Supplement Your Diet With Vitamin B12

Lack of a proper blood level in human beings is the major cause of the condition known as anemia.

Shortage of blood means erythrocytes or red blood cells will not be produced in the correct quantity.

The anomaly can be rectified with diets. Specifically, diets containing large amount of Vitamin B12 (cobalamin).

Studies show that some cases of Vitamin B12 anemic condition can lead to permanent brain damage.

The good news however, is vitamin B12 is present in almost all varieties of foods.

So long as you eat meat regularly, even just once a week, you are getting vitamin B12 in your diet.

Eggs, cheese, and dairy products are other examples of foods that contain this essential nutrient.

For vegetarians, fortified cereals and soy products offer plenty of vitamin B12.

But tarry a while, experts say the class of people most susceptible to low level of vitamin B12 intake are vegetarians.

The reason?

These people do not eat any kind of animal products. And some, apart from their disdain of animal products, do not eat fortified grains or cereals.

It is highly recommended that vegetarians should take vitamin B12 supplements regularly to compensate for its absence in their diets.

Don’t be among those who live under the illusion that certain vegetables have vitamin B12. The fact is only one plant has been proven to have a form of vitamin B12 that can be utilized by humans.

That plant is a Chinese herb known as Dang Guy. And it is not available in appreciable quantity everywhere.

So most vegetarians don’t really have any option than to take supplements.

The decision to change your diet to that of a vegetarian is not one only you can make. It’s a good idea to talk it over with your physician.

If you’ve been a vegetarian for sometime and haven’t had a medical check up and a blood test, then it’s about time you go in for one as soon as possible, even if you are feeling fine.

This is because vitamin B12 deficiency can take years to develop, and by the time you start to experience the anemia symptoms, you might already be in danger of permanent brain damage.

People, who due to surgery have had parts of their stomach removed are also very susceptible to deficiency of vitamin B12.

The parietal cells in your stomach (the same one that produces the acid which aids digestion) also produces a glycoprotein called „intrinsic factor“. This „factor“ must be present in the body for vitamin B12 to be absorbed.

In the absence of the intrinsic factor, you will require diets that contain a large quantity of vitamin B12 to avoid anemia.

People in this situation should also take vitamin B12 rich foods like liver for instance, to get the right amount of the nutrient.

If these suggestions don’t appeal to you, then you can take vitamin B12 injections.

Supplement Regulating

Under the Adverse Event Reporting (AER) bill before Congress, dietary supplements could eventually be taken off the over-the-counter status. In this day of offhand and frivolous lawsuits, Congress is poised to pass legislation that would allow private citizens to sue the supplement manufacturers, and possibly the marketplaces as well, for health related issues allegedly caused or aggravated by dietary supplements. Industry reporting of “adverse events” in a very formal way would also be a part of this package, much more complicated and detailed than that of the present requirements. The industry and the distributor could be held responsible in a court of law for the use or abuse of these supplements. This is akin to suing the butcher because I choked on a piece of steak, or maybe suing my barber because I’m not on the cover of G.Q. magazine. Ridiculous!

Given the circumstances of the proposed legislation, it may be fair to say that the parties responsible in bringing this issue out into the public and legislator spotlight are misguided, misinformed and ignorant. They fail to see the big picture, and the big picture is that the nutritional supplement industry will possibly be decimated with the passage of this bill. Along with Congress’ arrogant “bull in a china shop” attitude toward “protecting” the private sector, they are on course to remove our freedom of choice in health-related matters. Another real danger here is that the legislators are apt to accept the currently proposed AER bill because certain entities (Senator Dick Durbin) have threatened to re-introduce the issue upon defeat and include increasingly damaging restrictions to affect the industry. This is not about our protection. It is really about obtaining votes from an uninformed public by politicizing a nonexistent danger.

The AER bill before Congress is not a new issue. A very similar bill was defeated before the California Assembly in August of 2004. Many of the aforementioned reasons logically came into debate at that time. Wisely, the bill was seen for what it really is and was soundly turned away. The recent reasoning in Washington is that State-by-State regulating of nutritional supplements is practically non-existent, and when given the opportunity, as in California in 2004, “small-time” lawmakers from these States will completely botch the chance to adequately “protect” the average clueless consumer from this “real danger”.

Despite the resistance from Robert Brackett, director of the Center for Food Safety and Nutrition (CFSAN) at the Food and Drug Administration, Washington presses on. Mr. Brackett stated, in so many words, that there is existing and sufficient regulatory authority already in place through the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA). He further stated through testifying before Congress that the current administration has no plans to change current policy. He believes in the rights of the private citizen to make their own informed health choices when it comes to supplements.

The general manager for NSF International, Kathleen Jordan, testified at the same hearing before Congressional lawmakers that the development of the Dietary Supplement Certification Program speaks volumes for informing and allowing consumers adequate protection from the unregulated sale of supplements. The non-profit and non-government organization is leading the way in sane and fair ideas like the recently developed NSF/ANSI Standard 173, which ensures proper nutrient count and identification of contents. On one point, everyone seems to be in agreement. That is, tighter control of anabolic steroids that were once contained in products marketed as ”sports supplements”. The misuse of the term “supplement” in this case is one of the reasons that people are confused on the difference between dangerous substances like steroids and harmless nutrient supplements like vitamins, minerals and herbs.

Most people who take vitamins and supplements are on their self-imposed schedule that is usually based on the recommended daily allowance (RDA). I take vitamins and supplements every day and the amounts I take are based on the RDA, and the recommendations of my physician. In other words, I have supplements in my system all the time, as I routinely stay on schedule with this. If I were to believe that RDAs of vitamins, minerals and herbs would adversely affect my health in any way, I would stop taking them immediately. Many people that hear of this bill before Congress are going to believe that a real danger does exist just because it is at issue. Others, who inevitably experience failing health in one form or another, will also remember that a dietary supplement debate raged on for years.

If the outcome of the legislation is to allow frivolous lawsuits to ensue, they will surface, even if the supplements have absolutely nothing to do with their ills. The eventual outcome, sadly, is predictable. Every ailment known to man will be blamed on these harmless supplements, the industry will be forced to regulate in order to protect their bottom line, and you won’t be able to get dietary supplements without a prescription from your MD. When you then drive to your local drug store and are forced to pay hundreds of dollars for mere dietary supplements, remember that you had this one chance to voice your opinion by writing, calling or emailing your Senator or Congressman.

Fax Senator Dick Durbin at 202-228-0400, Fax Senators Tom Harkin at 202-224-9369 and Orrin Hatch at 202-224-6331Fax Senator Michael Enzi, Chairman of the Senate Subcommittee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, at 202-228-0359. Tell them that you demand the freedom to make your own health related and nutritional supplements decisions. The truth is this: The AER bill is wrong! It is wrong for the private citizen and it is wrong to the dietary supplement industry. It is wrong for America!

Steroid Mistakes

One of the biggest problems in today’s society is that people are always looking for the quick fix. We are all influenced by television and magazine adds that’s why they are there. Everyone should keep in mind the old saying „If it sounds too good, it is probably a lie.“ The fact is: there is no miracle pill or drug that you can take to change your body composition overnight (or in a few weeks for that matter). If you aren’t satisfied with yourself and want to make a change, the ONLY way is to work at it. You must keep a healthy lifestyle!!!

