of tumors in animals.

A lack of germanium is associated with infection and immune disorders, but the biological role of germanium is still unclear. Germanium is not an essential element. The nutritional supplement form of germanium is known as germanium sesquioxide or Ge-132. This is a synthetic organic product found naturally. This form of germanium has been used to boost the immune system and improve body system functioning. Germanium products have been used to treat a variety of problems like arthritis, heart disease, AIDS, cataracts and cancer. People suffering from neurosis, asthma, diabetes, hypertension and hepatitis also find relief after taking germanium. It is said that germanium causes the production of interferon, which is a naturally occurring anti-cancer agent. By boosting the activity of the natural killer cells in the body, germanium helps the immune system to fight invading germs. To some extent, disease states like osteoporosis and heart disease have responded favorably to germanium therapy. Strong oxygen regulation and antioxidant activity is undertaken by germanium in the human body.

But there is no scientific evidence as to the benefits of germanium. Many herbal supplements containing germanium are mixed with possibly harmful impurities/additives, rendering them dangerous. The use of germanium has been associated with various side effects, so it is dangerous to use this product without consulting a physician. Though its actual toxicity is low, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has reported that supplements that contain germanium present a potential hazard to humans. Therefore the FDA has banned the import of germanium. At least 31 human cases have linked prolonged intake of germanium supplements with kidney failure and even death. Interestingly, germanium found naturally in food products do not appear to be toxic.

Germanium products are available in powdered form or as capsules. The peculiarity of the structure of germanium causes it to be easily contaminated with inorganic germanium, which is more toxic. It is unclear whether the side effects associated with it are due to organic germanium or due to the supplement’s interaction with inorganic germanium. In a study conducted on a small group of humans, even small levels of germanium have been found to be toxic. In many patients, their symptoms got worse, and illness was compounded by side effects. Scientists are vociferous in their warning that inorganic germanium may lead to permanent kidney damage and even death.

Germanium may also interfere with other medications and make certain symptoms worse (seizures, for instance). Very little is known about the effects of germanium on pregnant women. Therefore such women should never take germanium, unless advised by a physician. Other ill effects include weight loss, anemia, vomiting, muscle weakness, and numbness in the hands and feet. The deadly effects of the toxin builds up with time, and in the long run, symptoms get worse.

Information About Chromium Supplments

Chromium supplements

An essential trace mineral, chromium is needed for the growth and health of the body. Among other things, it is needed for the breakdown of fat, carbohydrates, and protein. Chromium has become the most popular mineral supplement in America, after calcium. It is also one of the most controversial.

Chromium offers a mixed bag of good and bad effects. In the positive light, it was reported that chromium supplements would help burn fat and lower blood sugar levels. Chromium supplements are also supposed to build muscle mass, lower cholesterol, and reduce the risk of heart disease. A recent study shows that chromium seems to have a mild cholesterol-lowering effect. Further research may prove that chromium is helpful in lowering triglyceride levels, while raising the HDL (good) levels. However over-dosage may lead to complications and chromium supplements are best used under medical supervision.

Chromium may help to:
Control diabetes: In people with type 2 diabetes, the pancreas tries to regulate blood sugar levels by secreting insulin. A molecule called “Glucose Tolerance Factor” (GTF) increases the sensitivity of cells to insulin. The GTF molecule contains chromium. Therefore, chromium supplements may help normalize blood sugar levels. Several clinical tests have proven that diabetics who were on chromium supplements were able to reduce their dosage of medication. The effects of chromium are enhanced when taken with niacin (vitamin B3). Studies have also revealed that chromium may have a stabilizing effect on people with hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), thus doing away with symptoms like headache, nausea, fatigue, and irritability.

Assist weight loss:
Chromium picolinate assists people with obesity to lose weight. It helps to improve body composition by increasing muscle mass and reducing fat. But studies reveal mixed results because people using chromium supplements lose just about the same amount of weight as people using placebos. It is possible that when combined with a healthy diet and a rigorous exercise program, chromium supplements may aid weight loss.

Prevent heart disease:
Chromium may help raise the HDL (‘good’) cholesterol and lower the LDL (‘bad’) cholesterol levels. There is no proof regarding this and a good diet program combined with exercise can accomplish the same thing.

Chromium is naturally available in the food we eat, and most people who eat a healthy diet do not need chromium supplements. But supplements (not just of chromium) become indispensable in a high-fat diet that depends on over-refined ingredients. Therefore some people develop a chromium deficiency, and in such cases, chromium supplements are necessary. Chromium comes in the form of a capsule, softgel or tablet. While there is no recommended dosage for chromium, 50 to 200 mcg taken on a daily basis is adequate for adults. Most basic vitamin-mineral combinations have enough chromium to prevent a deficiency. The body seems capable of absorbing all forms of chromium equally well. For optimal absorption, it is better to combine chromium with vitamin C. Taking antacids may impair absorption of this mineral. Excessive amounts of chromium may lead to a deficiency in zinc.

While there have been no indications regarding side effects, over-dosage may lead to kidney failure. A woman who was on a 1,000 mcg daily dosage developed kidney failure after a few months. Long-term and high-dose chromium supplements may damage the body. Chromium picolinate may cause a chromosomal damage that leads to cancer. Diabetics must consult with a doctor before taking chromium supplements. Chromium picolinate also alters certain brain chemicals like serotonin and dopamine. Therefore people with any behavioral disorder should consult a doctor before taking chromium supplements. Chromium may have unknown effects on pregnant or lactating women.

