The Next Vitamins

Vitamins A, C, E and quasi-vitamins Coenzyme Q10 and alpha lipoic acid are powerful antioxidants that neutralize the damage caused by free radicals and oxidation. Our body’s cells are undergoing a continuous cycle of oxidation (losing an electron) and reduction (gaining an electron). Oxygen and other atoms or molecules that are unstable because they lack an electron are called free radicals. These free radicals don’t like to exist in an unstable state and will steal another electron from where ever they can and can damage the cell that they oxidize. Free radicals are created as part of the body’s normal metabolic process and if there are insufficient antioxidants available to donate electrons and neutralize the free radicals then cell damage will result. When we are young, the body generates some of the antioxidants it needs and it acquires the remainder from the food we eat. As we get older, the body generates fewer antioxidants and the free radicals outnumber the antioxidants. This means the body is unable to repair the free radical damage and it ages and becomes subject to age-related degenerative diseases like cancer, diabetes, heart disease, strokes, Alzheimer’s disease, and macular degeneration. Additional free radicals are created when we expose our body to the sun’s ultraviolet radiation, cigarette smoke, exhaust fumes and other air and water pollutants. Approximately 10 million people in North America have cancer and about 600,000 people will die from it this year. Until recently, we thought the key to slowing the aging process and associated diseases was to ensure the body had an excess supply of antioxidants by eating lots of fruits and vegetables and supplementing our healthy diet with multi-vitamins.

For years we assumed it was the vitamins in fruits and vegetables that provided us with a defense against aging and age-related diseases. We also wanted to ensure we had an adequate supply of vitamins so we took low dose once-a-day-type multivitamins for insurance. However long term studies have shown that low dose multivitamins had no impact on the survival of healthy people. Recently scientists have theorized that the health benefits due to eating fruits and vegetables may be from other nutrients such as phytochemicals or the combination of phytochemicals and vitamins. Phytochemicals or phytonutrients are simply “plant chemicals” that exist in fruits, vegetables and other plants like whole grain and tea. Scientists have already discovered thousands of phytochemicals and think that as well as being powerful antioxidants these phytonutrients provide our body with an entire range of health benefits. A few examples of foods, the phytochemicals they contain, and their health benefits are discussed below.

Blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, cranberries and other berries contain the phytonutrients anthocyanidin and ellagic acid which are antioxidants that can suppress cancer and protect against heart disease. Berries are also rich in soluble fiber which should lower our cholesterol. Citrus fruits such as oranges, lemons, limes etc. contain flavanones such as limonoids which help stimulate the body’s enzymes to detoxify carcinogens. These citrus fruits also contain carotenoids which are powerful cancer fighting antioxidants and flavonoids which are antioxidants that may inhibit blood clotting.

Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, brussel sprouts, kale, cabbage, cauliflower etc. contain indoles which act to make estrogen less potent and which may reduce the risk of breast cancer. These vegetables also contain isothiocynates such as sulphoraphane which may neutralize cancer-causing chemicals and interfere with tumor growth. Orange and yellow fruits and vegetables like apricots, papaya, sweet potatoes, carrots, sweet peppers, etc. and leafy greens such as spinach contain carotenoids such as beta carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin that are powerful antioxidants that should suppress cancer, strengthen the immune system and reduce the risk of atherosclerosis. These colorful foods are also rich in Vitamin C, other vitamins, minerals and fiber and should reduce the risk of macular degeneration.

Non-traditional healthy foods such as tea, wine and soy have also been found to be high in phytonutrients. Both green tea and black tea contain flavonols which combat cancers and catechins which may protect arteries from the buildup of plaque. Red wine contains resveratrol which may prevent internal cell and skin cell damage, inhibit tumor growth and lower blood cholesterol. Other phytochemicals in red wine are flavonols like quercetin and catechins, anthocyanidins and ellagic acid which were discussed earlier. Soy products contain isoflavonoids, lignans, saponins and protease inhibitors which can all provide cancer protection.

Products to combat aging and degenerative diseases are being developed. Both Pfizer and Merck are testing drugs to stimulate the older body to make more growth hormone and develop more lean muscle mass. Controlled studies on seniors are showing a lot of promise. Phytonutrient supplements like lycopene and beta carotene have been available for some time. The next supplements based on groups of phytonutrients that target specific conditions are already being marketed. How effective they will be remains to be seen. For now we should concentrate on obtaining our phytonutrients from our healthy diet and monitor developments in the pharmaceutical and nutritional supplement industries.

Ky ani Sun The Antioxidant

November 17th, 2005 marked the beginning of a great future for many. The first bottles of Ky-ani Sunrise and Ky-ani Sunset were shipped and as of yet, more than 300 people have joined on to Ky-ani Sun to become distributors of these unique products.

So what differentiates Ky-ani Sun products from the rest of the field of health supplements? One word: blueberries. Not just your ordinary, every day blueberries, but the Alaska wild blueberries or otherwise known as the „Super Blueberry.“ In the bestselling book, „Fourteen Foods That Will Change Your Life – Superfoods RX,“ Dr. Steven Pratt identifies blueberries as one of the three major „Superfoods“ that will change your life and your health. Why? Because blueberries contain more disease-fighting antioxidants than any other fruit. Dr. Pratt goes on to say that wild blueberries usually contain more antioxidants than cultivated varieties. The Alaska wild blueberry sits at the top of the blueberry kingdom. Because of Alaska’s harsh freeze/thaw climate and having to protect itself from the 24-hour-a-day summer sun, the Alaska wild blueberry has up to 10 times more antioxidants than cultivated blueberries. Ky-ani Sunrise also contains, with the Alaskan wild blueberries, pomegranate, wolfberry, Noni, Aloe Vera, and other berry juices.

Brunswick Laboratories, a nationally-respected testing facility, compared the antioxidant content of Ky-ani Sunrise against two popular nutritional supplement drinks. The result? Ky-ani Sunrise’s ORAC (antioxidant level) rating is twice as high as the next nearest competitor! You can see this study and more on the website.

Along with Ky-ani Sunrise, which an ounce is taken per day in the mornings, Ky-ani Sun offers a product for the end of your day. Ky-ani Sunset is an Omega-3 powerhouse. Sunset combines Alaska wild salmon fish oil with tocotrienols (pure Vitamin E). Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids are the two polyunsaturated fatty acids that are good for you. But Omega-6 (which are common in most foods we eat) and Omega-3 fatty acids are only beneficial as long as they’re consumed in balanced amounts. Omega-3 fatty acids can help maintain healthy cholesterol levels, maintain a healthy circulatory system and maintain a healthy respiratory system as well as play a role in supporting breast and colon health. Taking the soft gels daily will be like the equivalent of two servings of salmon per week. Dr. Steven Pratt says, „I tell my patients that blueberries are one of the three major SuperFoods, along with spinach and salmon. If you learn nothing else from SuperFoods Rx, remember to eat blueberries and spinach most days and salmon…these three foods alone will change your life and health.“

Although Ky-ani Sun doesn’t plan on releasing a spinach product any time soon, two out of the three isn’t bad at all.