Only after you have a healthy diet, workout, sleep schedule, and the ability to keep it consistent, will supplements help you. This goes for steroids as well. Of course, some supplements, like andro products, creatine, and protein meal replacements, will be of some benefit to someone who may not have everything in place but, they are still not going to help to their full capacity. You have to help them help you. You have to feed your body well, so they can be used to their full potential.

Steroids will only be a true benefit to a person who has paid the price of time and hard work in the gym. A person who hasn’t will certainly see gains after using a steroid correctly, however, the chance of them being quality gains is very low and the person will certainly loose the bulk of them. In short, nothing, not even steroids, can change the way you look in the long run without hard work and discipline.

If you ask ten athletes how steroids are best used you will get ten different answers. If you ask for a reason such as why or how come you will get replies such as the following: „The other guys in the gym do it just the same way;“ „I have heard that a certain pro is taking the same compound;“ „I read in the book that with this one can obtain fantastic results;“ and many more can be heard. These statements only reflect what unfortunately is not reality: hardly a athlete knows how steroids should best be used. What shall be taken in what dosage for how long? Is it better when I try this combination or should I rather try another? If I could only know whether my preparations are really originals? Despite the fact that steroids have been used to improve sports performances for more than thirty years most athletes are still uncertain. Thus they can be easily manipulated and influenced. The so-urgently needed information is missing since there are no useful published scientific exams, helpful physicians who are familiar with this subject are few, special magazines conceal the problem, and top athletes deny that they ever used steroids. Consequently, many mistakes are made which, if at all, result in unsatisfying results and the often unnecessary side effects. Although the range of mistakes made is very far-reaching, some stand out since athletes keep repeating them. Everyone taking steroids or considering taking them should read this carefully in order to be sure that he will not be one of the several thousand athletes who keep making just these mistakes.

1. The use of excessive dosages:

Bodybuilders like extremes more than any other athlete. One acts according to the classic incorrect assumption that „more is better.“ If five tablets work well, then ten must double the effect. With such an attitude the door is open to potential side effects, and it is not even justified by a clearly improved effect. The effectiveness of almost all steroids is dosage dependent up to a certain degree and is achieved when the bonding potential of steroid molecules and steroid receptors is exhausted. When the receptors of the muscle cell are saturated the remaining steroid molecules begin looking for another target. Liver dysfunctions, kidney dysfunctions, hair loss, acne, high estrogen levels, reduced production of the body own hormones, and aggressiveness often have their origin in dosages which are too high. So called mega doses do not result in a distinctly higher strength and mass gain. Those who believe that 50 Dianabol and 1000 mg testosterone per day is the only way to an „ideal body“ have, to put it mildly, the wrong information.

2. Duration of intake is too long:

The non-stop use of steroids is not recommended for most athletes for two reasons. First, when high dosages are taken over a long time, the risk of potential side effects increases considerable. The chances of organ damage are especially high when oral 17-alpha alkylated steroids are continuously taken. Second, such a behavior is very dubious since the effect of the administered steroids weakens after a certain time which, with a higher dosage or a different preparation, can only be stopped briefly. Everyone should know that the stronger the steroid the faster its effect decreases so that the use over a long period of time is even more foolish. Will Anadrol the gain increase usually is reduced after only 3-4 weeks while with Deca Durabolin, for example, often continuous progress can be obtained over 10-12 weeks.

3. The use of the wrong steroid preparations:

Not all steroids are the same. One must make a clear distinction between highly androgenic, potentially-toxic steroids such as Anadrol, Methyltestosterone, Dianabol, Halotestin, etc. and the weaker androgenic, predominantly anabolic and less toxic preparations, such as, B. Primobolan, Deca Durabolin, Oxandrolone, Andriol, and Winstrol, Since, above all. the First mentioned drugs are the ones which cause the several side effects it makes sense to reduce their intake to a maximum of 6-8 weeks. Especially women, young adults, and older athletes should be very cautious when selecting steroid preparations. It would also be desirable that the general public and the media consider this distinction in their future negative general opinions and articles.

4. The selection of an unfavorable intake schedule:

The effectiveness of every steroid program can be considerably increased by a clever combination of steroids since they have a synergetic effect. This means that with a low total dosage one can obtain better results. Since various receptors are attacked it is possible to delay the receptor saturation so that the steroid combination will remain effective over al longer period of time. At the same time potential side effects can be minimized. Instead of, for example, taking 50 mg Dianabol per day, the athlete should take 20 mg Dianabol/day and 200 mg Deca Durabolin/week. Generally one can say that best results can be obtained by combining an oral with an injectable steroid. The combination of two oral preparations such as Dianabol with Anadrol or Oxandrolone with Methyltestosterone makes less sense. Since the protein-building and nitrogen-retaining effect of most steroids decreases after a few weeks one should begin with a low dosage which is increased slowly and evenly during the intake interval. Athletes whose steroid cycle is longer than 6-8 weeks should usually switch to a completely different combination. Another frequently-made mistake is the sudden interruption of the steroid regime. Many side effects, a possible rebound effect, and strength and weight loss can be minimized if the dosages are decreased slowly and evenly. This also includes that at the end of the intake interval not the highly effective steroids such as Anadrol and testosterone are taken but that the athlete switches to milder preparations and includes these during discontinuance.

5. The use of fakes:

To correct this problem is very difficult for most athletes since the black market with its overwhelming preponderance of faked steroids represents the only source of supply. Unsatisfying results, often no positive results at all, and an unusual number of side effects are unfortunately common and caused by the use of fakes. Many faked steroids are impure, do not contain the alleged substances, are often considerably under dosed or contain something completely different as specified on the label.

6. Disinterest in periodical exams by a physician:

Every athlete who takes steroids should have a physician periodically check his blood, urine, ph value, liver values, and the blood pressure. As important as the preliminary implementation of these tests is the right timing. It is important that the First exam is carried out before the regime. Thus it can be determined whether the athlete has the physical condition to use steroids or, based on certain factors should avoid certain preparations. This also helps obtain reference and comparison data so that in a later exam possible changes in results can be easily determined. The second exam is recommended 5-6 weeks after the steroid intake. Further administration of steroids should depend on the result of the exams. If the results are acceptable, four weeks after termination of the steroid program another test should be made to check whether or not possible smaller deviations were normalized. Have your physician give you a written copy of your blood results and check the Various values together with your physician.

7. Negligence of external factors:

The use of steroids alone does not guarantee impressive results. Their effect strongly depends on four individual factors which together have a synergetic effect and are therefore called the magic rectangle: Training, nutrition, rest, and attitude. Especially when steroids are taken many athletes have a tendency to neglect these important requirements.

Some Dangers One Can Expect From Taking Extra HGH

HGH (Human Growth Hormone) has become a popular supplement for those wishing to increase their body mass and strength. But as with all shortcuts in this area, there comes the natural dangers and side effects usually not listed by those selling HGH products. The number one, best way to get HGH is naturally, through a good weight-training program. The second best way is through prescription HGH, approved only by your doctor, which has been approved by the FDA (which are normally by injection only, not pills or sprays). Trouble is, most of the over the counter HGH supplements are not FDA approved and provide the most risk and most dangers for those taking them.

Prescription HGH injections (not those prescribed over the web, by a doctor in Brazil) work well, but as with all drugs, come with side effects. The most obvious one is that since the prescription injections are so strong and provide you with more HGH than your body needs, your body will essentially decide that is has enough HGH and stop making it naturally. So injection HGH should be taken only with a doctor’s advice or a doctor’s supervision. But let us talk about the possible dangers if you come across fake or counterfeit HGH supplements. If the FDA or DEA doesn’t approve it, it is probably a fake. If it is cheap, it is probably a fake too. A years worth of HGH injections can cost about $10,000. But do you really want to take the „cheap“ way out when dealing with your health and body?