Incorporating Vitamins

If you have spent a great deal of time and exerted a great deal of effort on losing weight, it goes without saying that you do not want to put those ugly pounds back on. Done correctly, a weight loss program is an investment. As a consequence, you are going to want to embark on a program through which you will be able to maintain a health weight now and in to the future.

Of course, there are two fundamental keys to maintaining a healthy weight. First of all, you need to eat a balanced diet. Such a diet needs to be rich in fruits and vegetables, have a limited amount of lean meat products and should fatty foods as well as refined sugars.

In addition to eating correctly, exercise is also an important part of a program designed to maintain a healthy weight both after a weight loss program reaches its goal as well as on into the future.

Many experts maintain that the glue that holds both elements of a weight maintenance program together is the proper usage of vitamins and nutritional supplements. A vast majority of weight control experts and nutritionists maintain that a person has a better chance at weight maintenance success through the use of vitamins and nutritional supplements.

What you do need to keep in mind is that vitamins and nutritional supplements properly used are not designed as replacements for a healthy diet. Rather, these products are created to help aid and advance the benefits that you can derive from both eating a well balanced diet and from regular exercise.

If you are interested in obtaining various vitamins and nutritional supplements, but are living on a budget, you will want to develop ways in which you can save money on your diet product purchases. The Internet has proven itself to be a reliable resource for men and women looking for reasonable prices on vitamins and nutritional supplement products. By spending a bit of time surfing around the Net, you will be able to find a significant selection of different types of vitamin and nutritional supplement products in a wide price range. Indeed, although the saying may seem trite, in the final analysis, there really is something for everyone when it comes to the availability of vitamins and nutritional supplement products on the World Wide Web.

Vitamins And Nutritional Supplements

Many people incorrectly assume that using vitamins and nutritional supplements is an easy deal — that you can use these products without giving their use much thought. In point of fact, when it comes to incorporating vitamins and nutritional supplements into your overall weight loss program, you have to give their use serious thought. You must make proper decisions as to how these products will fit into your overall health weight loss regimen and into your ultimate health weight maintenance program down the road.

The first step in developing a health weight loss program that incorporates vitamins and other nutritional supplements is a meeting with your doctor. Although many people fail to consult with a doctor before beginning a diet program, such a failure can have significantly negative consequences over the long run.

In addition to consulting with your doctor prior to embarking on a diet program, you might want to consult with a qualified, certified nutritionist. A nutritionist can aid you in determining what types of vitamins and what sorts of nutritional supplements can best aid you in crafting an overall effective and healthy weight loss program.

Through the assistance of a nutritionist, you not only will be able to determine what products will best aid you in your diet regimen but you will be able to ascertain how to use these products to make sure they provide the greatest benefit to you.

In regard to incorporating vitamins and nutritional supplements into a health weight loss program, you need to set realistic in regard to your weight loss plans. Too often people starting a diet have unrealistic goals and expectations. When they fail to meet what really are outlandish and impossible goals, these people give up on their weight loss plans and programs — abandon a course for healthy living. Through realistic goal setting a person has a far better chance of working through an effective weight loss program on into the future.

Finally, in developing a system of incorporating vitamins and nutritional supplements into an overall diet program for healthy living, you will also want to construct a companion exercise and workout program to compliment your overall dieting scheme and regimen.

By taking the steps outlined in this article, you will be in the best position to develop a weight loss program for healthy living and for a healthy life that incorporates the usage of reliable vitamins, minerals and nutritional supplements.

Improve Your Mood with 5-HTP Supplements

What is 5-HTP?
The Griffonia Extract is rich in 5-HydroxyTryptophan (5-HTP), which comes from an African vegetable, the Griffonia simplicifolia seed, and contains 30% 5–HTP. 5-HTP is an amino acid that is a direct precursor of serotonin, an important neurotransmitter having pain soothing and relaxing effects. 5-HTP is not present in significant amounts in a typical diet. The human body manufactures 5-HTP from L-tryptophan, a natural amino acid found in most dietary proteins. However, eating food that contains L-tryptophan does not significantly increase 5-HTP levels.

5-HTP and Serotonin
5-HTP is the precursor to serotonin. It improves mood, anxiety and is beneficial in weight loss. 5-Hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) is an amino acid that is the intermediate step between tryptophan and the important brain chemical serotonin. There is a massive amount of evidence that suggests that low serotonin levels are a common consequence of modern living. The lifestyle and dietary practices of many people living in this stress-filled era results in lowered levels of serotonin within the brain.

5-HTP and Carb Cravings
Researchers believe that inadequate serotonin levels are in part responsible for the desire to overeat. Not surprisingly, obese individuals who crave carbohydrates usually show abnormally low levels of serotonin. Taking a 5-HTP supplement half an hour before a meal can “ turn off“ cravings and hunger pangs by feeding the brains carbohydrate satiety center. In this way 5-HTP can be a great asset as part of a weight-loss regime.