The officers and directors are seasoned business experts and entrepreneurs with a wide range of successful business experience and associations. It is the goal of these individuals to create a network marketing company that will become the standard against which all other companies are judged in this important emerging industry.

Ky-ani Sun engaged several world-renowned experts, scientists, and consultants during the formation and development of this exciting business venture. Extensive investments in both finished inventory and raw goods have ensured the continued availability of the Ky-ani Sun products for the marketplace.

Becoming a Ky-ani Sun distributor is a fun, affordable way to help you realize the financial freedom that many dream about. You can secure your position today and start your own Ky-ani Sun business. Most people spend their health trying to gain wealth and then later in life spend all their wealth trying to regain their health. Start gaining your health and wealth today with Ky-ani Sun.

To learn more about Ky-ani Sun, visit or contact Eric Elggren at

What is human growth hormone

Well, what is HGH really?

HGH is the acronym for Human Growth Hormone. It was discovered roughly a half century ago, but it wasn’t until sometime in the 1970s that researchers and scientists actually figured out the job of HGH in the human body. For those in-between years, HGH remained an enigma compound? Even though it had been isolated in the human body, it remained a mystery substance.

First of all…

HGH is a protein compound, produced exclusively in one portion of the pituitary gland. Even after researchers knew the basics that it’s a protein and where the human body produced it there was argument over the part it played in the body. When researchers figured out that HGH had an significant role in regular growth, the race was on to figure out what the role was and how it could be used to assist those who faced issues with growth.

In simpler terms…

It’s not a huge step between learning the role of HGH and using it as a treatment for kids who weren’t growing at a conventional rate. Increasing the quota of HGH for those children who otherwise may not have grown sufficiently to do the things normal adults do drive a car, for example became a way to positively effect the lives of those youngsters. But the early days of those treatments were restricted by researchers capacity to successfully duplicate the HGH compound.


At first, HGH was first exclusively accessible by collecting the HGH compound from the pituitary glands of cadavers. Post extraction, the natural human growth hormone had to be processed and injection was the only way to introduce further HGH into a person who required it. This type of human growth hormone supplement treatment was costly, time exhausting and limited. Only medical professionals could determine who should receive HGH therapy, and the known benefits were limited.

One of the first things discovered about HGH is that it’s in the body of youthful children in abundance. As individuals got older, the HGH in their body decreased. While that sounds like a customary move in the course of aging, people soon thought to question whether increasing the amount of HGH in the body would be supportive also to older people.

Old as the hills?

HGH isn’t the only compound in the body that decreases as we age. You’ve probably heard of some of the other significant proteins that are plentiful in young people but less abundant as we age. Estrogen, progesterone and testosterone are amongst those compounds that are sometimes supplemented to help older people feel younger and healthier. The HGH protein compound is similarly beneficial as a dietary supplement.

But why would HGH be beneficial to an adult? After all, most adults are attempting to part with weight, not grow, right? Actually, HGH has been discovered to help other adult issues as well. Anti aging is one of the benefits of HGH in adults. It can also drive more energy and enhance stamina.

Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today..

HGH supplements and HGH products are now available as HGH dietary supplements, so that you can take an HGH releaser as part of your daily supplement regimen.

Benefits of Green Tea Extract

The Benefits of Green Tea Extract: Anti-Aging, Anti-Cancer, Weight Control

One of the great advancements in nutrition in the twenty-first century is the scientific confirmation of the many benefits of green tea extract. Here are just a few. Green tea:

  • Lowers cholesterol
  • Slows arthritis
  • Prevents the growth of cancer cells
  • Assists weight loss

What accounts for the health benefits of green tea extract? Over 1,800 scientific studies have found that the active constituents in green tea are powerful antioxidants. These are called polyphenols (catechins) and flavonols. Epigallocatechin gallate (you can just call it EGCG) is the most powerful of these antioxidants.
Milligram for milligram, EGCG has 25 to 100 times the antioxidant power of vitamins C and E. A cup of green tea has more antioxidants than a serving of broccoli, spinach, carrots or strawberries.

These abundant antioxidants power the benefits of green tea extract. They keep DNA intact and they stabilize the membranes of cells. These effects of green tea make it a powerful support in many health conditions. Let’s look at the benefits of green tea supplements in more detail.

Green tea has been shown to lower „bad“ LDL cholesterol and serum triglyceride levels.

Who would have imagined that simple green tea could be as potent as Lipitor or Zocor or Crestin with none of their side effects? Scientific studies show that middle-aged men and women in Japan who drink 2 or more cups of green tea a day almost always have normal cholesterol. Scientists have also recently reported that if you drink green tea after you eat a fatty food, less cholesterol will go into you bloodstream.

And if you have high cholesterol when you begin taking green tea supplements, your body will convert less of it into a form that clogs your arteries.

Green tea protects your joints against osteoarthritis.

This is one of the least known but most beneficial effects of green tea extract. Green tea prevents inflammation. When there is less inflammation, there is less wear and tear on your joints.

Green tea prevents the growth of cancer cells.

The EGCG in green tea prevents cancer cells from growing by binding to a specific enzyme. This health benefit of green tea is especially important in cancers of the prostate, breast, and lung.

Researchers studied two groups of men who a pre-cancerous condition of the prostate. One consumed the equivalent of 12 to 15 cups of green tea a day. One did not. One year later, 30% of the men who did not consume green tea supplements developed prostate cancer. Only 3% of the men who took green tea supplements developed cancer.

Another of the benefits of green tea extract is support for women who have breast cancer. Green tea provides chemicals that bind estrogen. This hormone is not then free to stimulate breast cancer cells.

Women who consume the greatest amount of green tea before menopause have the least severe forms of breast cancer when the disease occurs. Women who drink green tea are less likely to have recurrences of breast cancer after treatment. And most important of all, women who consume green tea are 50% less likely to develop breast cancer at all.

Another of the benefits of green tea extract is protection against lung cancer.
The Japanese have both the highest rate of smoking and the lowest rate of lung cancer in the developed world. Japanese smokers who consume a lot of green tea seem to be protected against lung cancer.

And green tea can even help you lose weight. In a clinical trial, men eating a high-fat diet were given enough green tea provide the caffeine in a single cup of coffee. Although this amount of caffeine has no effect on weight loss, when the caffeine comes from green tea, it is highly significant.

The green tea supplement boosted the number of calories burned by 4.5%. While this is just 135 calories a day, the study showed that taking green supplements could help the average man on a high-fat diet lose 18 lbs (8 kg) in a year’s time. It could help the average woman on a high-fat diet lose 11 pounds (5 kg). This is without eating less or exercising more.

How Can I Take Green Tea?

The benefits of green tea extract are greatest if you take green tea supplements rather than drink green tea. A study in the December 2004 edition of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition confirmed that green supplements get more antioxidants into your bloodstream that drinking green tea. Two capsules of green tea extract a day can provide all the benefits of 20 cups of green tea-all you need to support even difficult health conditions.

Green tea is safe and effective. Take 1 to 3 capsules of green extract every day. It is better to take green tea supplements in the morning or afternoon rather than at night. In the unlikely event of stomach upset, take with food.