Some typical dangers of any HGH product are a higher risk for developing forms of cancer and even diabetes. Some people even reported a resistance to their insulin. Carpal tunnel syndrome, while common for anyone who uses a computer daily, can become inflamed. Some female patients of HGH report gynecomastia (enlarging of the breasts). Since HGH helps repair bones too, taking extra HGH can cause acromegaly, which is an unusual growth in bones of the wrist and hands. Also on the feet and ankles.

Information about Steroids and Supplements

This drug is unique (so far as I know) in that 5a -reductase, the enzyme which converts testosterone to the more-potent DHT, actually converts nandrolone to a less-potent compound. Therefore this AAS is somewhat deactivated in the skin, scalp, and prostate, and these tissues experience an effectively-lower androgen level than the rest of the body. Therefore, for the same amount of activity as another drug at the androgen
receptors (ARs) in muscle tissue, Deca gives less activity in the scalp, skin, and prostate. Thus, it is the best choice for those particularly concerned with these things. Its effectiveness at the androgen receptor of muscle tissue is superior to that of testosterone: it binds better. Yet, it gives only about half the muscle-building results per milligram. This I think is a result of its being less effective or entirely ineffective in non-AR-mediated mechanisms for muscle growth.

It also appears less effective or entirely ineffective in activity on nerve cells, certainly on the nerve cells responsible for erectile function. Use of Deca as the sole AAS often results in complete inability to perform sexually. These problems can be solved by combining with a drug that does supply the missing activity: e.g. testosterone.

Nandrolone is proven to be a progestin. This fact is of clear importance in bodybuilding, because while moderate Deca-only use actually lowers estrogen levels as a consequence of reducing natural testosterone levels and thus allowing the aromatase enzyme less substrate to work with, Deca nonetheless can cause gyno in some individuals. Furthermore, just as progesterone will to a point increase sex drive in women, and then often decrease it as levels get too high, high levels of progestogenic steroids can kill sex drive in male bodybuilders, though there is a great deal of individual variability as to what is too much.

Incidentally, this progestogenic activity also inhibits LH production, and contrary to common belief, even small amounts of Deca are quite inhibitory, approximately as much so as the same amount of testosterone. To some extent, nandrolone aromatizes to estrogen, and it does not appear that this can be entirely blocked by use of aromatase inhibitors – indeed, aromatase may not be involved at all in this process (there is no
evidence in humans that such occurs) with the enzyme CYP 2C11 being in my
opinion the more likely candidate for this activity. In any case, Cytadren, an aromatase
inhibitor, has not been found effective in avoiding aromatization of nandrolone.

The drug is moderately effective at doses of 400 mg/week. The long half-life of nandrolone decanoate makes it unsuited to short alternating cycles, but suitable for more traditional cycles, with a built-in self-tapering effect in the weeks following the last injection.

Trivial name Nandrolone
Systematic name Estr-4-en-3-one, 17-beta-hydroxy-
CAS registry number 434-22-0
ATC code A14AB01
Merck Index Number 6391
Chemical formula C18H26O2
Molecular weight 274.401 g/mol
100% (Intramuscular)
Metabolism Hepatic
Elimination half-life 6 days
Excretion Undocumented
Pregnancy category X
Routes of administration Intramuscular

Should You Be Taking CoQ10

In my quest for the „supplemental“ truth it seems necessary to explore the qualities of the latest hot supplement topic: Coenzyme Q10. Everywhere I turn these days, I’m reading about the benefits which range the gamut from anti-aging to heart protection. But, is Coenzyme Q10 right for you? Read on!

First: The Claims:

A Rich Source of Anti-oxidants:
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), also known as ubiquinone, has been documented as a rich source of anti-oxidants. In much of the research and articles I’ve read, CoQ10 is consistently thought to act in much the same way that vitamin E does. In fact, CoQ10 has been found in many studies to be much more effective than vitamin E in lowering cholesterol and creating an optimum environment for the cells to create energy. Other strong anti-oxidant qualities include: the reduction in risk of heart disease and regulation of blood pressure.

Stimulates The Immune System:
CoQ10 has also been shown to be an important component in the function of the immune system. It both inhibits bacteria as well as increases immune function. It also increases white blood cell production. In many cases when the body is deficient in CoQ10 (which becomes more common as we age) the immune system becomes compromised. Supplementation can often counteract this.

Anti-aging Qualities:
Studies also suggest there is possible anti-aging effects in CoQ10. It has been shown to slow the aging process through its antioxidant qualities. Anti-oxidants, as we know, prevent „free radical“ damage – the instability of cells which causes them to mutate unnecessarily creating everything from sun damage to cancer. CoQ10 has also been noted to increase endurance during exercise and is currently being used as a therapy and reversal for Alzheimer’s.

Heart Health :
CoQ10 depletion has also been linked to hypertension. Therefore supplementation of CoQ10 is currently being used as a natural remedy to decrease blood pressure. It is also recommended in reducing the risk of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and for prevention of the oxidation of LDL cholesterol which causes plaque.

Oral Health:
Like green tea, CoQ10 has been thought to promote oral health. CoQ10 is supposed – in many studies – to slow or arrest periodontal disease. CoQ10 also protects the gums and heals damage from gingivitis as well as protects teeth from cavities.

Weight Loss:
Obesity can lead to a decrease in the production of CoQ10. Therefore, in many of the studies I found, supplementation of CoQ10 was given to both to patients suffering from obesity and patients looking to manage weight.

The Bad News

What’s the bad news? Not much. There doesn’t seem to be any documented toxicity from supplementing with CoQ10. However, if you are pregnant or a nursing mom it would be best not to take this supplement as the long terms effects have not been recorded. Some reports suggest CoQ10 will decrease the effectiveness of warfarin – a blood thinner, but there is no evidence to suggest it is decidedly so. Finally, the dosage should not exceed 200 mg per day as this – in some cases – has been shown to cause diarrhea and nausea.

Other FAQ’s About CoQ10:
How much CoQ10 is enough to reap the benefits? For Best results (in the literature I consulted) 1, 30-60mg capsule up to 3X per day is a safe dosage when taken with meals. When choosing a supplement, it is important to be sure the capsule is in CoQ10’s natural form which is dark bright yellow in color.

In Summation:
Once again, in this scientist’s opinion, I would mark CoQ10 as being well worth your consideration. Do your homework, however. As with any change in your healthcare program, always consult your healthcare practitioner. If you are on any other medications be sure to talk to your doctor or pharmacist about the possibility of interaction. Conduct your own research project. Here are some great resources that will help get you started.

Research for this article has been created through careful consideration of research and articles appearing on WebMD and though several working texts which include:

Balch, Phyllis A., CNC. Prescriptions for Nutritional Healing. New York: Penguin Putnam, 2004.
Khalsa, Dharma Singh, M.D. Food As Medicine. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2003.
Mindell, Earl, R.P.h., Ph.D. The Vitamin Bible. New York: Warner Books, 2004.
Mindell, Earl, R.P.h., Ph.D. Prescription Alternatives. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2003.

Vitamin E is safe

At a recent conference, scientists that specialize in nutritional oils met to examine vitamin E, discuss recent scientific advances and answer questions raised by a highly publicized 2004 article in Annals of Internal Medicine. Their conclusion was that vitamin E is safe and offers well-documented health benefits.