5-HTP and Addiction
The use of many addictive substances, such as tobacco, alcohol, caffeine and certain narcotics, elevates serotonin levels. When these substances are eliminated, serotonin levels drop drastically, causing anxiety and cravings. Taking 5-HTP can stabilize serotonin levels and help minimize the symptoms of withdrawal.

5-HTP and PMS
PMS sufferers report pain relief, as well as decreased irritability and mood swings from using 5-HTP. The supplement works by countering the hormone-induced decrease in serotonin levels that occur naturally during menstruation.

5-HTP and Sleep
Because of its calming effect, many rely on 5-HTP to alleviate stress-attacks, as well as to encourage restful sleep. Unlike sedative drugs, 5-HTP is not associated with unwanted side effects, such as disturbed sleep patterns or grogginess. It can be taken regularly one hour before retiring as a remedy for insomnia.

Side Effects
Very high intakes of 5-HTP have caused muscle jerks in guinea pigs and both muscle jerks and diarrhea in mice. Injected 5-HTP has also caused kidney damage in rats. To date, these problems have not been reported in humans. “Serotonin syndrome,” a serious but uncommon condition caused by excessive amounts of serotonin, has not been reported to result from supplementation with 5-HTP; in theory it could be triggered by the supplement. However, the level of intake at which this toxic effect might potentially occur remains unknown.

5-HTP should not be taken with antidepressants, weight-control drugs, other serotonin-modifying agents, or substances known to cause liver damage, because in these cases 5-HTP may have excessive effects. People with liver disease may not be able to regulate 5-HTP adequately and those suffering from autoimmune diseases such as scleroderma may be more sensitive than others, to 5-HTP. These people should not take 5-HTP without consulting a knowledgeable healthcare professional. The safety of taking 5-HTP during pregnancy and breast-feeding is not known at this time.
Conditions with low serotonin levels helped by 5-HTP:
• Depression
• Obesity
• Carbohydrate craving
• Bulimia
• Insomnia
• Narcolepsy
• Sleep apnea
• Migraine headaches
• Tension headaches
• Chronic daily headaches
• Premenstrual syndrome
• Fibromyalgia

Importance of Vitamins in your Life

Natural vitamins are those organic food substances which are found only in plants and animals, i.e., living things. The body is not able to synthesize or manufacture vitamins (although there are a few exceptions to this). Because of this, they must be supplied either directly in the diet, or by way of dietary supplements. Vitamins are vital if our body is to function normally. They are absolutely necessary for our growth, general-well being and vitality.
Vitamins cannot be assimilated without ingesting food. This is why it is suggested that vitamins must be taken with a meal. They help to regulate the body’s metabolism, assist in forming the bone and tissue, and help convert fat and carbohydrates. However, one must remember that vitamins cannot replace food.

We shall now look at the importance of each of the vitamins by turn.

Vitamin A
• Repair & growth of body tissues
• Protects mucous membrane of mouth, throat, lungs and nose
• Helps maintain smooth, disease-free skin
• Counteracts night blindness.
• Reduces risk of lung and certain types of oral cancers

Vitamin B1
• Aids in digestion of carbohydrates
• Essential to the normal working of the nervous system, heart and muscles
• Stabilizes appetite
• Promotes growth
• Generates energy

Vitamin B2
• Aids in formation of red blood cells and antibodies
• Essential for carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism
• Promotes general health
• Necessary for the maintenance of good skin, nails, hair and good vision
• Maintains cells respiration

Vitamin B6
• Building blocks of protein
• Necessary for synthesis and breakdown of amino acids
• Promotes healthy skin
• Aids in production of antibodies
• Reduces muscle spasms and leg cramps
• Helps maintain a proper balance of phosphorous and sodium

Vitamin B12
• Prevents anaemia by helping in formation and regeneration of red blood cells
• Necessary for fat, carbohydrate and protein metabolism
• Increases energy
• Promotes growth in children
• Maintains healthy nervous system

• Helps metabolize sugar, fat and protein
• Reduces high blood pressure
• Improves circulation
• Reduces cholesterol level
• Increases energy
• Helps maintain healthy digestive system

Panthothenic Acid
• Aids in the utilization of vitamins
• Helps in cell building
• Aids in development of the central nervous system
• Fights infections
• Participates in release of energy from carbohydrates

• Promotes healthy
• Aids in the utilization of folic acid, protein, Vitamin B12 and Panthothenic Acid

Folic Acid
• Essential for the formation of red blood cells
• Aids in the metabolism of amino acids
• Necessary for the synthesis of DNA and RNA

• Aids in breakdown of fats
• Helps prevent thinning hair
• Helps to reduce blood cholesterol levels
• Necessary for the formation of lecithin

• Prevents fat from accumulating in the liver
• Helps improve memory
• Important in controlling cholesterol and fat build up
• Facilitates movement of fats in cells
• Important in nerve transmission

Para Amino Benzoic Acid
• Aids in formation of red blood cells
• Contains sunscreen properties
• Returns hair to its natural colour
• Aids in the assimilation of Panthothenic Acid
• Produces folic acid, this aiding healthy bacteria

Vitamin C
• Helps heal wounds, scar tissue and fractures
• Essential for healthy bones, teeth and gums
• Builds resistance to infection
• Prevents scurvy
• Gives strength to blood vessels
• Aids in absorption of iron
• Is essential for the synthesis of collagen