Vegetarian Diet

It’s something we read or hear about all the time: people, in general, do not eat healthy. The average diet contains too much saturated fat and simple carbohydrates, elements that can lead to heart disease, obesity and other serious conditions. While not all people who follow a vegetarian diet do so for health reasons, such a diet is beneficial to the health.

There are three main types of vegetarians. Lacto vegetarians do not consume any meat, but instead live on fruits, vegetables and dairy. The lacto-ovo vegetarian diet is similar to the lacto vegetarian, with the exception that individuals who follow this diet consume eggs. As the name implies, fruitarians follow a diet restricted to fruits, but they may also eat nuts and seeds. Considered the most strict vegetarian diet, vegans do not eat meat, eggs, or dairy.

The only negative aspect of the vegetarian lifestyle is the high probability of vitamin deficiency. Depending on the type of vegetarian diet followed, an individual may not obtain the proper nutrients their body needs to function properly. One vitamin that is absent in most vegetarian diets is B-12. Vitamin B-12, which exists in meat, dairy, eggs, and poultry and is essential in the development of red blood cells and a healthy central nervous system. The common symptoms of B-12 deficiency include dementia, fatigue, hallucinations, balance problems, and vision disturbances.

People who have followed a vegetarian diet most of their life are more at risk of B-12 deficiency. Since B-12 can be reabsorbed, people who become a vegetarian later in life will typically do not display any symptoms of deficiency for as many as five years. It is a good idea to prevent deficiency from occurring because it is relatively difficult to reverse the effects of vitamin B-12 deficiency.

Vitamin B-12 deficiency can also result in increased levels of homocysteine in the body. Homocysteine is an antioxidant that when in high levels can have a toxic effect on the body. This is an important issue because as many as 20% of the people diagnosed with heart disease have elevated levels of homocysteine in their blood.

The recommended dosage of vitamin B-12 is 10 micrograms. If you follow a vegetarian lifestyle, it is recommended that you have your blood checked to check for deficiency. If your doctor detects that you have a B-12 deficiency, they will provide additional information about the amount of B-12 you should take.

Why not check out our nutrition guide at

and also what supplement we personally use for our nutrition needs at

Importance Of Food Supplements

What are food supplements and why do we need them? Food supplements are medicines we take to enhance our diets. They come in various shapes and sizes and a wide range of natural and synthetic elements.

At first glance it may seem that with all the processing and food technology our food goes through we really should not need these food supplements, as our food arrives to our tables looking so picture perfect. However when we look deeper we see a very different story.

Have you ever walked into your local grocery store and looked at the wonderful display of fruits and vegetables. The fruit is piled in beautiful pyramids and looks so good that you just cannot resist taking some home to eat.

The beautiful looking fruits we see in the stores with their shiny exteriors and inviting appearance are not what they seem. The shiny look is not the natural bloom of a healthy looking fruit it is merely wax. Why would our fruits be dipped in wax? The first reason is to preserve it in the long journey from the farm to the grocery store, and secondly to fool consumers into thinking that the fruit is better than it is by its glossy appearance.

When we dig even deeper into our piece of fruit we discover that nutrition wise it is not what it should be. From its very birth it has been subjected to artificial fertilizers and pesticides that have depleted its nutrient worth. Added to this it has been picked when it is unripe before it has had chance to produce the natural nutrients that should be present within it. Therefore the fruit we are so impressed with on the outside tells a very different story within.

It is not just the fruits in the store it is all the food that we buy and consume. When examined it will all tell the same sad story, things are not what they appear to be. This is why to preserve our health food supplements are necessary.

One of the most important classes of nutrients that should be found in natural foods like fruits and vegetables are Glyconutrients. They are a collection of 8 essential saccarides. They are:

• Mannose
• Glucose
• Galactose
• Xylose
• Fuctos (not fructose)
• N-acetylglucosamine
• N-acetylneuramic acid
• N-acetylgalactosamine

These Glyconutrients used to be found in many fruits and vegetables but due to the above mentioned facts are now found in lesser quantities. Therefore food supplements have been developed containing these nutrients. One of the best known is Ambrotose, originally derived from the Aloe Vera plant.

This supplement helps your body heal itself by strengthening the immune system. It also helps the body by aiding and healing the digestive system. Glyconutrients play a vital part in helping your body function well and maintaining your health. Many of the underlying health problems we face today are due to the lack of Glyconutrients. Taking these supplements will help you live a healthier life and enjoy life to the fullest.

Note: Glyconutrients are not intended to heal, treat, or cure any disease.

Importance Of Fat Soluble Vitamins

What are vitamins?

A vitamin is an organic (carbon-containing) chemical compound your body must have in very small amounts for normal growth, metabolism (creating energy in your cells), and health. Vitamins are needed to make enzymes and hormones, which are important substances human body uses to make all the chemical reactions, needed to live. Your body has no way to create vitamin molecules itself, so the vitamin molecules must come in through food that you eat. Most of us get enough of vitamins from our food, but it may be necessary for some people to take a vitamin supplement, because an ongoing shortage of vitamins will lead to failed health, weakness, susceptibility to disease.

The body needs at least 13 different vitamins to function properly: Vitamin A – Retinol; Vitamin B complex (B1 – Thiamine; B2 – Riboflavin; B3 – Niacin; B6 – Pyridoxine; B12 – Cyanocobalamin; B9 – Folic acid; B5 – Pantothenic acid; H – Biotin); Vitamin C – Ascorbic acid; Vitamin D – Calciferol (can be obtained through sunlight); Vitamin E – Tocopherol; Vitamin K – Menaquinone.

There are two types of vitamins: fat soluble and water soluble.

Fat soluble vitamins

Vitamins A, E, D and K are fat-soluble, they dissolve in fat but not water. Once these vitamins are absorbed by the body, they are stored mostly in the fatty tissues and in the liver. Fat-soluble vitamins can be stored in your body for up to six months. The liver provides the primary storage tissue for vitamins A and D. Vitamin E is stored mainly in body fat and to a lesser extent in reproductive organs. Relatively little vitamin K is stored. When you need these vitamins, your body takes them out of storage to be used.

Because you can store these vitamins, you don’t have to get a supply of them every day. However, eating fats or oils that are not digested can cause shortages of fat-soluble vitamins. On the other hand, getting too much of these vitamins, particularly vitamins A and D, can lead to toxic levels in the body and cause problems.

Vitamin A (Retinol)

Vitamin A, also called retinol, is a fat-soluble vitamin that has many functions in the body. It helps the eyes adjust to light changes, plays an important role in bone growth, tooth development, reproduction, cell division and gene expression. Vitamin A helps regulate the immune system, which helps prevent or fight off infections by making white blood cells that destroy harmful bacteria and viruses. Also, the skin, eyes and mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, throat and lungs depend on vitamin A to remain moist.

Signs of vitamin A deficiency are night blindness, dry scaly skin, low resistance to infection, poor tooth formation, slower bone growth, formation of gall and kidney stones, sinus troubles, poor digestion, ear abscesses.