The Hot Topics symposium at the American Oil Chemists Society annual meeting in St. Louis, Missouri, covered „extensive science supporting the role of various vitamin E constituents with careful evaluation and scientific discussion by the large audience of oil chemists,“ said conference moderator Professor Ronald Watson, Ph.D., University of Arizona. Attendees also discussed recent research that has identified a group of components of natural vitamin E, the tocotrienols, which may be effective in treating strokes and for nerve regeneration.

In his presentation, Neil E. Levin, a Chicago area clinical nutritionist with an extensive background in vitamins, reviewed the large number of scientific studies showing that people taking the anti-oxidant vitamin E had better heart health.

Negative Study Had Flaws

Although the authors of the negative study admitted it had flaws and cautioned not to generally apply their results, that review still influences media reports on vitamin E safety. More rigorous reviews, such as in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, concluded that the data actually showed no risks at doses up to 1,600 IU, but that clarification failed to stem the negative reports that caused a reported 19 percent drop in vitamin E use.

Needlessly Scared Away

„Most reporters are not trained to understand scientific jargon, and certainly not to scrutinize how a study is conducted to sniff out inaccurate conclusions, but they have needlessly scared people away from an important vitamin that is deficient in most Americans‘ diet,“ Levin said.

„Conflicting evidence has left consumers unsure of vitamin E’s benefits and wary of harm,“ Professor Watson said. „Poor journalism has created consumer confusion.“

Treat Your Scars With Vitamin C

Scars spoil our look. Whatever makeup or skin treatment we do, scars can be barely hidden. Deep scars and raised scars are a big problem to hide. Treating them at doctor’s place may be a costly procedure also involving time and pain. What should one do? As far as deep scars are concerned, we have to learn to live with them unless we are ready to o to a doctor and get them treated. For not very deep scars there is hope with Vitamin C topically. Let us find out more.

Scars- what are they?

Let us find out more only about mildly deep scars. These scars are healed skin lesions. The only difference is that some collagen is missing from the bottom of the scar. It therefore looks depressed. You can get this collagen refilled with an injection at regular intervals or try to use Vitamin C and find out if you are getting satisfactory results.

Vitamin C – What does it do?

Vitamin C encourages production of collagen and elastin in the skin. With more collagen and elastin, the skin looks healthy, young and the scars don’t look that prominent. Along with this Vitamin C also helps us in other ways. Vitamin C is a very good anti oxidant. Vitamin C kills free radicals. Free radicals damage our body and cause rapid aging. Vitamin C neutralizes these free radicals and keeps the skin healthy. Vitamin C also helps in sun protection. With Vitamin C, sunburn damage reduces considerably.

Vitamin C topicals

please consult your doctor about vitamin C topical formulations. Vitamin C is very unstable and your doctor will guide you best about which brand to use. Your doctor will also guide you about your scar concerns and how Vitamin C will help. Please remember that application of Vitamin C only for it’s anti oxidant properties is a great benefit.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.


Rudolf Weiss, the German herbalist, has some interesting ideas on low blood pressure. He describes it as being simply an aspect of a more deep seated problem. He also believes that when people have low blood pressure but no symptoms, that it does not require treatment. I do not suggest that this should replace your doctor’s advice though! But I find it interesting, as a possible complementary treatment option, to consider his view that low blood pressure is the product of a weak circulation. As such, gentle herbs that support circulation may be a useful adjunct to whatever other therapy is suggested.

He stresses the underlying factor of a regulatory imbalance. And he suggests herbs like rosemary, that have a tonic effect, would be a useful support. Particularly in times of mental or physical stress, or after surgery, or some other illness that may have weakened the body, like the flu. He does say that treatment should only be for a limited time. He makes the point that life insurance statistics indicate that people with hypotension on average live longer than people with blood pressure in the normal range. (Weiss, p185)

Rosemary is quite a diverse herb. It is used effectively for headaches, particularly migraine. The herbalist Michael Tierra writes that many headaches are caused by stomach problems, and that the volatile oils in rosemary have a very beneficial and calming effect on the stomach. Rosemary also contains salicylic acid, which is the precursor of aspirin. Though being in plant form it doesn’t have the long term side effects.

Rosemary is excellent for the circulation, and is often prescribed by herbalists for circulatory weakness (Fisher & Painter). The active constituents known as the flavanoids are heart and blood vessel tonics. So, as well as hypotension, rosemary is suggested for poor circulation, hypertensive headaches, and arrhythmias.

Externally, rosemary spirit is used for rheumatic problems (Weiss). It can also be massaged into the heart area.

Another active constituent of rosemary is rosemarinic acid, which is a phenolic acid. Rosemarinic acid has an anti-inflammatory effect. A study found that a rosemarinic preparation was effective in treating allergic asthma. It has also been found to suppress synovitis in mice. Synovitis is an inflammation of the lining of the joints, with swelling, which is quite painful. It is involved in rheumatoid arthritis. Rosemarinic acid can also prevent the activation of prostacyclin and complement, which leads to hypotension (Fisher & Painter).

Overall, this suggests that scientific research supports the herbalist’s uses of rosemary for hypotension, poor circulation, and rheumatic problems such as rheumatoid arthritis. One problem has been that products which contained rosemary had quite low concentrations, although some supplement manufacturers have begun to make a very concentrated rosemary product. Concentrations of rosemarinic acid in these range from 5% to 70%. And given that rosemarinic acid is an incredibly powerful antioxidant as well, this would make it a good choice for preventing heart disease.

References: 1.
2. C Fisher & G Painter, Materia Medica Of Western Herbs For The Southern Hemisphere
3. R Weiss, Herbal Medicine
4. M Tierra, Planetary Herbology

Role Of Nutrients In Hair Growth

Hormones and Vitamins play an important role in the Hair growth. Hair consists of a pigment called „Melanin“ which also occurs in the skin of human beings. This pigment is responsible for the dark nature of the skin and hair. In Young people, hair has large number of melanin pigments which leads to Dark nature of the hair and with the increase of the age, the no. of melanin pigments decreases, leading to whitening of the hair in old People. In older poeple, the follicles produce thin and long hair, and also sometimes also do not produce any hair. This is the cause for the Baldness in old people.

Alcohol effects hair growth, i.e. Alcoholics have poor hair growth or they experience hair loss due to malnutrition.
The Essential mineral for the growth hair is – Zinc (Zn) which is responsible for hair growth and also prevents hair from becoming Greyish in nature. Hormones and vitamins also have an essential role in hair growth –
Androgens are helpful in hair growth and also helps in Strengthening of Hair Shaft but are present in different ratio in men and women.

The Female hormones called Oestrogens decreases the growth of hair during the growth of the induvidual. During Pregnancy there is difference in hair growth as blood cntains more amount of Oestrogens at that time.

The effect of Androgens in male is different in many people, that is the reason some people do not get beard and hair on the chest upto a certain age of above 25 and a few get at an age of near 20.
Vitamin B – Panthenol Helps in maintaing the growth of hair and also contributes to the elastic nature and strength of the hair. Steroids taken by Asthma patients through inhalation does not effect the hair growth, but if taken orally, will slow down the hair growth.

Finally, Hormones are genetically produced and are determined and they help in growth of the hair.