Vitamin D
• Required for bone and teeth formation
• Improves absorption and utilization of Phosphorous and Calcium
• Maintains stable nervous system

Vitamin E
• Retards cellular aging because of oxygen
• Alleviates fatigue by supplying oxygen
• Prevents and dissolves blood clots
• Helps in preventing sterility
• Aids in bringing nourishment to cells

For more information on vitamins, visit: http://www.vitaminsdiary.com/vitamins.htm

Human growth hormone and the weight gain trap

Human growth hormone – the weight gain catch 22

As a person ages it’s more arduous to find the time and drive to exercise. Add to that the fact that metabolism naturally slows and you’ve got a recipe for weight gaining. As you gain weight, it becomes even more difficult to get up and get the exercise you require. This is the definition of a vicious circle.

As a general rule

There’s commendable news and bad news. Foremost, the bad news. It’s truly a circle and it doesn’t get easier without some serious effort on your part. Now the good news, human growth hormone supplements can help break the cycle.

HGH is the acronym for Human Grown Hormone. The natural human growth hormone is produced in the body’s pituitary gland and this protein blend has several roles. Primarily, it aids in the routine growth of children. But it’s also been proven to increase energy and to combat the aging process. Imagine winding back the clock just by adding human growth hormone dietary supplements to your everyday schedule!

By the same token

How many times have you watched youngsters playing and reflected how much better your life would be if you only had the vitality of those kids? It brings to sense the old saying, if only you could flask that energy and sell it! While a human growth hormone supplement doubtlessly isn’t going to have you turning cartwheels by tomorrow, it is likely to help you find the energy to get started on a realistic exercise regimen.

Do you ever think that your existence would be better if you could simply shed a few pounds? Many adults have that thought on a regular basis. Or maybe you’re just going into that phase of your life where you require to watch your weight before it gets out of hand. There are all sorts of weight reduction aids out there, but energy is the biggest factor in taking command of your life. With that in mind, human growth hormone supplements may be just the lift you need to get your life and your weight back on line.

Have you ever considered…

Increased energy isn’t the only effect of human growth hormone supplements, though it’s closely woven to others. Some folks take human growth hormone supplements only for the known anti aging benefits. Before you dismiss the feasibility that human growth hormone can slow the aging process, contemplate the link between those people who look younger and those who often exercise. Isn’t it true that most people who pay regard to weight and have an exercise program invariably to look younger? You can see that the connections are extremely interwoven.

Besides providing the lift to get you started on a regular exercise regimen, the increased energy has another positive side effect. How frequently are you simply too exhausted to properly care for your skin? You may be giving your features a speedy cleanse before bed, but ignoring all the other help your skin needs to remain young and flourishing. It’s not that you’re unconcerned only that you’re too tired to pay appropriate attention.

In closing

A focused mind is one of the most powerful forces in the universe.

A human growth hormone releaser and other human growth hormone dietary supplements can deliver you the energy you need to make the most of your life.

Human Growth Hormone

HGH or human growth hormone is a protein hormone of 190 amino acids, which is synthesized and secreted by the Somatotroph cells (hence called Somatotropin) in the anterior pituitary. The genes for human growth hormone are localized in the q22-24 region of chromosome 17. The structure of HGH includes four helices necessary for functional interaction with the GH receptor. Structurally, HGH is homologous to prolactin and chorionic somatomammotropin and it appears as if the three share some evolutionarily connection. The triad is known to promote growth and aid the lactogenic activity.

Human Growth Hormone Secretion

Synthesis and secretion of HGH is controlled by many factors such as exercise, nutrition, sleep, stress and sometimes even by growth hormone itself. The control, however, are wielded by two hypo-thalamic hormones (Growth hormone-releasing hormone or GHRH and Somatostatin or SS) and one hormone present in the stomach (Ghrelin).

Functions of HGH

Human growth hormone contributes in the building up of the human body. HGH has two different types of effects on the human tissues and the human system as a whole – direct and indirect. The direct effects are the upshot of the growth hormone binding its receptor to the target cells. Indirect effects are stimulated by an insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), a hormone secreted by the liver and other tissues in response to growth hormone action. In fact, most of the growth promoting effects of HGH are the consequence of IGF-I acting on the target cells.

Thus, it is apparent that HGH or Somatotropin plays a vital role in major physiological processes, including growth and metabolism.

HGH & Growth

The major role of growth hormone in effecting body growth is to stimulate the liver and various other tissues to secrete IGF-I. IGF-I. This, in-turn, it provokes proliferation of Chondrocytes (cartilage cells), resulting in bone growth.

HGH & Metabolism

Human growth hormone has been found to have important effects on protein, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. These effects in some are direct, others indirect and a few showing mixed effects.

Although height growth is an all-too-manifest effect of HGH on the human system, it has several other specific and essentially functions. These functions range from protein synthesis to building muscle mass, calcium retention to mineralization of bones, stimulating the immune system to maintaining fuel homeostasis, etc.

This is all about real human growth hormone. Biosynthetic human growth hormone, also known as recombinant human growth hormone and abbreviated as rHGH was first used for remedial use in the U.S. in 1985. Since then, the biosynthetic variety of HGH has nearly sidelined the pituitary-prompted human growth hormone, especially in therapeutic use.