Excess alcohol intake depletes vitamin A stores. Food sources of Vitamin A: liver, butter, whole milk, cheese, egg yolk. Food sources for Provitamin A: carrots, leafy green vegetables, sweet potatoes, pumpkins, winter squash, apricots, cantaloupe.

Vitamin D (Calciferol)

Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin that is found in food and can also be made in your body after exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun. Sunshine is a significant source of vitamin D because UV rays from sunlight trigger vitamin D synthesis in the skin.

Vitamin D plays a critical role in the body’s use of calcium and phosphorous. It increases the amount of calcium absorbed from the small intestine and helps form and maintain bones. Vitamin D also works together with other vitamins, minerals, and hormones to promote bone mineralization. Without vitamin D, bones can become thin, brittle, or misshapen. Children especially need adequate amounts of vitamin D to develop strong bones and healthy teeth.

Lack of Vitamin D may cause rickets and fragile bones, bowed legs, enlargement of the elbows and wrists joints, also muscle twitching and muscle cramps.

Excessive amounts of Vitamin D may result in general depression, abnormal calcium deposits in the blood vessel walls, liver, lungs, kidneys, and stomach. It may also lead to diarrhea and have other severe toxic effects.

Food sources of Vitamin D: Cod liver oil, salmon, mackerel, fortified milk and cereal tuna fish, sardines, eggs, liver (beef).

Vitamin E (Tocopherol)

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin. Vitamin E helps in the overall health of the sexual organs, is good for the skin and helps promote its healing. Is good for the heart and lungs. Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant, protecting vitamins A and C, red blood cells and essential fatty acids from destruction.

Lack of Vitamin E may cause sterility in both sexes, loss of hair, and miscarriage.

Food sources of Vitamin E: wheat germ oil, sunflower seed kernels, sunflower oil, safflower oil, hazelnuts, peanuts, corn oil, spinach, broccoli, kiwi, mango.

Vitamin K (Menaquinone)

Vitamin K plays an essential role in normal blood clotting and helps promote bone health.

Food sources of Vitamin K: dark green leafy vegetables, liver, olive oil, cottonseed oil. Vitamin K is also made by bacteria in the intestine.

Immune System Eureka

Archimedes: His Discovery was the “talk of the town.”

Archimedes, the ancient Greek scientist, was no exception. When his friend, King Hieron of Syracuse asked the famous scientist if the crown he was wearing was pure gold or if it was alloyed, Archimedes was stumped.

One day as he stepped into a bath, it came to him. The amount of water which overflowed was equal to the portion of his body placed in the bathwater. The same was true of gold…and its alloys. Gold displaced a certain amount of water. Alloys, like silver, displaced different amounts.

We’re told by historians, he was so excited about his discovery he ran through the town crying “Eureka!” (“I found it!”). He had discovered the principle of the immune system…uh, no, sorry, getting ahead of myself…the principle of buoyancy.

Of course, what I said earlier applies here. We scientists do go overboard sometimes. He was so excited, he forgot to… well… get dressed. So, everyone got what they wanted that day. Archimedes got his discovery. King Hieron got a new crown (his alloyed crown displaced too much water)…and the town got their “buzz.”

The immune system … finally.

Since the beginning of modern medicine, scientists have wondered how the cells tell the body there’s an infection here…or a dying cell, there. Did you ever wonder how the body knew where to send the relief which aspirin brings to a headache?

Now, we know. Over recent years, four Nobel Prizes have been won in the field of sugar…Formally known as glyconutrition, glycomics, or glycobiology (with every discovery –especially one as important as the immune system – scientists compete for names). So, you take your pick.

What’s so important here? Simply this. Before those four Nobel Prizes were won, we didn’t know how cells communicated. Now, we find the communication is done with eight essential sugars (No, not the table sugar we all are used to using.). Interestingly, the eight sugars are key to proper immune system functions.

All cells carry ID tags, so to speak. They are molecular structures called antigens. Each of these “tags” tells the immune system if a cell or other structure is a friend or foe.

A simple illustration may help here. Immune system cells roam throughout the body touching other body cells and asking one of several questions:

Are you a part of this body?
Are you well?
Do you need help?

It is the sugars cells use to code the answers so the immune system can understand cell response. Through the sugar code (the eight glyconutrients), the cells answer “yes” or “no”. If “no” to the first question, the immune system launches an attack upon the foreigner, an immune system rejection of the invader.

Unfortunately, some foreigners can mutate, so the immune system gets a signal it’s not used to getting…and must await further developments. That’s the reason we get different kinds of flu and colds. Interestingly again (it does get exciting here folks, I warn you…), those further developments involving immune system cell response, may be “sped up” considerably with a “ready supply” of glyconutrients.

If the cell answers “no” to the second question above, the immune system sends help, repair, or protection.

If the cell answers “no” to the third question, the immune system cell moves on to other cells.

Healthy cells, ones with ALL eight of the “sugars” on them… send the correct signals for the direction of nutrients, elimination of toxins (elimination works necessarily with the immune system), calling of antibody help (immune system), “requests” for elimination of dying cells (immune system again), signals of aberrant growth (immune system) …

On the other hand, when the immune system is NOT functioning properly (sugars are NOT in place nutritionally or malformed), we experience one of several immune system “reactions.”

For example, if the immune system is an over active immune system, we can experience allergies, asthma, eczema, lupus, psoriasis, MS, Rheumatoid Arthritis and diabetes.

If the sugars are not present, we can experience an under active immune system disorder. Such an under active immune system problem can lead to cancer, viral and bacterial infections, strep, sinus problems, Candida (yeast), Herpes simplex I and II, ear infections (moms take note for your young ‘uns), HIV, colds, bronchitis, Hepatitis B and C, flu, TB, urinary infections…among others.

Glyconutrients are immune system modulators. In other words, if the immune system is over active, they can help balance the immune system response. If the immune system is an under active immune system, the glyconutrients can boost the immune system strength.

Supplying the body with glyconutrients, may mean significant help for your body’s immune system in dealing with bacterial and viral infections, malignancies, fungus infections, bacterial infections, parasites and neurological problems.

Finally, glyconutrients significantly increase immune system cell (“killer cell”) response by as much as 50 per cent in people who are generally healthy. This means cutting back the incidence of infections, parasites and growths. The statistic in people with compromised immune systems is as much as 400 per cent!

Folks, that’s getting a lot of “bang” for your …uh…sugar.

Well, it is exciting. Sort of…


The Immune System

The immune system: Don’t leave home without it.

Imagine your reaction when you open a fortune cookie and it reads, “Psychics will lead dogs to your body.” Sort of unnerving, huh? It is, if you don’t first roll over in gut-busting laughter. But, I’m told, that really did happen… I don’t know the reaction of the person involved, but it could have been a bit uncomfortable. After all, why do we open the “fortune cookie” to begin with?

Anyway, people can be disturbed by things like that…and history is replete with such tales. As a physician, what amazes me is the fact we can be a bit uneasy about superstitious events but have no problem “leaving our immune systems” at home.

What do I mean? Let me explain.

Pollsters and advertisers tell us people will spend a fortune getting well, trying to cure or mitigate some disease or condition but will almost NEVER spend a dime PREVENTING disease or health conditions. This is a particularly important point when considering your immune system.

