It’s no wonder we are pretty confused when shopping for vitamins. We’ve been told, for example, that a good vitamin supplement would boost our energy level. In fact, we’re told this constantly: in magazine arti- cles, television media, the plethora of vitamin- promoting infomercials, web sites, and pop-up ads on the Internet.
So when you arrive at the vitamin shop, you’re already at a complete loss (and may have forgotten altogether) why you’re even there, and end up like many of us, just not taking any vitamins at all because it’s all so…so…confusing!
Vitamin World, Vitamin Gallery, The Vitamin Patch, Vitamins for Vegeterians — the vast array of shops, whether online or in your neighborhood, all beckon, promising renewed everything. If you have any health problem or complaint known to man, you’ll find a good vitamin supplement (or 12 to 15 of them) to straight- en out your suffering right away.
The good thing about vitamins (just one of many) is that they’re really largely „natural,“ with very few containing harmful or otherwise irritating, toxic chemicals.
To put it plainly, vitamins are good for us because they are derived largely from natural plants and min- erals. That’s the basic fact. And the benfits are many; it’s difficult to take the „wrong“ vitamin, and it certainly can’t hurt you, so why not give it a swing? But remember: Take everything in moderation.
Beta-carotene, for example, is thought to protect against cancer and heart disease. It can dramatically boost the immune system and is a powerful antioxidant, which controls those „free radicals“ we’ve all heard about and prevents them from causing damage to cells that lead to premature disease and aging.
Biotin metabolizes protein, fats, and carbohydrates. It also helps in energy production, and there is some proof that it can help people with diabetes by keeping glucose levels reduced. Other benefits include healthy hair, skin and nails, and reducing fatigue, heartburn and some allergies.
Folic acid is famous among women who are trying to conceive and those already pregnant. Other benefits include keeping your heart strong, increasing energy and helping ward off Alzheimer’s disease.
Vitamins and minerals are now seroiusly recognized in playing a role in the health and vitality of every organ in the body, from skin and bones to the nervous and immune systems, right up to the brain. Vitamins can lower cholesterol levels, help wounds heal more, raise your sperm count and make you more resistant to colds and flu, asthma, cataracts, and even gum dis-ease.
Again, you really can’t go wrong with vitamins. Look beyond the fancy marketing and packaging. The key is to focus on your particular ailment and go straight to the natural remedy. Don’t let all the hype distract or confuse you; all you really need to do is keep it plain and simple.