How useful are Vitamins

Let me tell you what a vitamin is and how useful they can be. A vitamin is an organic compound and these are essential to help your body grow and remain healthy. What this means, in simple terms, is that a vitamin is a natural chemical. Of the essential vitamins, there are thirteen major ones, the lack of any one of them can mean you are deficient in a certain vitamin.

Vitamins come in two distinct types, those soluble in fats and those soluble in water. Of the major vitamins, A, D, E and K are the ones soluble in fats and Vitamins B and Care water soluble. The water soluble vitamins are not stored by the body and so these need to be topped up regularly.

On the whole, if you have a normal well balanced diet this should provide your body with the vitamins it needs, but if your diet is not fully balanced then you may need to supplement the vitamins you receive in your diet. This shows that vitamin supplements can be useful. Some of the following may suggest if you may need help with your vitamin intake.

Vitamin B12 is found in meats so this is something vegetarians need to look out for. Vitamin C and B can be lacking in elderly people. People working on night shifts could have a lack of vitamin D as your body produces this during sunlight hours. Overworked people, people under pressure and people suffering from stress could be lacking in vitamin B and C. People on diets can also have a lack of these 2 vitamins. Vitamin B can be lacking in heavy drinkers and vitamin C deficiency can be a problem area for heavy smokers as well as heavy drinkers.

The usual way to get vitamins into your body is orally. Some vitamins can be taken by injection such as vitamin B12 but it is important that this is only carried out by a fully qualified medical practitioner. By taking vitamins orally they have to pass through your digestive system and the strong acids in your stomach can destroy much of the usefulness of the vitamins so you have to ensure you take the recommended dose, not more or less, but the recommended dose.

I hope I haven’t spoilt your views on vitamins but you must remember that even though you may have a healthy and well balanced diet, the natural processes of your body can destroy some of the value of the vitamins you absorb. If you want to help preserve their effectiveness than eating fresh foods and only cooking foods lightly will help increase the usefulness of the vitamins.

Vitamin supplements can be used to help boost any vitamin deficiencies you may have and extra vitamins are most easily obtained, (and used), in tablet form. Vitamin tablets can either be multi vitamins or single vitamin types. The decision as to what you take is up to you, unless of course you have been advised to take a vitamin supplement by your doctor. Vitamin C is often taken in the winter and the time leading up to it. This has been shown to help keep the common cold at bay.

You must only take vitamins to help supplement a well balanced diet and do not go overboard, so take vitamin supplements in moderation. Take only as much as you need and no more, and if your diet is as good as it should be, then you may not need any vitamin supplements. You must remember that they are, as the name suggests, supplements and they are not designed to replace a well balanced diet. Be sensible and use vitamin supplements carefully.

How to Make Tinctures From Herbs

The philosophy behind tincture is to capture the spiritual and physical essence of the plant. This is done by using the power of ethyl alcohol to dissolve and preserve the herb in question.

The substance used to extract the herbs is known as the menstrum. The herbs you are tincturing are known as the mark. Tincturing will extract and preserve both the water-soluble and alcohol-soluble properties of an herb.

In the interest of taking a more involved stance in their health, many people are turning to homemade tinctures made from fresh or dried herbs. Tinctures have proven to be more powerful and longer lasting than dried herbs. Dried herbs can get moldy or be eaten by insects, tinctures do not. Tinctures will keep up to two years and keep their potency if stored properly. Making your own tinctures will save you quite a bit of money. If you purchase tinctures in a retail store you will get a few ounces whereas if you make it yourself it will yield about a quart.

When purchasing herbs, make sure you are buying from a reputable source. Better yet, grow your own herbs to be sure of the highest possible quality. When growing your own you can make any number of combinations to make up your tinctures. I have also found that when growing my own herbs I get the most enjoyment, knowing not only did I make the tincture but I grew the herbs. I become part of the process from beginning to end.

There are several items that you will need to make your own tinctures. First you need either powdered herbs or fresh cut herbs. Vodka, brandy or rum, 80-100 proof to cover the herbs. Mason jars with lids. Muslin or Cheesecloth that is unbleached. Lastly, labels for the jars.

You will need 7-10 ounces of chopped fresh herbs for every quart of vodka, brandy or rum. I prefer to use fresh herbs when making my tinctures. When using powdered herbs, I use 4 ounces of herbs to one pint of liquid. If you are making a tincture from bitter herbs it is best to use rum as it will mask the taste of the herbs. To make a non-alcoholic tincture use distilled water, glycerol or vinegar. Keep in mind that if you use vinegar the tincture will have to be refrigerated.

Put your herbs in the mason jars and then pour the liquid over them so that it comes up to about an inch above the herbs. Seal tightly and label the jars then put them in a very dark, warm area. Keeping them in a paper bag has worked well for me. You will have to shake the jar everyday, several times a day if you can mange it.

At first check the solution daily to make sure the vodka, brandy or rum still covers the herbs. Let the mixture steep for at least two weeks and up to three months. When you reach the allotted waiting period, line a sieve with the cheesecloth or muslin and pour the liquid thru the sieve into another bottle. Gather up the ends of the cheesecloth and squeeze to extract all of the liquid. You can now fill small bottles with droppers with the tincture for ease in use. Be sure to label the jar with the name and the date.