Again, as a physician, I was always amazed when I would tell someone what to do, as to NOT get sick again. Do you think they listened? Sometimes. But they ALWAYS spend a lot on getting well, if possible. That is particularly the case with immune system problems…and immune system problems are our biggest health worries, once they “hit” us.

When you go out into the world every day, try to remember you have an immune system designed to withstand the daily medical issues that afflict us. But, it needs help. Like any defense system, it needs replenishing so as to do its vital work. Immune system malfunction is at the root of most disease conditions.

But, that’s the problem. We can be superstitious about things which have no sound scientific basis to them. But, when warned about the potential failure of our body’s defense and replenishing system…the immune system, we go on without taking heed.

The Immune system: Quidquid praecipies, esto brevis.

In case your Latin is a little rusty, “Whatever you teach, be brief.” A wise maxim. So I will herein live up to it. Here goes: “If your immune system suffers, you will too.” Let me repeat that another way, “If your immune system becomes over active or under active…you could develop diabetes, cancer, arthritis, allergies, strep, bronchitis, tuberculosis and a host of immune system related conditions.

Solution? Well, given the scientific surge in glyconutritional research, the actual solution to these and many others has been, for many sufferers, glyconutritional products. Why? Glyconutrients are the key nutrients designed to strengthen the immune system.

But, why wait to get sick? Did you know that baby’s breast milk is loaded with glyconutrients? Given that, then it is a big non-surprise that their immune systems are well nourished and diseases often pass them by while others around them (including mama) are getting sick!

Did you know many plants (foods/herbs), which people from varying cultures have known about for centuries, actually aid the immune system? The following foods have been known for their “healing properties” over the centuries…and now, because of the boost given to the immune system of our bodies by the glyconutrients in them…we know why.

Immune system boosters: Aloe Vera, coconut, Astragalus, mushrooms (medicinal), Echinacea, some algae, garlic, pectin of fruits, some herbs, yeasts, maize, breast milk, certain saps, husks…

Note the fact the immune system can be kept strong so as to furnish maximum defense when we need it. Why not GET glyconutrional support for your immune system and PREVENT the kinds of conditions that bog you down?

Why suffer from multiple bouts of flu and colds? They are due to an under active immune system.

Why suffer from repeated forays of strep? It too is due to an under active immune system. Get an immune system boost through glyconutrition.

How about those ear infections in junior? Ear infections are due also, in part, to under active immune system conditions. Give them a boost. Glyconutritionals are non-prescription. They are also non-toxic (They’re foods!).

Are you ready for the allergy season? Allergies are the response to over active immune systems. Don’t groan. Cursing the darkness never CURED anything. Glyconutrional supplementation modulates the immune system also. That’s a fancy way of saying the immune system is regulated by the glyconutrients.

What about those of us who have been literally tormented, embarrassed, fatigued and distressed by acute sinus infections? Sinusitis is due, in part, to an under active immune system. I don’t have to tell you what a relief PREVENTION would be. NOT GETTING sinusitis is well worth it. On the other hand, most of us will continue to wait until our immune systems fail us…we get sick…miss work…sneezing all the time, excusing ourselves forever…

All of us see the wisdom in preventing the “let down” our immune systems will suffer IF we do not provide the nutritional strength needed, just as surely as not having vitamin C will ALWAYS result in scurvy. Remember, glyconutrients are NOT new vitamins, minerals, amino acids or enzymes. They are an entirely different nutrient. And they are food. Think NON-Prescription.

Of course, prevention is all it is “cracked up to be.” We see some expense (nothing like “sick bills” i.e. days lost at work, doctor’s visits, x-rays, prescriptions, weakness, suffering, etc.)…We see no apparent results (how do you “see” your immune system anyway?)…We stay healthy (because we aren’t sick to begin with!)…and we decide there’s nothing happening, so we quit prevention, thinking all is well.

Watch out for fortune cookies.

Hidden Dangers Of Taking Vitamins

Vitamins and supplements are common solutions to many relevant health issues. Moreover, government research has shown that over half of American adults take nutritional supplements daily. Yet each year, millions of people take these substances in the wrong dosages, in improper combinations or as part of fad remedies or diets.

Taking the wrong supplement is not just a matter of missing out on the benefits. In fact, thousands of patients experience serious side effects and illness from off-the-shelf vitamin and herbal solutions. In the case of the dietary supplement Ephedra, which has been used to help people lose weight or increase energy, there have been over 80 deaths linked to its use.

Some people also have exposed themselves to possible overdoses by taking a combination of herbal and vitamin supplements that contain overlapping doses of nutrients. Excessive doses of vitamin A, for example, can cause liver and nerve damage, bone loss and birth defects. Yet many off-the-shelf supplements contain more than twice the daily dosage of vitamin A that is considered safe.

Similarly, vitamin D can be so toxic when it is taken in large doses that it can cause the body to over-absorb calcium, even pulling it from the bones and potentially causing a wide range of serious health problems.

Because of the limited regulation in the supplement industry, some vitamins contain lead, which is toxic for the human body.

Recognizing the dangers linked to supplements and the confusion about taking such products, companies such as American Health Sciences developed supplement lines that work best when taken together and that are recommended by doctors nationwide.

The Clinician’s Choice line, for instance, is a family of toxin-free supplements designed to be taken together to efficiently deliver the purest essential vitamins and minerals directly to where the body needs them.

These pharmaceutical-grade supplements were created by a team of over 30 doctors with their patients‘ health and needs in mind and are manufactured to the highest standards possible.

Anabolic Steroids

Anabolic steroids are classed as illegal drugs and are banned by most legitimate sports organizations. There can be no disputing the fact that testosterone boosts the development of muscle mass and aids sporting performance. Equally there is no doubt that its use can adversely affect the health and wellbeing of users.

The androgenic properties of testosterone can affect the body in many ways but often users see these as inconveniences that can be treated by using other drugs. The most common side effects of testosterone supplementation include the following:

1. Testicle shrinkage – the body responds to testosterone overload by reducing its own production of the hormone. This causes the testicles to shrink due to lack of use. When steroid usage stops, the testicles will grow again but they could take at least six months to return to normal size.

2. Addiction – despite some users trying to convince themselves otherwise, the use of steroids can result in physical and psychological addiction. Withdrawal symptoms can be severe with muscle shrinkage, weakness and loss of libido.

3. Growth of breast tissue – this affects roughly one third of male steroid users. It is caused by the conversion of some excess testosterone into the female hormone estrogen. The breasts usually disappear when use of steroids ceases but in some cases they are permanent and may require surgical removal.

4. Baldness and skin conditions – excess testosterone can be converted into DHT, a hair unfriendly by-product that is responsible for male pattern baldness and oily skin.

5. Pain, bruising, infection and scarring may result from careless or incompetent injecting.

Some people have died as a result of steroid abuse and even those who adopt a careful, pragmatic approach have to accept that these health risks are unavoidable. My advice is, follow the natural route and use nutritional supplements to boost the anabolic process.