Review on Noni and its health benefits

Noni (Morinda Citrifolia) was originally indigenous to Southeast Asia but thanks to the Polynesians, the Noni plant has been domesticated and cultivated around the world. Today you can find Noni in India, Tahiti, the Caribbean, South America, West Indies, and Hawaii. When Noni ripens on the vine it has a rancid smell and tastes somewhat cheesy described by those who have eaten it ripe off the vine. Noni has a long list of medical uses in many of the aforementioned cultures.

In many cultures the Noni fruit, flower, leaves, bark and root have all been used for medicinal purposes. The Polynesians have a long history of use for this plant. It has been said the leaves can be mixed with oil and applied to the skin to help with rheumatic pain, inflammation, gout, ulcers, neuralgia, cough and colds, ringworm, and boils. It has even been said that the juice could help control blood sugar in adults. In 1930’s the Noni fruit was used internally for a wide range of aliments. Noni fruit can be used as a cleansing formula, to help remove intestinal worms, and to help improve respiration and lung function.

Noni is packed full of phytonutrients and vitamins such as the following:

* anthraquinones
* damnacanthal
* Vitamin A
* octanoic acid fatty acids
* linoleic acid
* oleic acid
* acetic acid
* palmitic acid
* esters
* Ketones
* lactones
* alcohols

The above list of phytonutrients and vitamins in Noni can also help the body fight microbes, help fight against inflammation, help fight carcinogens, and boost the immune system. In research conducted on mice, Noni has been shown to boost the immune system directly by increasing the activity of macrophages and or lymphocytes in the immune system. In recent studies, the polysaccharides in Noni have shown to exhibit an anti-tumor effect and when taken in conjunction with chemotherapeutic agents it can help improve recovery time.

Noni has been traditionally used as an analgesic pain reliever and sedative. Researchers recently put this to the test with mice in an experiment and found that in fact Noni did demonstrate a non-toxic analgesic pain relieving effect and sedative effect on the mice. The researcher’s findings did confirm the traditional analgesic properties and uses of the Noni plant.

Noni is a valuable medicinal plant, given the recent discoveries about Noni the future looks bright for this plant, but further studies should be performed to discover its full potential. If you want to relax one evening, drink some Noni tea and if you have a headache or mild aches and pains in the body, try Noni which comes in a liquid, capsule, or tea bag forms.

Goji Berry Benefits

Goji, Lycium barbarum, has long been used as a general energy restoring tonic tea, its leaves and berries have a wide range of benefits from skin rashes to eyesight and diabetes. A tea made from the berries has been known to lower blood pressure and cholesterol, help with eyesight, vertigo, menopause complaints, impotency, and help improve liver and kidney function. The bark and root can be used as an antibacterial to control coughs, lower fevers, and control blood pressure and cholesterol as well.

Goji is rich in natural phytonutrients and vitamins such as:

* Polysaccharides
* Zeaxanthins
* Flavonoids
* Carotenoids
* Riboflavin
* Ascorbic acid
* Thiamine
* Nicotinic acid
* Glycocojugates
* monosaccharides
* 17 Amino acids

As you can see Goji is rich in nutrients and traditionally was made into a juice to drink from the berries, this poses a problem in the supplement industry because in order for the juice to be preserved it needs to be pasteurized, pasteurization is heating the juice this could destroy the important nutrients in the berries. Preparing the Goji berry as an extract and standardizing the berries to its polysaccharide fraction (LBP) is much more desirable and all the research has been done on the LBP.

Goji has been shown to impact the immune system in a positive way, boosting production of the immune system proteins IL-2 and tumor necrosis factor-alpha in vitro. Also, Goji extract has increased the production of lymphocytes an important white blood cell involved in immunity. Feed your body the right nutrients to boost the immune system and your body will fight off cancer and disease.

Every day our bodies produce damaging free radicals that cause oxidative damage to every cell in the body, when these cells are damaged they can go on living replicating them selves causing all sorts of damage and cancer. Goji is high in antioxidants and these antioxidants can help the body’s cells protect its self form free radical oxidative damage. Recent research has suggested that free radical damage to the body can cause premature aging, so consuming quantities of supplements and herbs that protect one from free radical damage can help slow the aging process, it’s by far the fountain of youth supplement but may help one live long and disease free.

Animal research has shown Goji to protect DNA from damage and accelerate the rate at which DNA is produced. Also, Goji protects the liver which makes Goji similar to milk thistle in action. Goji has been shown to be a good adaptogen, helping the body recover from exercise and help the body restore muscle and liver glycogen, this berry could be promising for bodybuilders and the exercise enthusiast.

Resveratrol Capsules

In an effort to discover the therapeutic effects of diverse plants, scientists have started to isolate different substances thought to be benefic. One of the examples that can be given is represented by Polygonum Cuspidatum, from which Resveratrol (3, 5, 4’- trihydroxystilbene) was isolated and taken for extensive research. Today, that substance is known extremely well and it appears to be more beneficial than anyone could ever imagine. Available over the Internet, Resveratrol is a constitutive element of red wine and in studies, has shown that one of its most powerful effects is the protection offered for the cardiovascular system.

From the moment when it was isolated and up to the present time, many discoveries have been made about Resveratrol and its effects. Studies have been performed on mice and the findings were more than satisfactory. It seems that a high Resveratrol dose has amazing effects, not only cardio protective but also inhibits tumor growth (Resveratrol supplements have been considered for their chemo preventive action in studies) and even increases the lifespan of lab rats. All these effects have been observed in the studies made on Resveratrol molecule, and has been made available now on the Internet in the form of health supplements.

As everyone knows, a large percent of the studies made on mice have provided answers to treatments that can be performed or given to humans. Resveratrol capsules contain a high dosage of Trans-Resveratrol that may offer all the effects presented above and even some that are still being studied. The Resveratrol molecule is known to reduce inflammation caused by immune mechanisms in affections such as psoriasis and Chron’s disease, representing much more effective alternatives than other options considered. Also, the same Trans-Resveratrol in the herbal capsules is known to reduce the stress levels in rodents and thus, protect the organism from further disease.

If you are interested in Resveratrol, make sure that you read some of the conclusions presented by the studies made and also what the recommended doses compare against those doses given in studies. Don’t be scared if the doses recommended are high as they need to be that way in order for the substance to be as efficient as possible. Try the 1000 mg Resveratrol capsule with Trans-Resveratrol from natural herbs and you will definitely be impressed with the results. They represent exactly the kind of new dietary health supplements that can positively produce results. In studies, Resveratrol shows that it protects the heart but also your circulatory system, reducing the risk of vascular attack. It is a well known fact that much of the ischemic and vascular attacks are caused by increased stress. Resveratrol allows the body to respond better to stress even though the mechanisms by which this substance acts have not been completely elucidated.

As a final conclusion, there are three things one must understand about Herbal Resveratrol. First, it appears to require higher doses than one can get from wine in order to have improved beneficial effects. Second, it is 100% safe and in studies, has an effect on a wide variety of illnesses (inflammatory, cancerous and age-related such as Alzheimer). Last, but not least it represents a natural herbal supplement, which is an incredible natural advantage over a hard drug. It can be taken by those interested in dietary regimes, in capsules of 500 or 300 mg. Just make sure that you do not give Resveratrol supplements to children under the age of 18, as the studies on child development are still not conclusive. Other from that, feel free to take advantage of all the potentially amazing benefits brought on by the Resveratrol herbal capsules!