The dose is one teaspoon tincture in a cup of tea, juice or water taken three times daily.

There are no right formulas for making tinctures. Experiment with different combinations. Be sure you write down the formula so when you come up with a winning combination you will have it on file.

Here are a few ideas for treating colds. Make tinctures from the following herbs:
* echinacea (leaves, flowers)
* elder (leaves, flowers, berries)
* eyebright (leaves, flowers)
* ginger (root)
* peppermint (leaves)
* yarrow (leaves, flowers)
* catnip (leaves

How To Easily Obtain HGH

How is HGH purchased?

HGH supplements are accessible in an assortment of forms, including the HGH releaser, which is developed to assist your body extend the production of natural growth hormone.

But why should an adult want to include HGH dietary supplements in their everyday regimen? The reasons can be summed up in only a few words, anti aging and higher vitality levels. Since many of us wish to stay younger and HGH is a way to increase energy levels, it just makes sense to find the human growth hormone supplement that works best for you, and then to make it a daily part of your daily existence.

You can find HGH dietary supplements in the shape of pills, capsules, powder and even a spray. The array of options for introducing a human grown hormone supplement into your daily programme means that there’s something that’s likely to work for you. Take time to do a bit of research on the HGH products. You can buy HGH supplements that will fit seamlessly into your lifestyle.

What happened next..

This wasn’t often the situation. The human growth hormone was fist discovered in the 1950s. It’s a protein compound manufactured in the pituitary gland and researchers were quickly at odds over what the role of this special protein was. Two decades would pass by before that query began to be answered. The protein, as researchers discovered, was the reason certain kids grew and physically developed at a normal pace while others remained smaller or grew more obese. It was later discovered that the HGH protein even played roles in boosting energy levels and slowing the aging process.

When the idea to supplement the body’s natural production of human growth hormone first came to be, the only method for processing was to extract the protein from human cadavers, process it, then insert it to the recipient. It would be several years until a supplement was created to be widely available in tablet, spray or powder configuration.

A purpose is the eternal condition for success.

There are several points to consider as you’re choosing HGH dietary supplements. The construction is clearly one of the most important. If you’re the type of person who simply hates to swallow a tablet any tablet you’ll likely wish to look at the other options. You can choose a human growth hormone supplement in powder form. Just add it to your morning orange juice and you’re ready to take on the day. For those who favour to simply take a pill and be done with it, that’s also an option.

Another important factor in choosing your origin of HGH dietary supplements is the manufacturer. Like all products of this type, look for a company with a commendable reputation who is willing to rise behind their products. While cost is important, quality is even more so. A reputable company will furnish excellent product descriptions along with proven benefits and potential side effects. If you possess doubts about the HGH products listed on a particular website, proceed on.

Actions speak louder than words. But without thought and focus those actions are like a meandering river. Michael Ross.

Taking this all into consideration…

Finding quality HGH supplements could be just the boost you require to make you feel, act and look younger.

How Echinacea helps the immune system

In this day and age everyone is looking for ways to boost their immune system. In recent years their has been an herbal remedy that seems to provide some relief to colds and flues and assist your immune system is Echinacea.

What is it?

Echinacea is one of the oldest and popular herbal supplements in the world. Echinacea is a Native American plant that is a natural fighter. It is categorized as an immunostimulant, which is a substance that is known to boost a body’s immune system.

How does your immune system work?

White blood cells are part of the body’s cells that make up the immune system. These are the body’s first line of defense. If a flu virus enters an individual’s body and begins to multiple, the white blood cells calls in for help from the T-lymphocytes, and also they can get help from lymphocytes. All these working together allow the body to destroy the viruses that have invaded it.

How does it work?

Echinacea works differently from other treatments. It works directly, killing the germ by strengthening an individual’s immune system. There is evidence that Echinacea stimulates the body into producing more white blood cells. It also stimulates the release of interferons. These are what the body uses as a fighting weapon. Echinacea also helps to prevent bacteria from producing an enzyme called hyaluronidase, which works through the membrane, and invades the tissue. Echinacea also has been known to destroy viruses, such as the common cold and flu.

How to take it

This depends on an individual’s immune system. You may want to check with your doctor before. They are some illnesses that you should not take Echinacea if you have. In most cases, it is safe for an individual to take three hundred milligrams three times a day.

Some individuals take Echinacea on a daily basis to prevent colds and flues from developing. Others people will begin to take it once they feel a cold coming on, and to greet it with a line of defense.

If you have a child, the studies on how Echinacea can help them has been up in the air. It is recommended that you for children ages six to thirteen you give them half the dosage recommended for adults. Under the age of six, you should consult your doctor. Children’s immune systems work differently than adults, many times they have not built up all of their resistance and need to do that before bolstering it with herbal supplements.

Does it work?

While Echinacea is just gaining ground in the United States, it has been research in Europe. Echinacea has been studied in Germany in a controlled study. No one knew which they were getting. The individuals who took the Echinacea experienced less frequent and severe virus infections. Studies continue to show that there are no toxic effects to taking this herbal supplement. As with any medication or supplement they are some side effects, some side effects with Echinacea are diarrhea. This has been the most frequent side effect anyone has noted.