Green Food Supplement Alfalfa

The health benefits of alfalfa are largely unsupported scientifically, although there is plenty of anecdotal enthusiasm for it. Alfalfa is highly nutritious, containing approximately 16% protein, and 8% of minerals like calcium, iron, potassium, and magnesium. It also contains small amounts of the vitamins A, D, E, and K.

Alfalfa is believed to support the immune system, help in normalizing blood clotting, assist with the absorption of nutrients, alleviate hot flushes, cleanse the blood, and promote heart health.

New research also found that alfalfa sprouts and other sprouted vegetables (like broccoli and clover sprouts), may help protect new cells from DNA damage. In the trial conducted on human cells in vitro, researchers at the University of Ulster’s School of Biomedical Sciences found that whilst sprouts didn’t improve the health of already damaged DNA, it did protect cells from new damage. DNA damage is a biochemical indicator of cancer.

However, there are a few things to consider before adding a lot of sprouts to your diet, or supplementing with alfalfa.

Sprouts can harbor bacteria that leads to food poisoning. This is particularly of issue for children, the elderly, and people with immune related illnesses, like Aids. The problem can be eliminated if sprouts are cooked, but then you don’t get the benefit of all the enzymes in them, and some vitamins may be lost. There was an outbreak of salmonella in 2002 in California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Colorado, and the FDA recommends that sprouts be cooked first.

And in 1995, alfalfa sprouts were associated with an outbreak of salmonella in Chicago. 17 people experienced symptoms ranging from diarrhea, vomiting, fever, and headaches, and 4 people had to be hospitalized. Many organic growers, however, feel their seeds are safe, and the risk is exaggerated. Washing sprouts well can minimize the risk of bacterial poisoning like salmonella. Thorough washing also removes mold, another possible problem.

One potential issue intrinsic to alfalfa is that it has been associated with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) in animal studies (as opposed to human trials or cases). Alfalfa supplements have been associated with the activation of dormant SLE as well. SLE is an autoimmune disease, which can damage the kidneys and other organs.

Alfalfa can also interfere with the way the body uses vitamin E, and has been linked to abnormalities in the blood. These possible issues make taking alfalfa supplements long term a bit risky.

3. Dr Kenneth Cooper, Advanced Nutritional Therapies

Facts About Anabolic Steroids

Anyone involved in the world of bodybuilding, and competitive sport generally, will understand the pressures that go with striving to achieve optimal performance. Sometimes athletes feel they cannot reach their peak without artificially enhancing their powers of recovery from intensive training. One way to speed up this process is through the use of anabolic steroids. In this article we’ll examine what anabolic steroids actually do. In a second article we’ll focus on the dangers associated with steroid use.

The main active ingredient in steroids is testosterone which is well known as the major male hormone. Testosterone affects the body in two ways, either as an anabolic or an androgenic influence. The anabolic action helps build body tissue by increasing lean muscle mass and bone density. The androgenic actions are those that affect secondary sex characteristics in men.

In recent years research has provided some interesting information in relation to testosterone:

1. It affects muscle size through muscle fiber hypertrophy with an increase in the cross-sectional area of muscle fiber.

2. It takes a dose of at least 300 milligrams of testosterone to raise the body’s level above normal.

3. It acts directly on the muscle itself.

4. It stimulates the release of growth hormone.

5. It has an anti-catabolic effect.

From these facts we can deduce that testosterone is an effective aid to muscle building and that it must be taken in significant quantities to have this effect. As far as bodybuilding is concerned the science beyond this is somewhat limited as most users base their steroid regimes on little more than trial and error or the advice of ‚veterans‘. Due to the illegal nature of steroid use little scientific data exists to confirm the effectiveness of the many steroid supplements in use.

It is perhaps the tendency of some bodybuilders to use a combination of powerful steroids and other drugs that presents the very real dangers that have sometimes led to tragic conquences.

Effects of Steroid Use

One of the more interesting findings of the highly publicized testosterone-builds-muscle study recently published in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine is the lack of mental aggression seen among the participants of the study. This seemingly contradicts previous extensive medical documentation concerning the negative effects of anabolic steroids on psychological status, popularly known as ‘roid rage.

The finding in the NEJM study that 600 milligrams a week of testosterone didn’t produce adverse mental symptoms could be due to the brevity of the study or to the fact that not everyone responds to steroid usage – or to be more precise, abuse – in the same way. For example, in a report to the Endocrine Society in 1995, researchers noted that a deficiency of testosterone in 56 men produced personality characteristics (including anger and irritability) more commonly associated with steroid excess. When those 56 testosterone-deficient men were given supplemental testosterone injections, their personalities went from surly to genial.

A different conclusion was reached in a new study published in the Australian Medical Journal (165:222-26) that reviewed the evidence concerning the effects of anabolic steroids on the mind. Recent violent acts committed in Australia and allegedly related to steroid abuse seem to have precipitated this study.

The first case centered on a 29-year-old bodybuilder who beat his wife to death using a weapon described as a claw hammer. While he committed this horrific act, his four children were in another part of the house. He then shot himself in the head. Before this incident, his home life had been described as ‘‘happy.’’

This man had used steroids off and on for years, and seven weeks before the murder, he had used a steroid stack consisting of Winstrol-V and sustanon, both injectable steroids. A later urine test showed that he also used Valium, a muscle relaxant and anti-anxiety drug.

A second case involved a 22-year-old bodybuilder in Sydney. After taking a walk with a woman he had met in a nightclub, “something snapped” in the bodybuilder. He repeatedly bashed the woman’s head against a wall, then proceeded to kick her while she was lying on the ground. Although several experienced police investigators described the attack as the most brutal they had ever seen, the perpetrator of this deed merely left the scene and went home to bed.

This guy had just taken an eight-week course of Deca Durabolin, an injectable anabolic steroid. He said using the drug made him feel that he had “heaps more energy.” As well, he was “crankier, more aggressive, had an increased sex drive, and felt more uptight.” He had stopped taking the drug for two months, then resumed its use for three weeks before the murder. He was said to have come from a caring family and had never used drugs previously. He was also said to have never been violent. Significantly, he had drunk three liters of beer in the hours preceding the attack.

The author of this Australian review notes that steroids increase feelings of self-confidence, energy and motivation, as well as improve training ability. He also claims that the mental effects of steroids follow a continuum, often dependent on how large a dose is used or whether several steroids are taken at the same time. This continuum, according to the author, consists of the following:

• Early effects are reflected in mood changes and euphoria. Confidence increases, as do energy levels, self-esteem, motivation and enthusiasm. You experience less fatigue, sleep better and have an increased ability to train through pain. Sex drive usually increases, as does irritability, anger and a “strange, edgy feeling.”

• As doses increase or are taken for extended periods, a loss of inhibition occurs combined with impaired judgment, mood swings and grandiose ideas. This condition progresses until the user becomes suspicious, argumentative, impulsive and still more aggressive.

• Eventually, aggressive feelings reach a fever pitch, characterized by violent, hostile and antisocial behavior. This is full-blown ‘roid rage and can lead to self-inflicted injury, assault, divorce, domestic violence, child abuse and attempted murder. Not all people experience these feelings. Some researchers explain this paradox by suggesting that an underlying predisposition to such behavior can be brought to the surface by steroid abuse.