Relieving Chemical Addictions

It is not uncommon for those who remain totally chemically free to simply substitute their chosen matter with excessive use of another addictive meaning, such as refined sugar, caffein, or nicotine. The term dependence encompasses almost completely asymmetry and self-destructive behavior. Chemical and codependency tin create an illusory sense of well-being, but in the end, it severely damages physical, emotional, and Negro spiritual wellness. At that place ar underlying metabolous malfunctions common to almost totally forms of addictions.

Sugar is the foremost „addictive, yet legal“ kernel used today. Several other drugs such as amphetamines, psychedelics, cocaine, , and nicotine temporarily increase the release of boodle into the bloodstream; this creates a „high“ through a procedure similar to that involving bread and alcoholic beverage. These drugs also duplicate the mood-inducing effect of the consistency’s endorphins, chemicals which transmit messages to the brain that help to relax the nervous organization or make it „smile.“ In that location many degrees of addictions. Some people mildly addicted to 1 or 2 cups of coffee or a few teaspoons of cabbage. Others consume II to three quarts of drinks with More significant amounts of clams.

At the other end of the spectrum addicts drinking pints of intoxicant daily, shooting heroin and doing large amounts of various drugs. The first base step is making a decision. It’s pickings and life into your have hands and departure your possess means.

It is not leaving it altogether to the doc, patronizing the local pharmacist and going away along the same old habits that brought on the trouble in the first gear place. It is a retracing outgrowth, a path that leads to restored . It is the rebuilding of the consistence. Other methods may provide symptom easing, but easement without correction leads only to a Thomas More chronic or degenerative condition.

Are you free from most unhealthy habits. In your diet, do you stress the vital foods: fruits, grains, vegetables, and nuts. Do you engender to bed early and father enough sleep. Do you mother plenty of fresh air, sunshine, exercise, and contact with nature. If you answer YES to whole of these questions, you rich person come a long agency toward purification of the bodily temple.

Achieving balance requires fetching the meter to care for yourself. You may motivation to take steps to rejuvenate a badly damaged liver or build a strong resistant organisation. Regular nourishing and balanced meals crucial as nutritional supplements. No I toilet repair a lifetime of instability in a week. Catherine Howard Peiper is a nationally recognized expert in the holistic guidance field and a retrieval master. Peiper’s healing, healthcare and natural professional person credentials extend over a 30- year period and include those of naturopath, author, lecturer, magazine and radio consultant and co-host of a television program.

He has co-authored 12 books including The Secret of Staying Young, All Cancel Anti-Aging Diet, A.D.D.: The Lifelike Approach, Born(p) Solutions for Sexual Enhancement and Are You Poisoning Your Pets. Leslie Howard Peiper takes clip out from his busy counsel schedule to share a passion with readers: convalescence. From boosting the system of rules to doing a systemic cleanse, he offers easy-to-follow tips for the physical side of healing. „For complete healing you motive to sire in touch with the apparitional side as well,“ the good physician says.


Many people are unfamiliar with probiotics, but there are studies to show that these supplements may be beneficial in the treatment of various ailments. Probiotics are dietary supplements that contain possible beneficial bacteria. Certain types of yogurt, for example, contain probiotics in therapeutic quantities. This simply means that some foods contain enough of this supplement to be helpful and is measured in quantities where it cannot be overindulged.

Probiotics are believed to assist the body’s digestive system and are sometimes recommended by physicians. More frequently, however, probiotics are recommended by nutritionists as part of a healthy, well balanced diet program. Some theories even exist that suggest these dietary supplements may help to strengthen the immune system. While there is no recorded evidence to suggest that probiotics can replace damaged parts of the body’s digestive tracts, there is proof that it can form temporary associations that may help to produce the same functions while the damaged areas have additional time to recover. By allowing the body with additional recovery time, probiotics may offer both valuable and temporary assistance.

In addition to aiding in digestion and improving the immune system, probiotics are also thought to help prevent constipation, reduce the occurrence of insomnia and may help to reduce stress-related ailments. Stress is believed to be responsible for the onset of many illnesses, which is why research continues in an attempt to find ways to help reduce these ailments. What is one of the main illnesses related to stress? The answer is high blood pressure which, alone, can be extremely dangerous and may lead to other problems if not maintained.

Certain types of commercial products, namely health foods, contain a specific amount of probiotics. As mentioned previously in this article, such products may include yogurt or sauerkraut. Probiotic foods and dietary products are the most common forms of the dietary supplements, but tablets and capsules are also sometimes made available. Individuals may ask their physician about various types of foods and the amount of probiotics that each contains.

This article is to be used for informational purposes only and is not intended to be used as professional medical advice. The information contained herein should not be used in place of, or in conjunction with, a doctor’s recommendation . Prior to beginning any treatment regimen, including one that involves the use of probiotics, an individual who develops an illness of any type should consult a licensed physician for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Prenatal Vitamins

Whether you’re pregnant or just considering having a baby, you probably have a dozen things on your mind. While images of a blanket swaddled newborn might dance in your head, you’re probably considering other issues like bottle versus breastfeeding, what type of maternity clothes to buy, and what names you might choose for your little bundle of joy. If you’ve visited your OBGYN for your prenatal appointment or simply to discuss getting pregnant, your doctor has probably prescribed prenatal vitamins.

Prenatal vitamins are by no means necessary for the health of your newborn, but they can be a good safety measure to ensure that your body is getting all the nutrients it needs during this especially important time. If you’re very health conscious and eat the right foods, chances are that your body is getting the nutrients it needs. However, during pregnancy many women experience nausea and sickness or simply find they have cravings for certain foods that may not be the healthiest choices. A prenatal vitamin can fill in the gaps, making sure your baby gets all the vitamins he or she needs to grow and thrive.

Among the benefits of a prenatal vitamin is the fact that it ensures your body gets an adequate amount of iron. Studies have proven that most women don’t consume enough iron during their pregnancies. Iron deficiency can result in anemia, a condition that can easily be avoided by taking a proper prenatal vitamin.

Another important component of prenatal vitamins is folic acid. Important in pregnancy, folic acid has been found to reduce the risk of birth defects. In fact, many doctors recommend that women who are trying to conceive begin taking a folic acid supplement or boosting their folic acid consumption at least one month before trying to get pregnant.

Although prenatal vitamins are not a necessity, they certainly contain many benefits. With one dose a day, you can rest assured that your baby-to-be is receiving all the nutrients he or she needs, keeping his or her development and growth right on track so you increase your chances of having a healthy newborn.

Prenatal Vitamin Supplements

When a woman id pregnant it is good for them to have all the nutrients they need during pregnancy. You should discuss it with your doctor about prenatal supplements. So you know which to take and which to avoid. You should only take the supplements if you have talked to a medical professional. Because there are some supplements that prove to be harmful to the pregnancy, so you should really be cautious.

Most adults do not need more vitamins in their diet, as they have a well balanced diet. But sometimes pregnant woman don’t always get all the nutrients they need. But they must be very careful not to take anything that can be harmful.

They should really be cautious about vitamin A. But if they do need vitamin A, they should look for vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene. Beta-carotene can be found in many fruits and vegetables. Prenatal vitamin supplements that contain vitamin A from animals can cause birth defects. If you take them in high doses during their pregnancy, so it is much safer to get beta-carotene in fruits and vegetable and it will not be toxic in high doses.

It would be a good idea for pregnant women to discuss prenatal vitamin supplements with their health practitioner at their prenatal check-up. The practitioner can examine their current dietary requirements and see if the supplements are required.

Many times a doctor will recommend folic acid vitamin supplements in the first trimester of a woman’s pregnancy. Also folic acid is prescribed the months prior to becoming pregnant. This will help the baby’s brain functions.