They are many things that an individual can do to help to boost your immune system. Taking Echinacea is just one of the natural herbal supplements that we can take. Studies continue to show the effectiveness of this supplement, and as more and more people continue to look to other alternatives, Echinacea will continue to gain in popularity. Remember to always check with you doctor before taking any supplement as it could have an interaction with any medication you are currently taking and could have a negative reaction.

How Can SAMe Supplements Help Me

What is SAMe?
SAMe (S-adenosylmethionine) is a naturally occurring compound found in all human tissue and organs. It is a „building block“ necessary for the production of many compounds produced by your body, and is used in over 35 different biochemical reactions. SAMe actually donates a part of itself to form these new compounds through a process called methylation or transmethylation. SAME is one of the few dietary supplements on the market today that combines the benefits of several nutrients into one, because the body uses the substances produced from SAMe for numerous bodily reactions and processes.

SAMe is a supplement formed in the body by an enzymatic reaction between adenosine-triphosphate (ATP) and methionine. It was discovered in 1952 in Italy and has been researched and manufactured there. SAMe works closely with folic acid and vitamin B-12 and functions as a methyl donor. This nutrient carries and donates methyl molecules necessary to facilitate the manufacture of DNA and brain neurotransmitters.* Tissue levels of SAMe are typically low in the elderly.

How can SAMe help me?
SAMe might be an effective treatment for depression, with fewer side effects than antidepressant drugs. But the real benefits and risks of SAMe are still unclear. In theory, it may increase the risk of heart disease. People with depression or joint pain should seek medical advice before trying SAMe. Supplementation with SAM-e increases levels of serotonin, dopamine and phosphatides, and improves serotonin and dopamine receptor site binding. Some research has shown that SAM-e provides relief from arthritis pain, without the stomach irritation caused by aspirin and similar drugs.

Are there any side effects associated with SAMe supplementation?
SAMe is a very safe dietary supplement. Minor side effects include nausea and gastrointestinal irritation, due to its sulfur content. These were only noted at very high doses (1200-1600mg) and symptoms diminished with continued use. Persons suffering from manic depression (bipolar disorder) should not take SAMe without prior consultation with their physician. If you experience any of the symptoms above for an extended period of time, you may be allergic to SAMe, or it may not be the right supplement for you.

• treatment for depression
• improves serotonin and dopamine levels
• relief from arthritis pain

How Can Green Tea Benefit My Family

No doubt you’ve heard of Green Tea and the health benefits you can experience from drinking it.

Are you giving your family this powerful antioxidant daily?

Here is a refresher on some of the benefits you can experience with Green Tea.

Historically, Green Tea has been one of the world’s most popular beverages. The Chinese have been drinking it for thousands of years. It is now the second most popular beverage in the world, after water!

Green tea is made from the Camellia Sinensis plant…as is black tea. The difference is that Green Tea is unfermented, which means that the powerful antioxidant properties are fully intact.

The power of Green Tea lies in its catechin polyphenols, particularly something called epigallocatechin gallate (say that 5 times fast!). EGCG is a powerful anti-oxidant: not only does it inhibit the growth of tumors, it kills cancer cells without harming healthy tissue.

Green Tea has been reported to:

*Assist in weight loss.

According to a a study conducted at the University of Geneva in Switzerland, Green Tea seems to help the body burn more calories.

Green Tea also slows down the release of carbohydrate in the body, preventing sharp rises in blood sugar.

I know a couple who lost ten pounds each in the first few weeks after drinking Green Tea every day, with no other changes in their diet.

*Boosts the immune system.

Green Tea is one of the most potent antioxidants available. It also contains some vitamins and minerals. Green Tea lowers the risk of cancer.

In 1994 the Journal of the National Cancer Institute published the results of an epidemiological study indicating that drinking Green Tea reduced the risk of esophageal cancer in Chinese men and women by nearly sixty percent. University of Purdue researchers recently concluded that a compound in Green Tea inhibits the growth of cancer cells.

A study in September 1997 by the University of Kansas reported that Green Tea has the highest amount of any known antioxidant. EGCG (that tongue twisting antioxidant found in Green Tea) is 100 times more effective than Vitamin C, and twice as powerful as resveratrol (the antioxidant in red wine).

*Lowers cholesterol

University of California scientists discovered that the caffeine in coffee is bound with coffee bean oils, which raise cholesterol levels.

In contrast, research indicates that drinking Green Tea lowers total cholesterol levels, as well as improving the ratio of good (HDL) cholesterol to bad (LDL) cholesterol.

Green Tea Benefits Moms

*Helps with morning sickness

There are no studies that confirm this, this is a personal observation.

I had severe, prolonged morning sickness with all 3 of my pregnancies.

With my third child, I discovered Green Tea and noticed that when I drank it, not only did it ease the nausea, but it seemed to have a mildly stimulating effect on my appetite and it helped me keep the food that I ate down. My guess is that the astringent effect of the polyphenols caused this.

Historically Green Tea has been used as a digestive aid. That can certainly be helpful to a pregnant woman.

*Natural energy boost

Again, I could find no studies that proved this, but I drink Green Tea primarily for the natural energy boost it gives me, without any unpleasant side effects. I used to drink a coffee in the afternoon, get shaky and hyper, only to crash later on.