Another problem related to the psychological effects of steroids is what happens when the user stops taking them. Depression is common in former steroid users, who miss the elation brought on by the drugs. In fact, just about all positive mental feelings associated with steroid use reverse when one ceases taking them. The author of the Australian review says that, in some cases, violent behavior and moments of rage occur during the withdrawal phase.

Dependence on steroids can result when the user wishes to stave off loss of confidence as steroid-built muscles begin to atrophy. This dependence may also involve a modulation by steroids of brain chemicals, such as endogenous opioids, that control mood states.

An often-overlooked factor in discussions of the mental effects of steroids is how specific steroids modify behavior. For example, most studies that associate violent or antisocial tendencies with steroid use usually involve a more androgenic type of steroid, such as Anadrol-50 or testosterone. Animal studies in which mice were given a more anabolic, less androgenic steroid, such as stanozolol (Winstrol) documented no aggressive changes in behavior (General Pharmacology, 27:293-98).

Effects of Methamphetamine as an Addictive Substance

There are many myths and/or justification for taking all mind-altering substances and the use of methamphetamine, (meth, crank, crystal, speed, etc.) certainly has its share.

Probably the most detrimental myth about his drug is the idea that it is not addictive.Users of this drug will equate it to a potent caffeine-type substance, and in some ways they are correct.Methamphetamine and caffeine are both stimulants, but that is were the similarities end.A drug can be addictive at the psychological or physical level or both.However, all psychologically addictive drugs have a physical addictive component as well. The level of addiction is directly related to the amount of discomfort one experiences during abstinence from the drug.Everyone is familiar with the headaches that one can get when they have been drinking coffee on a regular/daily basis and then they abruptly stop.

The body gets accustomed to having coffee as an external stimulus and when that is removed, there is an adjustment that happens physiologically that causes stress.However, when a person uses methamphetamine on a regular/daily basis and stops, you find dramatic effects on the body.It isn’t uncommon for a person to sleep for over 48 hours after being on a “meth” run.The over-stimulated glands, especially the adrenals, will under-produce until they can re-establish normal activity again, and in the absence of these hormones, a person is barely able to keep bodily functions alive, so it becomes necessary for a person to sleep for long periods of time while normal equilibrium is being renewed.

Whenever the body is under extreme stress, the person’s emotions become unstable.In the case of the cessation of methamphetamine, one experience mild to severe depression, leading to suicidal thoughts.Knowing that one can stop these uncomfortable feelings by the use of more “speed” is the simplicity of this psychological addiction and the reason that most people will need professional care to progress without problems through this recovery.

Best Multi Vitamins Available

Yes, the best multi vitamins are indeed necessary. Unfortunately most younger individuals and those who are in relatively good health think that they don’t need to take the best multi vitamins, and that regular one a day vitamins like those found in most retail outlets will do.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

It’s a fact that there are many good vitamin benefits you will receive to help fight illness, curb the aging process, increase energy and so much more. However, keep in mind that not even the best multi vitamins can guarantee you’ll never get sick.

The best vitamin benefits come from the fact that you will achieve a much-improved level of health and help to fight off the possibility of many different types of disease.

There are two main types of ingredients that must be present in the best multi vitamins in order to receive the greatest vitamin benefits. They are nutritional; which include vitamins, minerals and key amino acids; and botanical which are basically herbs.

Because of many different factors, it is necessary for everyone young and old, healthy and unhealthy, to take the best multi vitamins.

One of the biggest reasons that you need to take the best multi vitamins on a daily basis is because of the depletion of nutrients in the soil used to grow our food.

The food that we eat can only be as good as the ground it was grown in and the farming practices used to grow and process it. Over the past century or so it has become so deprived of valuable nutrients that very little food has much more than trace amounts of the vitamins and minerals it once had.

There are a lot of farmers starting to produce organic food in recent years but it will still take a lifetime to be able to get any minerals and vitamins back into the soil. Organic food is free of pesticide and contains some more nutrients but not nearly enough to make a difference.

Another reason for a need for not only daily multi vitamins but, the best multi vitamins is that most fruits, vegetables, etc. are at least 7 days old by the time they make it to the store shelves.

Regardless if they are kept in cool storage conditions, the vitamin and mineral content in the food, as little as there is, will deplete with each passing day.

Here’s the way most of the fruit you buy is processed. First, it’s picked before being fully ripe and is then put into cold storage for many weeks or sometimes months.

Second: When the fruit is to be shipped it is sprayed with a gas in order to quicken the ripening process. The gas is supposed to be safe but that doesn’t matter. It doesn’t do anything to help retain vital nutrients.

Not all multi vitamin supplements are created equal. Some do not have the precise amount of magnesium needed to fight high blood pressure.

Whenever you hear of someone on the news or in a report in a magazine stating that multi vitamins are not needed, don’t believe them. It’s been proven that our food no longer contains the nutrients we need each day.

Here are some more facts about multi vitamins in order to be considered the best available.

Most health care professionals recommend the best multi vitamins for anyone who is under any type of stress, (most of us are on a regular basis) those who have any type of illness, are pregnant, etc. regardless of how good their diet is.

There are so many different vitamins and minerals we all need each day and we aren’t getting them from our diet. The answer? Take the best multi vitamins you can find, and do it each day.

The best multi vitamins may cost you a little more now, but the reward of a long healthy life makes it well worth it.

Benefits Of Natural Vitamins And Supplements

While there are many reports that have been released by health, nutrition and medical experts in the last several years that discuss the fact that a good number of men, women and children are obese and not eating properly, there is also a strong segment of the population that is concerned about their health and with nutrition issues. If you are a person who is concerned about what he or she eats, who is interested in understanding the connection between food and health, you will want to have some basic information about the basic benefits of natural vitamins and nutritional supplements.

Some research has suggested that synthetic chemicals that are utilized in more traditional forms of vitamins, minerals and nutritional supplements can have some residual effects that might not be healthy over time. Therefore, a growing number of experts are suggesting that a person who is interested in the best possible effects from vitamins and supplements avoid synthetic products because of the potential long term effects that might be inherent in the use of synthetic products.

Another benefit of natural vitamins and supplements is found in the fact that they are absorbed into the body quicker and more readily than are synthetic counterparts. In addition to being absorbed into the body faster, natural products also are absorbed more fully into the body than are synthetic products, as a general rule. As a consequence, you will be able to obtain a greater benefit from a natural product than you might from a synthetic cousin.

While a more tradition, synthetic vitamin or nutritional supplement product might be less expensive, you may very well end up saving money over time. Because there is some evidence to suggest that natural products interact better and more fully with the body, you literally get more bang for your cash when you use a natural product. By developing more healthy living style, you will be sick less and may even avoid some major illnesses.

In the final analysis, if you are interested in developing a truly meaningful plan for healthy living, you will want to take in the best possible foods, beverages, vitamins and nutritional supplements. To this end, using natural products as opposed to chemicals and nutritional products will have more beneficial effects on a person’s wellbeing and overall health.