Although prenatal supplements can be helpful during a woman’s pregnancy, it can also be harmful. Be sure to talk to a doctor before starting any prenatal supplement. The most important thing is you and your baby’s health.

Pharmaceutical Grade Vitamins

Vitamins are necessary for human life and health. They are required in minute amounts, and with the exception of Vitamin B12, cannot be manufactured in your bodies. These organic compounds need to be obtained from diet, and if deprived of a particular vitamin, you will suffer from disease specific to that vitamin. It is a matter of record that you are not getting enough vitamins. Though we Americans are living longer, our quality of life leaves much to be desired.

The thirteen different vitamins are classified into two main categories:

· Water Soluble Vitamins – They dissolve easily in water. They are Vitamin C and the eight types of Vitamins B, B-1, B-2, B-3, B-5, B-6, B-7, B-9, and B-12.
· Fat Soluble Vitamins – With the help of lipids, they are absorbed through the intestinal tract. These vitamins are Vitamins A. D, E, and K.

The term Vitamin does not mean to include essential nutrients, such as, dietary minerals, essential fatty acids, or essential amino acids; neither does it mean to include other nutrients that just promote health, and may not be essential.

The Different Grades of Vitamins
Vitamin supplements are taken by more than 75% of the world’s population. With the plethora of different brands, it becomes difficult to know what is what. Vitamins and other nutritional supplements are made from three different grades of raw materials:

· Pharmaceutical Grade – It meets pharmaceutical standards
· Food Grade – It meets standards for human consumption
· Feed Grade – It meets standards for animal consumption

The main difference is of quality and purity. Due to the addition of various other substances, no product is 100% pure. Pharmaceutical Grade Vitamins must be in excess of 99% purity containing no binders, fillers, excipients – substances used as diluents for a drug – dyes, or unknown substances. Regular Vitamins of the other two grades are available as Over The Counter (OTC) products, whereas pharmaceutical grade vitamins are only available through prescriptions.

Pharmaceutical grade vitamins are formulated to yield a higher degree of bioavailability – the degree at which the vitamin is absorbed into a living system. As these vitamins can be absorbed into your body quickly, they improve and enhance the quality of your life rapidly.

Of late, the American vitamin industry has gained a lot of bad reputation, and many feel it is rightly deserved. People walk into stores and pharmacies to buy regular vitamins. In some of the cases, the ingredients specified on the label are not in conformity with what they find inside the bottle. A variety of ingredients do not absorb into the body.

More and more people are opting for pharmaceutical grade vitamins, as they are available through prescriptions from doctors and licensed medical practitioners. Pharmaceutical grade vitamins, vis-à-vis regular vitamins, have been tested for their quality and ability to give results. They are tested by third parties to confirm that the bottles contain what they profess to contain.

PCA Rx the answer to bodily toxicity

PCA-Rx is an advanced living answer to the toxicity in our body. Unsuspectingly most of the inhabitants of our planet go all the way through their lives unwillingly accumulating a wide selection of metals and toxins as well as many other sources of contamination in their system. Daily conditions such as the air we inhale and food that we consume, the vaccinations for the many ailments around, the drugs that our doctors prescribe to help us feel better as well as our homes all contribute to the extent of toxic exposure we face on a day to day basis and will ultimately become ill through. A quantity of the injurious contaminants that can noiselessly accrue within our body comprises of heavy metals, some of which are lead, mercury and aluminum, potentially deadly chemicals, vaccination residue, plaque, pesticide miscellany as well as many others.

All of these collect within the blood cells and lymphatic fluid as well as the cerebral and spinal fluid. PCA-Rx efficiently, naturally and soothingly helps to eradicate the above mentioned contaminants in addition to any other contaminants which do not form a innate element of those three primary bodily pathways. PCA-Rx has also been found to have a astoundingly positive effect on the symptoms connected with environmental illnesses and further circumstances where toxic exposure is suspected.

PCA-Rx is the outcome of many years of meticulous study and development. It is a living bacterial organism inside a bottle. This is a powerful, but harmless alternative to established chelation healing that uses the distinctive concept of clathration to purify the body of the unwanted and potentially hazardous toxicity. While chelation is typically achieved using drugs and chemicals, PCA-Rx is a living formulation that is in reality composed of helpful bacteria and additional microbes that, when utilized, become an accepted, living element of the body’s immune system. PCA-Rx is the most efficient nutritional support product available as a physiological toxin remover and cleanser.

PCA-Rx is a living organism. It is a potent means of detoxification that successfully removes heavy metals and toxins as well as any additional detrimental contaminants from the body . PCA-Rx is an alive, biologically-active formula which contains numerous beneficial microorganisms that safely and efficiently purify the systems of people who have to endure the effects of heavy metal toxicity in addition to the continuing buildup of prescription drug leftovers, infectious proteins, vaccination residue, chemicals, pesticide components, vascular plaque, mycoplasmas, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and many other physical pollutants. While doing this it does not eliminate any beneficial minerals from within the body’s structure. PCA-Rx would be very valuable for anyone living or working in areas or industries where mercury, lead and any further toxic metal exposure exist, as well as being advantageous for people who have mercury amalgam dental fillings or the people whose bodies have reached toxic saturation point for other reasons.

Health care professionals have for many years, been utilizing a variety of substances inside the realm of chelation therapy in an endeavor to successfully purify their patients‘ bodies of selected toxins and heavy metals; their hard work have been met with some degree of success, but also measurable side effects. After many years of widespread research into the functioning of the human body and its immune system, PCA-Rx has now been established as one of the most potent and effectual chelating substances discovered to the present date. Its exclusive deployment of clathration as its approach to heavy metal and toxin removal will transform this structure of chelation therapy eternally. 

• PCA-Rx’s main specified uses are:
• Removing heavy metals – including mercury
• Attaching to and removing many hurtful toxins +
• Removing cardio and cerebral vascular plaque
• Helping to rid the of body of harmful mycoplasmas
• Helping lower elevated enzyme counts
• Helping those suffering from environmental sickness
• Providing a less invasive form of chelation
• Detoxify through normal bodily functions

Healing Power of Vitamins

Since the early 1900s there has been research involving natural alternative medicine. Many of these early researchers risked their reputations, careers and even their freedom for pursuing natural medicine research. In this report we will identify some of the notable examples of physicians who came to identify the power of natural medicine.

Dr’s. Wilfred and Evan Shute. In 1933 Dr’s. Wilfred and Evan Shute were some of the first doctors to use large doses of vitamin E to treat heart disease. At that time, antioxidant’s and free radicals were rather obscure concepts in the chemistry of oxidation, far removed from issues of health and disease. Also at that time, using vitamins to treat serious diseases such as heart disease and diabetes was considered by the medical establishment as misguided at best and outright fraud at worst.

In 1985, Linus Pauling wrote: „The failure of the medical establishment during the last forty years to recognize the value of vitamin E in controlling heart disease is responsible for a tremendous amount of unnecessary suffering and for many early deaths. The interesting story of the efforts to suppress the Shute discoveries about vitamin E illustrates the shocking bias of organized medicine against nutritional measures for achieving improved health.“

Dr. Szent-Györgyi. Dr. Györgyi became interested in a chemical agent, present in plant juices, which had the effect of delaying oxidation, such as the browning of a sliced apple exposed to the air. He suggested that this agent, which was also present in cabbages and oranges, was the mysterious Vitamin. By 1933, he had isolated the substance in kilogram lots and named it „ascorbic acid“ which means „the acid which prevents scurvy.“ In 1937, he won the 1937 Nobel Prize for his discovery of vitamin C. He was the first to predict the use of Vitamin C for cancer.