Green Tea doesn’t cause those unpleasant side effects, and it also gives me the same feeling of „clearing the cobwebs“ from my brain.

What Mom doesn’t need this?

*Lowers the risk of blood clots

Green tea has been shown to be effective in preventing abnormal clotting of blood, which is especially important during pregnancy.

Green tea is non-toxic and safe. It doesn’t cause birth defects and has no adverse affect on pregnancy or breastfeeding.

In fact, a study conducted at Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Program of Northern California, researchers found that women who drank more than one half cup of green tea every day doubled their odds of conceiving.

No significant association was found for other beverages, researchers concluded that some chemical component of tea might have been responsible for the increase in fertility.

Green Tea Benefits Kids!

*Helps prevent tooth decay

Green Tea can kill the bacteria that causes plaque. Does your child’s juice do that?

Having a hard time getting your kid to eat his veggies?

A cup of Green Tea has more antioxidant ability than a cup of broccoli or spinach!

*Helps prevent illness

Previous tests prove Green Tea can neutralize germs, including some that cause diarrhea, pneumonia, cystitis and skin infections.

New research by Milton Schiffenbauer of Pace University finds that Green Tea deactivates viruses.

Recent research at Harvard indicated that tea chemicals stimulated T-cells that bolster immunity against bacteria and viruses.

Would fewer illnesses make life more pleasant in your home?

*Ok, so why aren’t you drinking Green Tea already?

If you’re like me, it’s because the Green Tea you’ve tried tastes terrible. I’ve tried many brands that reminded me of diaper rash ointment…no I’m not kidding!

My favorite brand of Green Tea is manufactured by Sunrider International. (For more information visit http://www.diana2.com.) My kids and picky husband even love it.

Here’s to your health!

How Calcium Supplementation Can Affect Your Health Outlook

It seems more emphasis is placed on the importance of vitamin supplementation. While there is some information available about minerals, it is not as prevalent as what is published about vitamins. Despite the reports that recommend vitamin and mineral supplementation for people who need them, many people don’t consider supplementing their diet with minerals. Since it’s difficult to know how much of a particular mineral your body is lacking, many people are afraid they may take too much and become sick. While taking minerals in excess can cause problems, a lack of sufficient minerals in the body can also have an effect on your general health.

Calcium is by far one of the most essential minerals in the body. The parts of the body that are most associated with sufficient calcium are healthy teeth and bones. Calcium also plays a vital role in blood clotting and muscle contraction. An individual who has a calcium deficiency has an increased risk of developing osteoporosis, a condition characterized by weak bones that makes the individual prone to breaks. Signs of muscle weakness, such as muscle spasms or cramps or also caused by calcium deficiency. Pregnant and postmenopausal women, young children, and the elderly have the greatest need for calcium. In addition, anyone who does not consume at least 1200 milligrams each day should consider supplementation.

Calcium supplementation may be particularly important to individuals who are overweight. Recently, there have been reports that consuming the recommended daily amount of calcium can assist with weight loss. The reports contend that the more calcium that is in the body, the better the body is able to metabolize fat. When there is an insufficient amount of calcium, the body stores more fat. Although the studies are still relatively new, calcium has also been found to lessen the risk of colon cancer and heart disease
If you discuss your health concerns with your medical doctor and it is determined that calcium supplementation is right for you, your doctor will probably recommend that you take vitamin D and K. Vitamins D and K assist with calcium absorption and are also beneficial to healthy bones. It is very important that you do not take more calcium and vitamins D and K than recommended by your doctor. Excessive amounts of any of these can result in serious side effects.

Why not check out our nutrition guide at http://www.nutritional-supplement-guides.com/nut-ebook.html

and also what supplement we personally use for our nutrition needs at http://www.nutritional-supplement-guides.com/what-we-use.html

Hoodia Gordonii

When Hoodia was discovered the very first animal trials to test it was with Rats. The rats that were fed with Hoodia stopped eating completely. Rats are well know as animals that will eat anything and everything. Can you believe that an animal who loves to eat anything simply switched off its desire to eat, even when foods that rats love were placed in front of them.

When the first clinical human trial was conducted with Hoodia, several morbidly obese people were placed in a unit which was a closed off area were all that they could do was to read, watch television, interact with each other, and of course eat. Half the people were given Hoodia Gordonii to take, and half were given a placebo. After fifteen days, the group that had been taking Hoodia Gordonii had reduced their calorie intake by 1000 calories a day – despite taking no exercise and not being on a diet

This is due to the active ingredient in Hoodia Gordonii, the molecule known as P57, as it imitates the effects that glucose has on your brain, signaling that you are full. Your brain has what is called a Hypothalamus. This part of your brain controls your appetite. When you eat, the glucose levels in your body rise. As these levels go up, the hypothalamus sends off a signal to your cells to stop eating. This is when you start to feel full. Hoodia Gordonii’s molecule, P57, tells your brain the same exact thing, even if you haven’t eaten a bite. By mimicking the effects of glucose on your brain, the hypothalamus starts to send messages to your cells which in turn, make you feel full

Hoodia is grown in the Kalahari Desert region of South Africa, Hoodia Gordonii is an all natural appetite suppressant, derived from a cactus like plant with prickly spikes. Scientists have been researching the Hoodia plant for almost a decade, and have found it to be completely free of harmful side effects.