As you go about considering vitamin and nutritional supplement choices, take the time to visit with your doctor or nutritionist to determine what products will best serve your particular needs.

Benefits of Multi Vitamin Supplements

The majority of people do not eat a sufficiently balanced diet to provide them with all of the vitamins that they require and this has led to a boom in the multi vitamin supplement industry. Multi vitamin supplements are available in a number of different forms, including tablets, gel capsules, and even liquids. Of course, the most obvious benefit to taking multi vitamin supplements is convenience. It is far easier for a person to take one dose of a multi vitamin supplement that contains all of the necessary vitamins compared to taking each one individually. This is especially the case for children as it can be difficult for them to take a large number of vitamin supplements but one dose of a multi vitamin supplement is far easier. Of course, a liquid multi vitamin supplement is the most suitable form for children; however, it also is beneficial to anyone who has difficulty taking supplements in traditional tablet form.

The increase in the availability of multi vitamin supplements has led to a great variety in the brands and the actual content of the multi vitamin supplements. The names of some of the nutrients in these multi vitamin supplements can be a little bewildering and many people simply do not know which ones they require. To make the decision simpler there are now a number of multi vitamin supplements created for specific people. For example, there are multi vitamin supplements that are designed for children. These multi vitamin supplements contain the specific nutrients that children need for them to grow and develop properly. Pregnant women have unique nutrient requirements to ensure that their baby receives the necessary nutrients and there are multi vitamin supplements prepared for pregnant women. As we get older, we also have different nutrient requirements and multi vitamin supplements for the elderly are a popular product.

It is important to consider the contents of any multi vitamin supplement before consuming too many. Some vitamins can be toxic if too much is absorbed and this can occur more easily with multi vitamin supplements as some of the content may be overlooked. The labeling of the actual percentage of the recommended daily allowance for each vitamin in a multi vitamin supplement should be clearly labeled and must be assessed before a person takes them. Always seek professional medical advice before taking any multi vitamin supplement if there is any doubt as to the benefits of the contents.

Benefits of Acidophilus

People know that bacteria are harmful to human’s health. It causes different types of diseases and may even cause death. Talks have been going around about good bacterias, yet so many people have great knowledge about them.. Good bacteria are the bacteria that give good effects and aid the body to achieve better health. One example of a good bacteria is the acidophilus.

Acidophilus or lactobacillus acidophilus is the most commonly used good or friendly bacteria. These bacteria inhabit the intestines and vagina and protect against the entrance and proliferation of harmful organisms that can cause diseases.

Acidophilus protects the body through different aspects. One mechanism is through the breakdown of its food. When food is brokedown, it leads to production of lactic acid, hydrogen peroxide and other by products that make the environment hostile for undesired organism.

Acidophilus offers variety of potential therapeutic uses. These include:

• Aids digestion and suppresses disease-causing bacteria.
• Treat overgrowth of bad organism in the gastrointestinal tract.
• Prevent and treat diarrhea, including the infectious diarrhea, particularly from the rotavirus.
• Alleviate symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome and possibly, inflammatory bowel disease.
• Replaces the friendly intestinal bacteria that are destroyed by antibiotics.
• Prevent and reduces the recurrence of vaginal yeast infection, urinary tract infections and cystitis.
• Improve lactose absorption in people who are lactose intolerant.
• Enhances the immune response. Studies have suggested that the consumption of yogurt and milk that contains specific strains of acidophilus supplements improve the natural immune response.
• Aids the treatment of respiratory infections such as sinusitis, bronchitis and pneumonia.
• Lower the risks of allergies such as asthma, hay fever, allergies to milk and skin reactions such as eczema.
• Help in treating high cholesterol.

Acidophilus is one of the good bacteria that should be part of the daily diet of humans. They can be taken and ingested in different forms, such as a drink or in capsule form.

Vitamins Overdose

We all know people who go to the local health store like GNC or High Health to get their supply of vitamins. They often go to these places because they feel or even know that they can get a better grade of vitamin there than at the local drug store or supermarket.

While this is not a bad idea, a lot of the vitamins sold at the health stores come in much too high of a dose per pill or capsule. Sometimes it is just the person’s belief that more is better, but all too often they purchase these mega-dose vitamins at the beckoning of the sales person working there who recommended them.

Long ago the U.S. government set the guidelines as to the proper levels of vitamins and minerals people should take and not exceed to help prevent overdose. Many people think that these assessed levels are too low, and believe that it is better to take much higher doses than what is recommended. The question is, is this safe to do?

Of course it is a good idea to take a vitamin and mineral supplement, but as it always was, it is still recommended that you get more of your vitamins and minerals from whole food sources. It is not a good idea to think that a poor, improper diet can be made up for by simply taking a handful of vitamin and mineral pills. While it is true that it is hard to get all of the vitamins and minerals you need daily from food alone, vitamin and mineral pills are only meant to fill these little gaps, not totally replace them.

When the Food and Nutrition Board of the Academy of Sciences set the recommended daily allowances for each vitamin and mineral, it was done based on studies that determined how much of each vitamin and mineral our body needed and how much we could reasonably obtain from food. It was determined that taking extra vitamins and minerals within the recommended guidelines was safe.

It is important to take vitamins and minerals because aside from being needed for normal bodily functions, they are important in fighting disease and helping to cure many ailments. Some people believe that they can prevent cancer, stop aging, ease arthritis, and help with lots of other conditions with vitamins. Billions of dollars are being spent on vitamins and minerals to be taken in mega-doses with the belief that they can cure many of their ailments.

There are many people who think that the RDA’s should be increased because they believe that the current recommended doses are too low. Recently, the RDA’s of some vitamins and minerals has been increased, such as vitamin C. However, the Food and Drug Administration has not been too eager to increase the RDA’s of others because there are studies that indicate that taking more is not better. In fact, taking too much of some vitamins and minerals can cause both a toxin buildup as well as a mineral imbalance in the body.

Taking vitamin E at more than 1000mg for example increases the risk for possible bleeding. It had always been believed that taking mega-doses of vitamin C can cure a cold and even prevent cancer. The FDA however believes that too much vitamin C can cause diarrhea. There are also studies being conducted that are beginning to hint that if you take too big of doses of anti-oxidants while being treated for cancer, you may be feeding the cancer cells, making them resistant to chemotherapy.

The best approach to taking vitamin and mineral supplements is to stay within a moderate dose. This means that you do not need the “super huge mega size” multi-vitamin pills often sold in the health stores. There are plenty of multi-vitamins sold at these health stores that are within good, moderate, acceptable levels of vitamin and mineral content.

Remember this also, when the sales person working there attempts to sell you the outrageously big vitamin pills, they are doing so because those vitamins are usually more expensive and will bring in higher commissions. The vast majority of the people who work in these health stores do not have any degrees or certifications’s in any area of nutrition and so are NOT qualified to determine how much of any vitamin or mineral you need.

If you think you may need more of any vitamin or mineral, the best approach is to consult with your doctor. Your doctor can assess your blood work results and determine whether you need more or even less of any of the vitamins or minerals.