Irwin Stone, PhD Irwin Stone became interested in the anti-oxidant properties of ascorbic acid, then newly discovered, as a means of protecting food against deterioration. He continued his study of vitamin C for the next 50 years, and in the 1950s he established that humans would benefit from ingesting much larger amounts of ascorbates than the medical and nutritional establishments considered adequate.

Dr. Fredrick Klenner. „In the early 1950s, Dr. Fredrick Klenner began his work with mega doses of vitamin C. He used doses up to 100 grams per day orally or intravenously. In clinical reports he recorded the excellent response he saw when it was given in large doses. For example, polio patients given vitamin C suffered no residual defects from their polio. A controlled study in England on 70 children, half given vitamin C and half given placebo, confirmed that none of the ascorbates treated cases developed any paralysis while up to 20 percent of the untreated group did. This study was not published because the Salk Vaccine had just been developed and no one was interested in vitamins. Dr. Klenner’s work was ignored.“

Dr. Klenner was the first physician to emphasize that small amounts of ascorbates do not work. He said, „If you want results, use adequate ascorbic acid.“ As a result of seeing consistent cures of a great variety of viral and bacterial diseases with huge doses of vitamin C, he published over twenty medical reports. Orthodox medicine’s rejection of his lifesaving work stands as a reminder to all medical mavericks practicing today. „Some physicians,“ Klenner wrote, „would stand by and see their patient die rather than use ascorbic acid because, in their finite minds, it exists only as a vitamin.“

Dr. William J. McCormick. Over 50 years ago, it was Toronto physician William J. McCormick, M.D., who pioneered the idea that poor collagen formation, due to vitamin C deficiency, was a principal cause of diverse conditions ranging from stretch marks to cardiovascular disease and cancer. This theory would become the foundation for Linus Pauling and Ewan Cameron’s decision to employ large doses of vitamin C to fight cancer.

Over twenty years before Pauling, McCormick had already reviewed the nutritional causes of heart disease and noted that four out of five coronary cases in hospital show vitamin C deficiency. McCormick also early proposed vitamin C deficiency as the essential cause of, and effective cure for, numerous communicable illnesses, becoming an early advocate of using vitamin C as an antiviral and an antibiotic. Modern writers often pass by the fact that McCormick actually advocated vitamin C to prevent and cure the formation of some kidney stones as far back as 1946.

Linus Pauling, PhD It was two-time Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling who coined the term „ortho molecular.“ Ortho molecular medicine describes the practice of preventing and treating disease by providing the body with optimal amounts of substances which are natural to the body. Pauling identified sickle-cell anemia as the first molecular disease and subsequently laid the foundation for molecular biology, and then developed a theory that explained the molecular basis of vitamin therapy. Irwin Stone first introduced Pauling to Vitamin C, recommending 3,000mg a day, which was 50 times the RDA. Pauling and his wife began taking this amount, the severe colds that he had suffered from several times a year all his life no longer occurred. After a few years he increased his intake of vitamin C to 100 times, then 200 times, and then 300 times the RDA (now 18,000 mg per day). Pauling lived to be 93.“Professor Pauling, as always, is ahead of his time. The latest research on vitamin C substantiates his twenty-five years of advocacy and investigation on the benefits of vitamin C.“, said J. Daniel Kanofsky, MD, MPH, Albert Einstein College of Medicine.10

Dr. Josef Issels. Because of his well-known professional skills, his kindness, and relatively high rate of survivors, many cancer patients in the terminal stage came to consult German Dr. Josef Issels. In 1951, one wealthy and grateful patient funded his private clinic, where he continued his successful work until 1960, when he was arrested by the German ‚Kriminalpolizei‘ on the instigation of his medical opponents. He had to close down his clinic for years, in spite of a report from an independent scientist who had concluded that, of 252 terminal cancer patients with histologically proved metastases, 42 had survived for at least five years (17%) with the Issels therapy. For terminal patients, such a score is disproportionately high.

Issels believed that cancer was the end stage, the ultimate symptom, of a lifetime of immune system damage which had created an environment for the tumor to grow. He argued that conventional therapy just looked at the tumor without recognizing this longtime pre conditioning period. Dr. Issels saw the body as having great potential to heal itself. Good nutrition and a clean environment were central to his therapy.

In the end, Issels was proven to be right. From 1967 to 1970, Professor J. Anderson of King’s College Hospital and member of the World Health Organization inspected Issels‘ reopened clinic. He confirmed the highly significant survival rate of Issels‘ terminal cancer patients. His legacy is continued by the work of his wife, Ilsa and his son Christian.

Dr. William Kaufman. Dr. Kaufman was among the very first physicians to therapeutically employ mega doses of vitamin B3 (niacin, or niacin amide). He prescribed as much as 5,000 mg of niacin amide daily, in many divided doses, to dramatically improve and restore range of joint motion in arthritic patients. Kaufman said, „I noted that niacin amide (alone or combined with other vitamins) in a thousand patient-years of use has caused no adverse side effects.“

Over 50 years ago, Kaufman showed remarkable foresight half a century into the future of ortho molecular medicine, describing how the lack of a just a single nutrient can cause diverse diseases, including what is now known as attention-deficit hyper activity disorder.

Emanuel Cheraskin, MD, DMD. Dr. Cheraskin was among the very first to recognize and demonstrate that oral health indicates total body health. „Health is the fastest growing failing business in western civilization,“ he said. „Why is it so many of us are 40 going on 70, and so few 70 going on 40?“ The answer, he said, was our neglect of the paramount value of nutrition, an educational deficiency that Dr. Cheraskin devoted a lifetime to eradicating.

Hugh Desaix Riordan, M.D. Hugh Riordan was one of the most knowledgeable, both as a maverick par excellence and as an historian of mavericks. Hugh was an ortho molecular fighter, who fought hard and consistently on behalf of ortho molecular concepts. He was challenged legally when he wanted to treat his patients with high dose vitamins in the hospital. He won. He was the first to demonstrate how large doses of vitamin C are chemotherapeutic for cancer patients. His main work had to do with the schizophrenic syndrome and with the treatment of cancer using nontoxic vitamin C chemotherapy. Hugh was the leader in making available to cancer patients a treatment that is effective, safe, economical and very tolerable.

Abram Hoffer, M.D., PhD Dr. Abram Hoffer has spent the past five decades conducting research related to the practice of ortho molecular medicine, which emphasizes the use of nutrients in optimum doses for the treatment of a wide range of diseases.

In 1952, Dr. Hoffer and his colleagues began developing a more effective treatment for schizophrenia that involved a biochemical hypothesis. They tried two nutrients: vitamin C and vitamin B3. He found that we could halve the two-year recovery rate of patients just by adding these vitamins to the program. This was the first major systematic attempt to use large dosages of vitamins therapeutically. In 1955 he also discovered that niacin lowered cholesterol levels.

These pioneers and others were first ridiculed, and were ignored by the medical establishment, but were eventually proven to be right.

In part three of The Power of Natural Alternative Medicine we will discuss why modern physicians are slow to accept and recommend natural alternatives to prescription drugs. This publication is courtesy of RMBarry Publications who publish various books about Melaleuca Products (also commonly misspelled as meleleuca).